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amora murder reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Feyrist includes monsters.xml
KotZletY reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Feyrist includes monsters.xml
Need import map
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precisam desses items.otb items.zip
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
i try this: function getAllItemsById(self, id) local containers = {} local items = {} for i = CONST_SLOT_HEAD, CONST_SLOT_AMMO do local item = self:getSlotItem(i) if item then if item:isContainer() then table.insert(containers, item:getUniqueId()) elseif not id or id == item:getId() then table.insert(items, item:getUniqueId()) end end end while #containers > 0 do for k = (Container(containers[1]):getSize() - 1), 0, -1 do local tmp = Container(contain -
BennyDz reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
do you think you can help me convert this function to tfs 1.2? function getAllItemsById(cid, id) local containers = {} local items = {} for i = CONST_SLOT_FIRST, CONST_SLOT_LAST do local sitem = getPlayerSlotItem(cid, i) if sitem.uid > 0 then if isContainer(sitem.uid) then table.insert(containers, sitem.uid) elseif not(id) or id == sitem.itemid then table.insert(items, sitem) end end end while #containers > 0 do for k = (getContainerSize(containers[1]) -
BennyDz reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Are you going to use this script? onLogin? I think if this is it, the player will be offline on verification. R= I had thought to use it in a globalevent. I think the best option would be to use it in OnStartUp, and create another onlogin script, that verifies items on players online, with addEvent (checkitems, 2000) to check the slots and the items inside the backpack -
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Can not load script: lua:9 ')' expected near 'timerOnExp' try to execute the following command directly in the database with the online player: DELETE FROM `player_items` WHERE `player_id`=196 AND `sid` = 107 and it is not eliminated. I think the same thing happens as when you try to change a player's value, if it is online there is no effect. Can you think of an idea? -
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
now dont have error in console but dont delete items He should have eliminated those 3 items, but they are not deleted -
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
same result only delete for players not connected -
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
only delete if the player is not connected -
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
JZDJ reagiu a uma resposta no tópico: Feyrist includes monsters.xml
Normal Tfs 1.2 Delete items em player_items, player_depotitems
BennyDz respondeu ao tópico de BennyDz em Suporte Tibia OTServer
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