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9.x - 10.x [10.90] Vanaheim Global Opensource - TFS 1.2

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Opa, boa noite!


Primeiramente queria agradecer por disponibilizar essa versão, muito obrigado!


Porém tive um problema com ele (e com todos os outros servidores com tfs 1.0+ e 10.76/77/78), os Knights avançam Distance Fighting mais rápido do que as outras skills, por mais que eu mude o vocations.xml, como posso resolver??


Edit: Resolvido!

Editado por iskabin (veja o histórico de edições)
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Um método diferente de agir. Escolhas diferentes, um projeto surpreendente, e o melhor é opensource. Sim, você pode ter acesso a este servidor que estou desenvolvendo em parceria com a Serversoft para

Vlw man A intenção é esta Contra a venda de OTServ's õ/ Sexy é você pow!

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[Removido] Foi um erro meu, compilei a pasta errada :D


De qualquer maneira esta de parabéns :D

Editado por DkAngel83 (veja o histórico de edições)
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Bruno Minervino ou amigao tem como disponibilizar ele ja compilada por favor aque n estou conseguindo mesmo seguindo passo á passo do seu video tutorial com m visual studio :hum: ! ajuda ai brigadão é noss  :D  :D 

Editado por lucasholanda (veja o histórico de edições)
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alguem tem os dois arquivo que pedi quando vai compilar é o e o configure

Não precisa do autogen para compilar em Linux.


@Bruno Minervino ou amigao tem como disponibilizar ele ja compilada por favor aque n estou conseguindo mesmo seguindo passo á passo do seu video tutorial com m visual studio :hum: ! ajuda ai brigadão é noss  :D  :D 

Vou atualizar o tutorial, houve atualização das libs.


Bruno Minervino

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alguem tem os dois arquivo que pedi quando vai compilar é o e o configure


Não precisa de


Olha ai os comandos:

$ sudo -i

# sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential liblua5.2-dev libgmp3-dev libmysqlclient-dev libboost-system-dev

# exit

$ cd sources

$ mkdir build && cd build

$ cmake ..

$ make
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Postei um mapa sem bug e sem mission pra galera..    e o TK n aprovou e apagou!







1- Hipocrisia se escreve com "H"


2- Vejo que está alterado, gostaria de ouvir o seu problema com o tópico, eu posso reavaliar o tópico para que possamos tirar uma solução, por favor, crie um tópico na seção de Atendimento Geral. Não há motivos para você se manifestar assim no tópico do nosso querido membro Bruno Minervino.

Se quiser sua dúvida tirada, mande PM com os links, e não com a dúvida (outros podem ter a mesma dúvida, e o fórum serve para ser usado).







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bruno poderia disponibilizar uma pagina para esse sistema de cast ? todas do forum procura por players>cast


o seu cast system usa live_casts  ;/


to tentando até editar aqui só que só da erro mais erro desde já agradeço valeu !

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bruno poderia disponibilizar uma pagina para esse sistema de cast ? todas do forum procura por players>cast


o seu cast system usa live_casts  ;/


to tentando até editar aqui só que só da erro mais erro desde já agradeço valeu !

Essa versão atualizado não possui cast.

Novos outfits e montarias adicionados no projeto!


Bruno Minervino

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Porque quando eu vou compilar aqui no meu pc da esses erros ? Ajuda ai

>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\bed.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\bed.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\combat.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\combat.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\actions.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\actions.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\chat.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\chat.cpp)
1> commands.cpp
1> condition.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\commands.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\commands.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\condition.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\condition.cpp)
1> configmanager.cpp
1> container.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\configmanager.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\configmanager.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\container.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\container.cpp)
1> creature.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creature.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creature.cpp)
1> creatureevent.cpp
1> depotchest.cpp
1> depotlocker.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotchest.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotchest.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotlocker.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotlocker.cpp)
1> events.cpp
1> game.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creatureevent.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creatureevent.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\game.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\game.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\events.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\events.cpp)
1> guild.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\guild.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\guild.cpp)
1> house.cpp
1> housetile.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\housetile.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\housetile.cpp)
1> inbox.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\inbox.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\inbox.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\house.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\house.cpp)
1> iologindata.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iologindata.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iologindata.cpp)
1> iomap.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomap.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomap.cpp)
1> iomapserialize.cpp
1> iomarket.cpp
1> item.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\item.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\item.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomapserialize.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomapserialize.cpp)
1> items.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\items.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\items.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomarket.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomarket.cpp)
1> luascript.cpp
1> mailbox.cpp
1> map.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\mailbox.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\mailbox.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\map.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\map.cpp)
1> monster.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monster.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monster.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\luascript.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\luascript.cpp)
1> monsters.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monsters.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monsters.cpp)
1> movement.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\movement.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\movement.cpp)
1> networkmessage.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\networkmessage.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\networkmessage.cpp)
1> npc.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\npc.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\npc.cpp)
1> otserv.cpp
1> party.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\party.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\party.cpp)
1> player.cpp
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\otserv.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\otserv.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\player.cpp)
1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\player.cpp)
1> protocolgame.cpp

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Porque quando eu vou compilar aqui no meu pc da esses erros ? Ajuda ai

>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\bed.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\bed.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\combat.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\combat.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\actions.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\actions.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\chat.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\chat.cpp)

1> commands.cpp

1> condition.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\commands.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\commands.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\condition.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\condition.cpp)

1> configmanager.cpp

1> container.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\configmanager.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\configmanager.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\container.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\container.cpp)

1> creature.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creature.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creature.cpp)

1> creatureevent.cpp

1> depotchest.cpp

1> depotlocker.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotchest.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotchest.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotlocker.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\depotlocker.cpp)

1> events.cpp

1> game.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creatureevent.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\creatureevent.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\game.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\game.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\events.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\events.cpp)

1> guild.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\guild.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\guild.cpp)

1> house.cpp

1> housetile.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\housetile.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\housetile.cpp)

1> inbox.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\inbox.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\inbox.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\house.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\house.cpp)

1> iologindata.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iologindata.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iologindata.cpp)

1> iomap.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomap.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomap.cpp)

1> iomapserialize.cpp

1> iomarket.cpp

1> item.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\item.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\item.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomapserialize.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomapserialize.cpp)

1> items.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\items.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\items.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomarket.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\iomarket.cpp)

1> luascript.cpp

1> mailbox.cpp

1> map.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\mailbox.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\mailbox.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\map.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\map.cpp)

1> monster.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monster.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monster.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\luascript.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\luascript.cpp)

1> monsters.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monsters.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\monsters.cpp)

1> movement.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\movement.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\movement.cpp)

1> networkmessage.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\networkmessage.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\networkmessage.cpp)

1> npc.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\npc.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\npc.cpp)

1> otserv.cpp

1> party.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\party.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\party.cpp)

1> player.cpp

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\otserv.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\otserv.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(122): error C2610: 'ItemType::ItemType(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\player.cpp)

1>c:\users\carina\desktop\vanaheim-master\src\items.h(123): error C2610: 'ItemType &ItemType::operator =(ItemType &&)' : is not a special member function which can be defaulted (..\src\player.cpp)

1> protocolgame.cpp


cara.. te recomendo compilar em linux... em windows fica uma caca...

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      Boa tarde galera, tudo bem?
      Meu nome é Gustavo/Glacial, gostaria de compartilhar com a comunidade meu projeto solo no RME 3.5 /Client 10.98 do Tibia.
      Glacial City, com houses, hunts, lojas, quests, bosses e depot.

      Os teleportes já estão redirecionados, falta apenas itens nos baús das quests.
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      Me pediram e aí está, todos juntos em um arquivo.
      Créditos 5mok3 pelo mapa Atlantyda,
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    • Por Glacial
      Boa tarde galera, tudo bem?
      Meu nome é Gustavo/Glacial, gostaria de compartilhar com a comunidade meu projeto solo no RME 3.5 /Client 10.98 do Tibia.
      Espero que curtam ai e podem baixar pra colocar no OT de vocês caso queiram.
      Download Mapas:
      versão 1.0 Virus Total:
      versão 2.0 Virus Total:
      Fotos e detalhes no post atualizado e continuação do projeto:
      Obrigado pela atenção!
      Gustavo Glacial.
    • Por GuiAmaro
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      Scan: Clique Aqui
      Descrição: Ilha completinha para vocês galera os que quiserem acompanhar o show-off do Mapa segue o video abaixo. Gosto de criar um mapa depois de forjar um RPG curto sobre o local para despertar mais criatividade na hora de criar os locais e nesta cidade eu me baseei na história de Moisés e as 10 pragas do Egito do livro Êxodo da Bíblia onde as caves são locais devastado por um poder Divino que castigou seres que adoravam coisas que não importavam e traziam desgraça aos locais e as pessoas boas que habitavam a Ilha, e o castigo levou tudo isso que danificava o lado bom da ilha ao subsolo dela e o que era bom e gracioso ficou na parte do térreo da Ilha. Eu dei referência a duas das 10 pragas do Egito em um andar e é representada pela praga que torno as águas do Egito em sangue e no andar abaixo o minimap desenha uma Rã que foi uma das pragas que caiu sobre a nação de Ramsés II. 
      Acompanhem o video, se puderem compartilhem com os amigos de vocês que se interessem por mapas únicos. Fiz o mapa do zero durante 1 mês nas minhas horas vagas. Dentro do canal vocês encontrarão vídeos de como eu mapeio, outra cidade e uma hunt, quem quiser se inscrever para acompanhar meus conteúdos agradeço. Ficaria mais grato ainda se vocês curtirem e compartilharem o video em outras comunidades que não tenho acesso. Mapeio tem 10 anos e quero enriquecer bastante a área de mapping da comunidade.

    • Por GuiAmaro
      Download: Clique Aqui
      Scan: Clique Aqui
      Descrição: Cidade completinha com todas as lojas necessárias, 2 Guild Halls, várias hosues/flats, barco, entrada ao sul, saídinha ao leste, barco e uma favelinha para dar uma quebrada no tema da cidade.
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