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Se funcionar vai me ajudar totalmente com o meu problema de tp travel não da forma que esperava mais vai ajudar =)

Ando devagar, porque já tive pressa. E levo esse sorriso, porque já chorei demais...


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  • 3 weeks later...

Olá viitinG.
Parabéns pelo tutorial, vai me ajudar no QG (Quartel General) que estou montando, mas me responde 2 coisas:
*Se eu adicionar a tag " doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, 2111, 1)"   vai remover o item do player? Preciso usar para uma unica vez
*Oque seria " storage " ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Só uma dúvida, tem como mudar esse texto que tá na janela?

It is currently empty.
You can enter new text.

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@Superion isso no caso seria por causa do item 1949,caso você queira mudar você terá que fazer alterações nele e não no script. ;)


Também não é no items.xml, fui até esse ID e só tem isso:

<item id="1949" article="a" name="scroll">
		<attribute key="weight" value="50" />
		<attribute key="writeable" value="1" />
		<attribute key="maxTextLen" value="256" />

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@Superion isso não é no xml,provavelmente é nas sources ou na lib,eu lembro que ja mudei está mensagem que aparece quando usa algum item writable,só não lembro qual das duas opções eu usei,mas se você procurar bem você acha!

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...
local events = {
	'The Hunger',
	'The Rage',
	'World Devourer',	
    'Energized Raging Mage',
    'Raging Mage', 
local function onMovementRemoveProtection(cid, oldPosition, time)
    local player = Player(cid)
    if not player then
        return true
    local playerPosition = player:getPosition()
    if (playerPosition.x ~= oldPosition.x or playerPosition.y ~= oldPosition.y or playerPosition.z ~= oldPosition.z) or player:getTarget() then
        player:setStorageValue(Storage.combatProtectionStorage, 0)
        return true
    addEvent(onMovementRemoveProtection, 1000, cid, oldPosition, time - 1) 
function onLogin(player)
	local loginStr = 'Welcome to ' .. configManager.getString(configKeys.SERVER_NAME) .. '!'
	if player:getLastLoginSaved() <= 0 then
		loginStr = loginStr .. ' Please choose your outfit.'
		if loginStr ~= "" then
			player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, loginStr)

		loginStr = string.format('Your last visit was on %s.','%a %b %d %X %Y', player:getLastLoginSaved()))
    player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_DEFAULT, loginStr)
    local playerId = player:getId()
    -- Stamina
    nextUseStaminaTime[playerId] = 1
    --local stamina_full = 42 * 60 -- config. 42 = horas
   -- if player:getStamina() >= stamina_full then
      --  player:sendCancelMessage("Your stamina is already full.")
   -- elseif player:getPremiumDays() < 1 then
     --   player:sendCancelMessage("You must have a premium account.")
   -- else
      --  player:setStamina(stamina_full)
     -- player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Your stamina has been refilled.")      
   -- end
    -- Promotion
   --[[ local vocation = player:getVocation()
    local promotion = vocation:getPromotion()
    if player:isPremium() then
        local value = player:getStorageValue(Storage.Promotion)
        if not promotion and value ~= 1 then
            player:setStorageValue(Storage.Promotion, 1)
        elseif value == 1 then
    elseif not promotion then
    if(not table.contains({1,2,3,5,6,7,8}, player:getVocation():getId()) or player:getLevel() < 6) then
   -- player:openChannel(7)   -- help channel
    player:openChannel(3)   -- world chat 
    player:openChannel(6)   -- advertsing rook main
  --  player:openChannel(7)   -- help channel
    player:openChannel(3)   -- world chat
    player:openChannel(5)   -- advertsing main 
    -- Rewards
    local rewards = #player:getRewardList()
    if(rewards > 0) then
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, string.format("You have %d %s in your reward chest.", rewards, rewards > 1 and "rewards" or "reward"))
    -- Update player id
    local stats = player:inBossFight()
    if stats then
        stats.playerId = player:getId()
    -- fury gates
    if Game.getStorageValue(GlobalStorage.FuryGates, (9710)) == 1 then -- for venore
      player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Fury Gate is on Venore Today.')
elseif Game.getStorageValue(GlobalStorage.FuryGates, (9711)) == 2 then -- for ab...
      player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Fury Gate is on Abdendriel Today.')
      elseif Game.getStorageValue(GlobalStorage.FuryGates, (9712)) == 3 then -- for ab...
      player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Fury Gate is on Thais Today.')
      elseif Game.getStorageValue(GlobalStorage.FuryGates, (9713)) == 4 then -- for ab...
      player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Fury Gate is on Carlin Today.')
      elseif Game.getStorageValue(GlobalStorage.FuryGates, (9714)) == 5 then -- for ab...
      player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Fury Gate is on Edron Today.')
      elseif Game.getStorageValue(GlobalStorage.FuryGates, (9716)) == 6 then -- for ab...
     player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Fury Gate is on Kazordoon Today.')
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'OT Server Global')
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[BONUS EXP] Command for check !exp.')
        player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, '[GUILD LEADER COMMAND] Will change all outfits from members !outfit.')
    -- Events
    for i = 1, #events do
    if player:getStorageValue(Storage.combatProtectionStorage) <= os.time() then
        player:setStorageValue(Storage.combatProtectionStorage, os.time() + 10)
        onMovementRemoveProtection(playerId, player:getPosition(), 10)
    return true

Este é meu arquivo login.lua onde eu insiro esse "registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TSViitinG")"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Roshamuul-->
<event type="kill" name="lowerRoshamuul" script="lowerRoshamuul.lua"/>

    <event type="preparedeath" name="BFPrepareDeath" script="battlefield.lua" />
	<event type="healthchange" name="BFHealthChange" script="battlefield.lua" />
	<event type="manachange" name="BFManaChange" script="battlefield.lua" />
	<event type="logout" name="BFLogout" script="battlefield.lua" />

<event type="preparedeath" name="CTFDeath" script="ctf.lua" />
<event type="healthchange" name="CTFHealthChange" script="ctf.lua" />

 <event type="death" name="DeathCounter" script="kdcounter.lua" />
<event type="kill" name="KillCounter" script="kdcounter.lua" />

    <!-- WARZONE BOSS -->
  <event type="death" name="WarzoneBossDeath" script="warzone157.lua" />
  <!-- Reward Chest 19/01 -->	
    <event type="modalwindow" name="ModalWindowHelper" script="modalwindowhelper.lua" />  
	<event type="logout" name="CityWarLogout" script="citywar.lua" />
    <event type="preparedeath" name="CityWarDeath" script="citywar.lua" />
    <event type="textedit" name="CityWarInvite" script="citywar.lua" />
 	<event type="death" name="BossDeath" script="rewardChest/boss.lua" />
 	<event type="healthchange" name="BossParticipation" script="rewardChest/boss.lua" />
 	<event type="think" name="BossThink" script="rewardChest/boss.lua" />

    <!-- Bigfoot Burden Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="Razzagorn" script="Novos/Razzagorn.lua"/>	
	<event type="kill" name="Shatterer" script="Novos/The Shatterer.lua"/>	
	<event type="kill" name="Zamulosh" script="Novos/Zamulosh.lua"/>	
	<event type="kill" name="Tarbaz" script="Novos/Tarbaz.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Shulgrax" script="Novos/Shulgrax.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Ragiaz" script="Novos/Ragiaz.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Plagirath" script="Novos/Plagirath.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Mazoran" script="Novos/Mazoran.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Destabilized" script="Novos/Destabilized Ferumbras.lua"/>
	<!-- 10.94 -->
	<event type="kill" name="The Hunger" script="Novos/The Hunger.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="The Rage" script="Novos/The Rage.lua"/>	
	<event type="kill" name="Rupture" script="Novos/Rupture.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="World Devourer" script="Novos/World Devourer.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Eradicator" script="Novos/Eradicator.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Eradicator1" script="Novos/Eradicator1.lua"/> 
	<event type="kill" name="BigfootBurdenVersperoth" script="quests/bigfoot burden/VersperothKill.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="WarzoneThree" script="gnomebase/warzone3.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="BigfootBurdenWiggler" script="quests/bigfoot burden/WigglerKill.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="bossesWarzone" script="gnomebase/bossesWarzone.lua"/>

  <event type="preparedeath" name="ZumbiDeath" script="ZE_creaturescript.lua"/> 
 <!--<event type="preparedeath" name="ZumbiDeath1" script="ZE_creaturescript1.lua"/>-->
	 <!-- REWARD CHEST -->

	<event type="advance" name="Recompense" script="others/recompense.lua"/>
	<!--<event type="modalwindow" name="modalAD" script="custom/modalAD.lua"/>
    <event type="modalwindow" name="modalMD" script="custom/modalMD.lua"/>-->
    <event type="modalwindow" name="modalMD1" script="custom/modalMD1.lua"/>
	<event type="modalwindow" name="VibrantEgg" script="custom/VibrantEgg.lua"/>
    <!-- ragingmagetower -->
	<event type="kill" name="Yielothax" script="ragingmagetower/yielothax.lua"/>
	<event type="kill" name="Energized Raging Mage" script="ragingmagetower/energized.lua"/> 
	<event type="kill" name="Raging Mage" script="ragingmagetower/raging.lua"/>

	<event type="login" name="bless1" script="freeblesslowlevel.lua"/>
	<!-- BattleField Event -->
	<event type="login" name="battleflogin" script="others/battlefield.lua"/>
	<event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath" script="others/battlefield.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="battleflogin1" script="others/battlefield1.lua"/>
	<event type="preparedeath" name="battledeath1" script="others/battlefield1.lua"/>

	<!-- Rookgaard Cockroach -->
	<event type="advance" name="AdvanceRookgaard" script="rookgaard/advance.lua" />

	<!-- Elemental Spheres Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="ElementalSpheresOverlords" script="quests/elemental spheres/OverlordsKill.lua" />

	<!-- Svargrond Arena: Killing a boss -->
	<event type="kill" name="SvargrondArenaKill" script="quests/svargrond arena/arena_kill.lua" />

	<!-- The New Frontier Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="NewFrontierShardOfCorruption" script="quests/the new frontier/ShardOfCorruption.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="NewFrontierTirecz" script="quests/the new frontier/TireczKill.lua" />

	<!-- In Service Of Yalahar Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="ServiceOfYalaharAzerus" script="quests/in service of yalahar/AzerusKill.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="ServiceOfYalaharDiseasedTrio" script="quests/in service of yalahar/DiseasedTrioKill.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="ServiceOfYalaharQuaraLeaders" script="quests/in service of yalahar/QuaraLeadersKill.lua" />

	<!-- Inquisition Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="InquisitionBosses" script="quests/inquisition/inquisitionQuestBosses.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="InquisitionUngreez" script="quests/inquisition/inquisitionQuestUngreez.lua" />

	<!-- Killing In The Name Of Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="KillingInTheNameOfKills" script="quests/killing in the name of/kills.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="KillingInTheNameOfKillss" script="necro.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="KillingInTheNameOfKillsss" script="minos.lua" />

	<!-- The Masters Voice Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="MastersVoiceServants" script="quests/their master's voice/ServantsKill.lua" />

	<!-- Thieves Guild Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="ThievesGuildNomad" script="others/nomad.lua" />

	<!-- Secret Service Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="SecretServiceBlackKnight" script="others/blackKnight.lua" />

	<!-- Wrath of the Emperor Quest -->
	<event type="kill" name="WotELizardMagistratus" script="quests/wrath of the emperor/lizardmagistratus.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="WotELizardNoble" script="quests/wrath of the emperor/lizardnoble.lua" /> 
	<event type="kill" name="WotEKeeper" script="quests/wrath of the emperor/keeper.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="WotEBosses" script="quests/wrath of the emperor/bosses.lua" />
	<event type="kill" name="WotEZalamon" script="quests/wrath of the emperor/zalamon.lua" />

	<!-- Pythius The Rotten (Firewalker Boots Quest) -->
	<event type="kill" name="PythiusTheRotten" script="others/PythiusTheRotten.lua" />

	<!-- Others -->
	<event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" script="others/login.lua" />
	<event type="login" name="FirstItems" script="others/firstitems.lua" />
	<event type="login" name="RegenerateStamina" script="others/regeneratestamina.lua" />
	<event type="login" name="OfflineTraining" script="others/offlinetraining.lua" />
    <event type="login" name="AddonsMounts" script="others/addons-montarias.lua"/>
	<event type="logout" name="PlayerLogout" script="others/logout.lua" />

	<event type="death" name="PlayerDeath" script="others/playerdeath.lua" />
	<event type="death" name="DropLoot" script="others/droploot.lua" />
	<event type="advance" name="AdvanceSave" script="others/advance_save.lua" />
	<event type="death" name="WhiteDeerDeath" script="others/whitedeer.lua" />
	<event type="death" name="WhiteDeerScoutsDeath" script="others/whitedeer_scouts.lua" />
  <event type="login" name="aloot_reg" event="script" value="aloot.lua"/>
  <event type="kill" name="aloot_kill" event="script" value="aloot.lua"/>

Este é meu arquivo creaturescripsts.xml onde insiro o event type que postou?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Muito bom o conteúdo testei na tfs 0.4 e funcionou direitinho, más será que tem como você ou alguém por esse sistema para escolher o local ao invés de digitar o nome?

A vida ela é cheia de oportunidades e minha oportunidade é você


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