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Tudo que daniofordon postou

  1. hello I have a little problem with rme editor map for some time on each tab missing graphics for mapping I do not know why it happened as you can see is only a few graphics and so on each tab I will add that I have so each time the map editor, and regardless of whether I will remove it and all remnants of it, and so all the time is the problem had someone can this problem and knows how to solve it?
  2. This means that it can not connect to the database, check whether you have entered a good data to the server check on github what changes have been made, and update itself You can set the config versions
  4. someone is so nice and compiled by version 0.6.7 at 10.90 and DX9 ?
  5. Please consider this crook !!! sql file that you must import the database is added to his account and then import the sql database it automatically gets the GM account and he may later this account can do everything on your ots I advise you not to use the sql file and do not trust him .. . aqui.sql file verse 60 (1, 'djblah', 'd9bbf9a3170a22c40b5210abdd99246dc416ddc9', 5, 3, 0, 0, '[email protected]', 1397661575, '0', '', 0, '', '', 5, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ''), Beware of the files made available by him!!!!
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