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Tudo que Muvukaa postou

  1. Existe alguma maneira de tipo mostrar o tempo que falta pro boss nascer novamente? 1. o boss morreu 2. ai em cima do sqm que o boss morreu, aparece uma contagem em tempo real 3. quando essa contagem terminar o boss nasce dnv alguem sabe se da pra fazer isso? local colorMsg = "orange" local tableBoss = { ["Amazon"] = {seconds = 10, newBoss = "Amazon"} } local function timer(position, duration, color) for i = 0, (duration - 1) do addEvent(function() doSendAnimatedText(position, tostring(duration - i), color) end, i * 1000) end end function onKill(cid,
  2. fala lekot se pode me ajuda 


    1. L3K0T


      agora vo dormir amanhã posso ver ok

    2. Muvukaa


      ok durma com Deus sonhe com os anjos fique em paz.

  3. -- Caminho para a pasta spells local spellsFolder = "data/spells/spells.xml" function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local spells = {} -- Para armazenar os nomes das magias -- Iterar sobre os arquivos na pasta spells for fileName in io.popen("ls " .. spellsFolder):lines() do -- Verificar se o arquivo é um arquivo XML if fileName:match("%.xml$") then local filePath = spellsFolder .. fileName -- Tentar abrir e processar o arquivo XML local f, err =, "r") if f then -- Ler
  4. maximumDoorLevel = 717217 Porta de nível máximo Como faço para definir 717217
  5. [02/04/2024 01:35:06] [Error - Spell Interface] [02/04/2024 01:35:06] In a timer event called from: [02/04/2024 01:35:06] data/spells/scripts/attack/samuel333.lua:onCastSpell [02/04/2024 01:35:06] Description: [02/04/2024 01:35:06] (luaDoCombat) Combat not found -- =============== COMBAT VARIABLES =============== local combat12_Brush_2 = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat12_Brush_2, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_POFF) setCombatParam(combat12_Brush_2, COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, CONST_ANI_FLASHARROW) setCombatParam(combat12_Brush_2, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE) set
  6. local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, CONST_ME_MORTAREA) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, CONST_ANI_SUDDENDEATH) function damage(cid, level, maglevel) local min = 1000000000 local max = 1000000000 return -min, -max end setCombatCallback(combat, CALLBACK_PARAM_LEVELMAGICVALUE, "damage") function onCastSpell(cid, var) return doCombat(cid, combat, var) end local area = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0
  7. me ajuda nesse aqui Roberto: é globalevent interval "1" onThink.


  8. local config = { itemid = {2445, 2550, 2436, 6101, 2408, 7435, 7429, 8057}, -- IDs dos itens que serão transformados position = {x = 151, y = 55, z = 7}, -- Coordenadas dos itens a serem transformados tempo = 5, -- Tempo em segundos para o item desaparecer intervalo = 10 -- Intervalo em segundos entre a aparição de um item e outro } function changeItemsToMagicGreenEffect() local itemId = config.itemid[math.random(1, #config.itemid)] local item = doCreateItemEx(itemId, 1, config.position) -- Criar item que os jogadores não podem mover if item the
  9. onde faço download desse ot?

  10. Talkactions function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) local t = {} for i = 0, getPlayerInstantSpellCount(cid) - 1 do local spell = getPlayerInstantSpellInfo(cid, i) if(spell.mlevel ~= 1) then if(spell.manapercent > 0) then spell.mana = spell.manapercent .. "%" end table.insert(t, spell) end end table.sort(t, function(a, b) return a.mlevel < b.mlevel end) local text, prevLevel = "", -1 for i, spell in ipairs(t) do local line = "" if(prevLevel ~= spell.mlevel) t
  11. -=[TFS]=- 0.4 8.60 - Eu quero saber a <immunity ="100"/> do COMBAT_UNDEFINEDDAMAGE = 16
  12. local text = "´ . ,", ". ´ ,", "` . ,", ", ` ." local function effect(cid) local storage = 6318964232 if isPlayer(cid) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage) > 0 then doCreatureSay(cid, text, TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) end addEvent(effect, 1000, cid) end end function onLogin(cid) effect(cid) return true end
  13. <vocation id="2" name="Mage" <vocation id="3" name="Paladin" <vocation id="4" name="Knight" <vocation id="6" name="[VIP] Mage" <vocation id="7" name="[VIP] Paladin" <vocation id="8" name="[VIP] Knight" QUERO QUE O SCRIPT FUNCIONE QUANDO USA GEMA NO JOGO E QUANDO DESLOGA E LOGA FICA COM EFEITO. creatuescript .logingema.lua function onLogin(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 47112120, 2) local voc = getPlayerVocation(cid) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid,[getPlayerVocation(cid)]) > 0 then sendGemEffect(cid,
  14. -=[TFS]=- 0.4 8.60 - Programação cryingdamson 0.3.6 (8.60) V8.2 Source TODA VEZ QUE CLICK NA QUILO APARECE ISSO
  15. NPC Scrutinon tem que ter item e a quantidade para recupera a exp local itemid,count = 9020,300 -- edite o id e count do item aqui Explicação: Você compra no npc a exp que você perdeu na sua última morte. Lib > functions.lua adc death_tabble = {before_exp = 135215,after_exp = 135216, check = 251201} function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "Exp_P") if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, death_tabble.check) >= 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, death_tabble.after_exp, getPlayerExperience(cid)) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, death_t
  16. Quando autoloot vip abre fica os comandos autoloot quando autolootfree abre fica os comandos autoloot sendo que é pra fica autolootfree ele abre junto com autoloot vip laguem resolve esse erro pra mim pra usa comando !autolootfree abri e o autolootvip não confindir os mods. Auto Loot VIP.xml Loot System.xml
  17. EU CRIEI /newpoll e apareceu esses erros e a /newpoll eu criei apareceu mensagem vermelha mais comandos bugaram /vote [15/03/2024 08:27:16] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [15/03/2024 08:27:16] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:onSay [15/03/2024 08:27:16] Description: [15/03/2024 08:27:16] data/lib/012-table.lua:6: bad argument #1 to 'load' (function expected, got string) [15/03/2024 08:27:16] stack traceback: [15/03/2024 08:27:16] [C]: in function 'load' [15/03/2024 08:27:16] data/lib/012-table.lua:6: in function 'unserialize' [15/03/2024 08:27:16] data/tal
  18. OLHA COMO FICA NO SEU SCRIPT LEKOT OLHA DO ONESHOT aparece isso quando uso comando /newpoll [15/03/2024 03:33:50] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [15/03/2024 03:33:50] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:onSay [15/03/2024 03:33:50] Description: [15/03/2024 03:33:50] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:56: attempt to call field 'serialize' (a nil value) [15/03/2024 03:33:50] stack traceback: [15/03/2024 03:33:50] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:56: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:28>
  19. Roberto ta aparecendo esse erro 




    [14/03/2024 11:33:46] [Error - TalkAction Interface] 
    [14/03/2024 11:33:46] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:onSay
    [14/03/2024 11:33:46] Description: 
    [14/03/2024 11:33:46] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:32: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got number)
    [14/03/2024 11:33:46] stack traceback:
    [14/03/2024 11:33:46]     [C]: in function 'ipairs'
    [14/03/2024 11:33:46]     data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:32: in function 'getMostVotedOption'
    [14/03/2024 11:33:46]     data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:122: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:41>




    [14/03/2024 11:33:47] [Error - TalkAction Interface] 
    [14/03/2024 11:33:47] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:onSay
    [14/03/2024 11:33:47] Description: 
    [14/03/2024 11:33:47] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:112: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got number)
    [14/03/2024 11:33:47] stack traceback:
    [14/03/2024 11:33:47]     [C]: in function 'ipairs'
    [14/03/2024 11:33:47]     data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:112: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:41>

  20. Não pego esses comandos no seu script Mateus Robeerto /endpoll [14/03/2024 11:33:46] [Error - TalkAction Interface] [14/03/2024 11:33:46] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:onSay [14/03/2024 11:33:46] Description: [14/03/2024 11:33:46] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:32: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got number) [14/03/2024 11:33:46] stack traceback: [14/03/2024 11:33:46] [C]: in function 'ipairs' [14/03/2024 11:33:46] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:32: in function 'getMostVotedOption' [14/03/2024 11:33:46]
  21. error em todos os comandos. [13/03/2024 15:38:53] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:onSay [13/03/2024 15:38:53] Description: [13/03/2024 15:38:53] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:15: attempt to call field 'unserialize' (a nil value) [13/03/2024 15:38:53] stack traceback: [13/03/2024 15:38:53] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:15: in function 'getMostVotedOption' [13/03/2024 15:38:53] data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:103: in function <data/talkactions/scripts/pollsystem.lua:27> local POLL_STORAGE = 80000 local OPTIONS_STORAGE = 80001 lo
  22. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="Characters Market System" version="1.0" author="LuckOake" contact="none" enabled="yes"> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <config name="market"><![CDATA[ price = 27112 owner = 27113 level = 30 -- Level min of character.-- min_price = 100 -- Price min of character-- max_price = 1000000 -- Price maximum of character-- function doTransferCharacter(cid, accId) return db.executeQuery("UPDATE `players` SET `account_id` = "..accId.." WHERE `id` = "..getPlayerGUIDByName(c
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