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Sobre XxhadesxX

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  1. f(is_int($number_of_rows / 2)) { $bgcolor = $config['site']['darkborder']; } else { $bgcolor = $config['site']['lightborder']; } $number_of_rows++; $soulstorage = 15010; $soulss = $SQL->query('SELECT value FROM player_storage WHERE player_id = '.$player->getId().' AND key = '.$soulstorage.'')->fetch(); $main_content .= '<TR BGCOLOR="'.$bgcolor.'"><TD><b>Almacenamiento:</b></TD><TD>'.$soulss['value'].'</TD></TR>';
  2. Para que o monstro "sangre" ouro e platinum quando atacado, basta adicionar um evento de ataque similar ao que eu te apresentei na resposta anterior. Por exemplo: -- Cria a função do evento de ataque do monstro function onAttack(creature, target) if creature:getName() == "Treasure Bandit" then -- Gera um número aleatório entre 1 e 100 local chance = randomNumber(1, 100) -- Se a chance for 97 ou menor, o monstro "sangra" ouro if chance <= 97 then local goldAmount = randomNumber(0, 20) creature:doSendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "O Treasure Ba
  3. test: function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition) gems = { id = {2156, 2155, 2158, 2156, 2156, 2155, 2158, 2156}, } gem =[getPlayerVocation(cid)] if item.itemid == gem then doUseGem(cid, item, getPlayerVocation(cid)) end return TRUE end
  4. How are you friend, thank you very much for this super guide. Edit: solved ty
  5. você coloca o cliente 12+ link que você está usando?
  6. I am using the provided on the first topic of this forum. Download Versão até 10.91 rev 250!z9910YbL!9cHUvoYlrFiwshsVCe-JEKKzqrwp-w7ZsCqhFiAtBWE
  7. I download the version 10.91 and me the following error occurs. Any solution? My computer Edit: finally a step forward with the installation of the library vcruntime140.dll. but now I'm in a hurry stronger. Bug Any solution?
  8. please help me Error: [18/5/2015 3:5:5] [Error - CreatureScript Interface] [18/5/2015 3:5:5] data/creaturescripts/scripts/antibot.lua:onThink [18/5/2015 3:5:5] Description: [18/5/2015 3:5:5] data/creaturescripts/scripts/antibot.lua:39: attempt to call global 'doPlayerPopupFYI' (a nil value) [18/5/2015 3:5:5] stack traceback: [18/5/2015 3:5:5] data/creaturescripts/scripts/antibot.lua:39: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/antibot.lua:11>
  9. This mod works for the Otx server version 7.72?
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