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(Resolvido)Ajuda Rank Reset DB

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bom dia TK

Gostaria da ajuda de vcs 

eu tenho um sistema de reset por db

e nao estou conseguindo nem achei nenhun sistema de rank por db aki no forum

vcs poderiao me ajudar?


script de reset

local config = {
    minlevel = 10000, --- level inical para resetar
    price = 100000, --- preço inicial para resetar
    newlevel = 20, --- level apos reset
    priceByReset = 90000, --- preço acrescentado por reset
    percent = 80, ---- porcentagem da vida/mana que você terá ao resetar (em relação à sua antiga vida total)
    maxresets = 25,
        look = true,
    levelbyreset = 8000 --- quanto de level vai precisar a mais no próximo reset

local function getResets(cid)
    local query = db.getResult("SELECT `resets` FROM `players` WHERE `id`= "..getPlayerGUID(cid))
    return query:getDataInt("resets") <= 0 and 0 or query:getDataInt("resets")
local function addReset(cid)
    local resets = getResets(cid)
    doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)))
    local hp = getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)
    local resethp = hp*(config.percent/100)
    setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, resethp)
    local differencehp = (hp - resethp)
    doCreatureAddHealth(cid, -differencehp)
    local mana = getCreatureMaxMana(cid)
    local resetmana = mana*(config.percent/100)
    setCreatureMaxMana(cid, resetmana)
    local differencemana = (mana - resetmana)
    doCreatureAddMana(cid, -differencemana)
    local guid = getPlayerGUID(cid)
    local description = resets+1
    db.query("UPDATE `players` SET `level` = "..config.newlevel..", `experience`= 0, `resets`= "..description.." WHERE `players`.`id`= ".. guid)
    return true

function onSay(cid, words, param, channel)

 if not isInArea(getThingPos(cid),{x = 294, y = 33, z = 7},{x = 314, y = 50, z = 7}) then
         doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nao pode resetar aqui!")
             return true
    local var = getResets(cid)
    local newPrice = config.price + (var * config.priceByReset)
    local newminlevel = config.minlevel + (var * config.levelbyreset)
    if param == "quantity" then
        return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'You have a total of '..var..' reset(s).')
    if var >= config.maxresets then
        return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,'You already have reached the maximum of '.. config.maxresets.. ' resets!')
    elseif getPlayerMoney(cid) < newPrice then
        return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,'Its necessary to have at least '..newPrice..' gp\'s for reseting!')
    elseif getPlayerLevel(cid) < newminlevel then
        return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,'The minimum level for reseting is '..newminlevel..'!')

        if isPlayer(cid) then
    end, 3000)
    local number = var+1
    local msg ="---[Reset: "..number.."]-- You have reseted! You'll be disconnected in 3 seconds."
    doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, msg)
    return true

script de rank

local displayoutput = {"Level","Magic Level","Fist Fighting","Club Fighting","Sword Fighting","Axe Fighting","Distance Fighting","Shielding"}

local itemtype = {9969,9933,5896,8929,8932,7388,8849,8906,2580}

function onSay(cid, words, param)
    number = 1
    param = string.lower(param)
    skilllist = ""
    command = TRUE
    if param == "level" then        
        display = 1
    elseif param == "magic" then
        display = 2
    elseif param == "club" then
        id = 1
        display = 4
    elseif param == "sword" then
        id = 2
        display = 5
    elseif param == "axe" then
        id = 3
        display = 6
    elseif param == "distance" then
        id = 4
        display = 7
    elseif param == "shield" then
        id = 5
        display = 8
        error = 'Highscore Commands:\n\n!rank level\n!rank magic\n!rank fist\n!rank club\n!rank sword\n!rank axe\n!rank distance\n!rank shield\n'

        doShowTextDialog(cid, 5958, error)
        command = FALSE


    if command ~= FALSE then
        if display == 1 then
            local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `level` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 50;")    
            if(player:getID() ~= -1) then
                while (true) do
                    local name = player:getDataString("name")
                    local level = player:getDataInt("level")

                      skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.."  ""  -  "..level)
                    number = number + 1
                    if not(player:next()) then
        elseif display == 2 then
            local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `maglevel` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `maglevel` DESC LIMIT 50;")
            if(player:getID() ~= -1) then    
                while (true) do
                    local name = player:getDataString("name")
                    local maglevel = player:getDataInt("maglevel")

                      skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.."  ""  -  "..maglevel)
                    if not(player:next()) then
                    number = number + 1
            local skills = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id`, `value`, `skillid` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `skillid` = "" ORDER BY `value` DESC;")
            while (true) do
                local GUID = skills:getDataInt("player_id")
                local value = skills:getDataInt("value")
                local skillid = skills:getDataInt("skillid")
                local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..GUID.." and group_id < '2' ")
                if(player:getID() ~= -1) then
                    local name = player:getDataString("name")
                      skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.."  ""  -  "..value)
                    number = number + 1
                if number > 50 then
                    if not(skills:next()) then
        dialog = ""..displayoutput[display].." Highscores: \n  "..skilllist..""
        doShowTextDialog(cid, itemtype[display], dialog)


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Como você quer mostrar o ranking? No site?

A query é +- assim:


SELECT name, resets FROM player s WHERE ORDERBY reset DESC limit X.


onde x é o número de resultados que vc quer buscar

Toda terça-feira um tópico novo:

Descanso para curar mana (Spell):

Peça sua spell (Suporte):      ça-sua-spell/                        

Chuva de flechas (Spell):      

Doom (Spell):                      

Utilização do VS Code (Infra)

SD com Combo (Spell):       

Alteração attack speed (C++):ê-quiser/  

Bônus de Speed (NPC)        ônus-aos-players/

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quero mostrar no game mesmo

pq ja tem o comando !rank magic !rank distance !rank sword !rank level 

1 hora atrás, mullino disse:

local displayoutput = {"Level","Magic Level","Fist Fighting","Club Fighting","Sword Fighting","Axe Fighting","Distance Fighting","Shielding"} local itemtype = {9969,9933,5896,8929,8932,7388,8849,8906,2580} function onSay(cid, words, param) number = 1 param = string.lower(param) skilllist = "" command = TRUE if param == "level" then display = 1 elseif param == "magic" then display = 2 elseif param == "club" then id = 1 display = 4 elseif param == "sword" then id = 2 display = 5 elseif param == "axe" then id = 3 display = 6 elseif param == "distance" then id = 4 display = 7 elseif param == "shield" then id = 5 display = 8 else error = 'Highscore Commands:\n\n!rank level\n!rank magic\n!rank fist\n!rank club\n!rank sword\n!rank axe\n!rank distance\n!rank shield\n' doShowTextDialog(cid, 5958, error) command = FALSE end if command ~= FALSE then if display == 1 then local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `level` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 50;") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then while (true) do local name = player:getDataString("name") local level = player:getDataInt("level") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..level) number = number + 1 if not(player:next()) then break end end player:free() end elseif display == 2 then local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `maglevel` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `maglevel` DESC LIMIT 50;") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then while (true) do local name = player:getDataString("name") local maglevel = player:getDataInt("maglevel") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..maglevel) if not(player:next()) then break end number = number + 1 end end player:free() else local skills = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id`, `value`, `skillid` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `skillid` = "" ORDER BY `value` DESC;") while (true) do local GUID = skills:getDataInt("player_id") local value = skills:getDataInt("value") local skillid = skills:getDataInt("skillid") local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..GUID.." and group_id < '2' ") if(player:getID() ~= -1) then local name = player:getDataString("name") skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.." "" - "..value) number = number + 1 player:free() end if number > 50 then break end if not(skills:next()) then break end end skills:free() end dialog = ""..displayoutput[display].." Highscores: \n "..skilllist.."" doShowTextDialog(cid, itemtype[display], dialog) end end

e eu queria add o !rank resets aki junto.

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É a query que mandei, quando eu chegar em casa eu arrumo no código caso minguem tenha feito

Toda terça-feira um tópico novo:

Descanso para curar mana (Spell):

Peça sua spell (Suporte):      ça-sua-spell/                        

Chuva de flechas (Spell):      

Doom (Spell):                      

Utilização do VS Code (Infra)

SD com Combo (Spell):       

Alteração attack speed (C++):ê-quiser/  

Bônus de Speed (NPC)        ônus-aos-players/

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  • Solução
local displayoutput = {"Level","Magic Level","Fist Fighting","Club Fighting","Sword Fighting","Axe Fighting","Distance Fighting","Shielding", "Resets"}

local itemtype = {9969,9933,5896,8929,8932,7388,8849,8906,2580, xxxx}

function onSay(cid, words, param)
    number = 1
    param = string.lower(param)
    skilllist = ""
    command = TRUE
    if param == "level" then        
        display = 1
    elseif param == "magic" then
        display = 2
    elseif param == "club" then
        id = 1
        display = 4
    elseif param == "sword" then
        id = 2
        display = 5
    elseif param == "axe" then
        id = 3
        display = 6
    elseif param == "distance" then
        id = 4
        display = 7
    elseif param == "shield" then
        id = 5
        display = 8
    elseif param == "resets" then
        display = 9
        error = 'Highscore Commands:\n\n!rank level\n!rank magic\n!rank fist\n!rank club\n!rank sword\n!rank axe\n!rank distance\n!rank shield\n'

        doShowTextDialog(cid, 5958, error)
        command = FALSE


    if command ~= FALSE then
        if display == 1 then
            local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `level` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `level` DESC LIMIT 50;")    
            if(player:getID() ~= -1) then
                while (true) do
                    local name = player:getDataString("name")
                    local level = player:getDataInt("level")

                      skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.."  ""  -  "..level)
                    number = number + 1
                    if not(player:next()) then
        elseif display == 2 then
            local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name`, `maglevel` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `maglevel` DESC LIMIT 50;")
            if(player:getID() ~= -1) then    
                while (true) do
                    local name = player:getDataString("name")
                    local maglevel = player:getDataInt("maglevel")

                      skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.."  ""  -  "..maglevel)
                    if not(player:next()) then
                    number = number + 1
        elseif display == 9 then
            local player = db.getResult("SELECT 'name', 'resets' FROM 'players' WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY 'resets' DESC LIMIT 50;")
            if(player:getID() ~= -1) then    
                while (true) do
                    local name = player:getDataString("name")
                    local resets = player:getDataInt("resets")

                      skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.."  ""  -  "..resets)
                    if not(player:next()) then
                    number = number + 1
            local skills = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id`, `value`, `skillid` FROM `player_skills` WHERE `skillid` = "" ORDER BY `value` DESC;")
            while (true) do
                local GUID = skills:getDataInt("player_id")
                local value = skills:getDataInt("value")
                local skillid = skills:getDataInt("skillid")
                local player = db.getResult("SELECT `name` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..GUID.." and group_id < '2' ")
                if(player:getID() ~= -1) then
                    local name = player:getDataString("name")
                      skilllist = skilllist.. "\n#"..string.format("%5s",number.."  ""  -  "..value)
                    number = number + 1
                if number > 50 then
                    if not(skills:next()) then
        dialog = ""..displayoutput[display].." Highscores: \n  "..skilllist..""
        doShowTextDialog(cid, itemtype[display], dialog)

só configura o item que você quer que apareça no lugar de xxxx

Toda terça-feira um tópico novo:

Descanso para curar mana (Spell):

Peça sua spell (Suporte):      ça-sua-spell/                        

Chuva de flechas (Spell):      

Doom (Spell):                      

Utilização do VS Code (Infra)

SD com Combo (Spell):       

Alteração attack speed (C++):ê-quiser/  

Bônus de Speed (NPC)        ônus-aos-players/

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quando eu tento usar o commando !rank resets da esse erro na distro e ele nao funciona


[Error - mysql_real_query] Query: SELECT 'name', 'resets' FROM 'players' WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY 'resets' DESC LIMIT 50;
Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''players' WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY 'resets' DESC LIMIT 50' at line 1
[Error - mysql_store_result] Query: SELECT 'name', 'resets' FROM 'players' WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY 'resets' DESC LIMIT 50;
Message: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''players' WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY 'resets' DESC LIMIT 50' at line 1

[Error - TalkAction Interface]
data/lib/004-database.lua:106: attempt to call global 'error' (a string value)
stack traceback:
        data/lib/004-database.lua:106: in function 'free'
        data/talkactions/scripts/ranks.lua:84: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/ranks.lua:5>

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"SELECT `name`, `resets` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2' ORDER BY `resets` DESC LIMIT 50;"

Tenta trocar a query por isso

Toda terça-feira um tópico novo:

Descanso para curar mana (Spell):

Peça sua spell (Suporte):      ça-sua-spell/                        

Chuva de flechas (Spell):      

Doom (Spell):                      

Utilização do VS Code (Infra)

SD com Combo (Spell):       

Alteração attack speed (C++):ê-quiser/  

Bônus de Speed (NPC)        ônus-aos-players/

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  • 4 months later...

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT `name`, `resets` FROM `players` WHERE group_id < '2'' at line 1 


meu da esse erro, poderia me ajudar por favor

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