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  1. News in this project just look at website or community pages! see you in guys!
  2. GT88-YR99-63DW-86TZ-RSPH-72AF JA30-RK65-26TI-64CX-ZDMF-83GT CM87-JD44-64SE-50XK-DHXE-07BW RJ63-XL98-36PI-56VG-QQOQ-23DX HV25-NC65-87IZ-76MG-MYAI-53GS KI24-DV98-19YW-15TZ-DUED-73OV AN79-OZ01-59KG-41BS-KUXP-06GH LV98-FD46-47KQ-64GK-AKXW-03PL ZM21-IN14-17DJ-07QG-EXKE-08VN WT73-DK50-90YQ-93JO-FMSU-22FU QD60-XR12-87OV-11CL-TBPY-31LW IX85-XB75-19ZS-53UN-HMAZ-99AM AU41-JN03-46YH-89ON-TNSZ-61UE TA50-NX41-19HG-19KA-QCPI-20GR AD20-QZ88-18YB-04XF-OANF-22DP Remember to connect Test-server: You need Add one Unique key in your account to add 5 Days premium. Only Premium players can login in test server
  3. Relly thnx to add all to Test Server ! Please make account and whait to Special Test-server! Rememeber Y.A.D system added! (If you die your player dissapear!)
  4. Test Serve Soon People !!! Need Aprox 20 players to test Frist Floor features! and some others
  5. Project Started at 07/03/2015 at 10:00 AM.
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