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Arquivo Monster



// OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#ifndef __MONSTER__
#define __MONSTER__

#include "monsters.h"
#include "raids.h"
#include "tile.h"

class Creature;
class Game;
class Spawn;

enum TargetSearchType_t

typedef std::list<Creature*> CreatureList;
class Monster : public Creature
		Monster(MonsterType* _mType);

           std::string name, name, nameDescription;
           MonsterType* mType;
          // void onThinkEffectFeed();
          // void onThinkEffectFeed_Raiva();
          // void dropHungry();
		static uint32_t monsterCount;
		virtual ~Monster();
		std::string name, nameDescription;
int32_t level;
double bonusAttack, bonusDefense;
        void setIdle(bool _idle);
		static Monster* createMonster(MonsterType* mType);
		static Monster* createMonster(const std::string& name);
		static Monster* createMonsterNick(const std::string& name, const std::string& nick);
		virtual Monster* getMonster() {return this;}
		virtual const Monster* getMonster() const {return this;}

		virtual uint32_t rangeId() {return 0x40000000;}
		static AutoList<Monster> autoList;

		void addList() {autoList[id] = this;}
		void removeList() {autoList.erase(id);}

virtual const std::string& getnick() const {return name;}
virtual const std::string& getnickDescription() const {return nameDescription;}
virtual std::string getDescription(int32_t) const {return nameDescription + ".";}

		virtual RaceType_t getRace() const {return mType->race;}
		virtual int32_t getArmor() const {return mType->armor;}
		virtual int32_t getDefense() const {return mType->defense;}
		virtual MonsterType* getMonsterType() const {return mType;}
		virtual bool isPushable() const {return mType->pushable && (baseSpeed > 0);}
		virtual bool isAttackable() const {return mType->isAttackable;}
		virtual bool isImmune(CombatType_t type) const;

		bool canPushItems() const {return mType->canPushItems;}
		bool canPushCreatures() const {return mType->canPushCreatures;}
		bool isHostile() const {
             std::string value;
             if(getStorage(504, value) && value == "-1")
				 value = "0";
             return value == "0" ? false : true;
		virtual bool isWalkable() const {return mType->isWalkable;}
		virtual bool canSeeInvisibility() const {return Creature::isImmune(CONDITION_INVISIBLE);}
		uint32_t getManaCost() const {return mType->manaCost;}

		void setSpawn(Spawn* _spawn) {spawn = _spawn;}
		void setRaid(Raid* _raid) {raid = _raid;}

		virtual void onAttackedCreature(Creature* target);
		virtual void onAttackedCreatureDisappear(bool isLogout);
		virtual void onAttackedCreatureDrain(Creature* target, int32_t points);

		virtual void onCreatureAppear(const Creature* creature);
		virtual void onCreatureDisappear(const Creature* creature, bool isLogout);
		virtual void onCreatureMove(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos,
			const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, bool teleport);

		virtual void drainHealth(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t damage);
		virtual void changeHealth(int32_t healthChange);
		virtual bool getNextStep(Direction& dir, uint32_t& flags);
		virtual void onFollowCreatureComplete(const Creature* creature);

		virtual void onThink(uint32_t interval);

		virtual bool challengeCreature(Creature* creature);
		virtual bool convinceCreature(Creature* creature);

		virtual void setNormalCreatureLight();
		virtual bool getCombatValues(int32_t& min, int32_t& max);

		virtual void doAttacking(uint32_t interval);
		virtual bool hasExtraSwing() {return extraMeleeAttack;}

		bool searchTarget(TargetSearchType_t searchType = TARGETSEARCH_DEFAULT);
		bool selectTarget(Creature* creature);

		const CreatureList& getTargetList() {return targetList;}
		const CreatureList& getFriendList() {return friendList;}

		bool isTarget(Creature* creature);
		bool isFleeing() const {return getHealth() <= mType->runAwayHealth;}

		virtual BlockType_t blockHit(Creature* attacker, CombatType_t combatType, int32_t& damage,
			bool checkDefense = false, bool checkArmor = false);
		virtual void setAttackSpeed(uint32_t interval);

		CreatureList targetList;
		CreatureList friendList;
		int32_t minCombatValue;
		int32_t maxCombatValue;
		uint32_t attackTicks;
		uint32_t targetTicks;
		uint32_t targetChangeTicks;
		uint32_t defenseTicks;
		uint32_t yellTicks;
		int32_t targetChangeCooldown;
		bool resetTicks;
		bool isIdle;
		bool extraMeleeAttack;

		Spawn* spawn;
		Raid* raid;

		bool isMasterInRange;
		bool teleportToMaster;

		virtual void onCreatureEnter(Creature* creature);
		virtual void onCreatureLeave(Creature* creature);
		void onCreatureFound(Creature* creature, bool pushFront = false);

		bool doTeleportToMaster();
		void updateLookDirection();

		void updateTargetList();
		void clearTargetList();
		void clearFriendList();

		virtual bool onDeath();
		virtual Item* createCorpse(DeathList deathList);
		bool despawn();
		bool inDespawnRange(const Position& pos);

		void updateIdleStatus();
		bool getIdleStatus() const {return isIdle;}

		virtual void onAddCondition(ConditionType_t type, bool hadCondition);
		virtual void onEndCondition(ConditionType_t type);
		virtual void onCreatureConvinced(const Creature* convincer, const Creature* creature);

		bool canUseAttack(const Position& pos, const Creature* target) const;
		bool canUseSpell(const Position& pos, const Position& targetPos,
			const spellBlock_t& sb, uint32_t interval, bool& inRange);
		bool getRandomStep(const Position& creaturePos, Direction& dir);
		bool getDanceStep(const Position& creaturePos, Direction& dir,
			bool keepAttack = true, bool keepDistance = true);
		bool isInSpawnRange(const Position& toPos);
		bool canWalkTo(Position pos, Direction dir);

		bool pushItem(Item* item, int32_t radius);
		void pushItems(Tile* tile);
		bool pushCreature(Creature* creature);
		void pushCreatures(Tile* tile);

		void onThinkTarget(uint32_t interval);
		void onThinkYell(uint32_t interval);
		void onThinkDefense(uint32_t interval);

		bool isFriend(const Creature* creature);
		bool isOpponent(const Creature* creature);

		virtual uint64_t getLostExperience() const {return ((skillLoss ? mType->experience : 0));}
		virtual void dropLoot(Container* corpse);
		virtual uint32_t getDamageImmunities() const {return mType->damageImmunities;}
		virtual uint32_t getConditionImmunities() const {return mType->conditionImmunities;}
		virtual uint16_t getLookCorpse() {return mType->lookCorpse;}
		virtual uint16_t getLookCorpse() const {return mType->lookCorpse;}
		virtual void getPathSearchParams(const Creature* creature, FindPathParams& fpp) const;
		virtual bool useCacheMap() const {return true;}



O rei de seu proprio destino é aquele que luta pela gloria do amanhã!
Discord : ZoR#9373


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std::string name, name, nameDescription;

Substitua por

std::string name, nameDescription;



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