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Sobre petardako

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606 visualizações
  1. Boas tardes, alguem sabe porque cuando meus players tentar donatar via pagseguro lança este error? Erro 105 - O E-MAIL não foi informado. O VALOR do item 1 deve ser numérico e ter formato válido. Nao consigo fazer funcionar pagseguro en meu servidor. alguem ajuda? Obrigado.
  2. Hello bro, im using TFS 1.2, what should i edit on sources to be able to use gamestore? I have all files etc, but my gamestore still dont works. Can you help me?

  3. I see just one error: When there are not players that joined the event, it says "Event joined!" and not "The event couldnt start becausre there are no players"
  4. Hello,Since many time ago, I'm working on a pokemon tibia server. It's very hard (or impossible) to find a "good" pokemon layout for gesior. All of them are for modern/znote account. But I prefer to use gesior.My question is, there is someone interested on making one or convert any pretty modern/znote layout for gesior? If there is someone, don't hesitate to contact with me.Regards.
  5. #define CLIENT_VERSION_MIN 1080 #define CLIENT_VERSION_MAX 1089 #define CLIENT_VERSION_STR "10.81" Why its the max version set to 10.89? If I put: #define CLIENT_VERSION_MIN 1081 #define CLIENT_VERSION_MAX 1081 #define CLIENT_VERSION_STR "10.81" It says that only clients 10.81 allowed and i cant enter to the game (im using 10.81 client etc) #define CLIENT_VERSION_MIN 1080 #define CLIENT_VERSION_MAX 1081 #define CLIENT_VERSION_STR "10.81" The newest addons/mounts it make debug to the player and cant choose that outfits... Could anyone help me with this please? Should i change som
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