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Olá, abriu este servidor: 

Às vezes acontece

Estou com um bug no meu ot que está me atormentando namoral, o player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre nem pra bixo nem pra nada ele fica com 0 de life e de mana e ngm consegue matar mais até o nome do player desaparece alguem pode me ajudar? por favor 

Editado por PAVC (veja o histórico de edições)
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Em 02/01/2017 ás 15:45, PAVC disse:

Olá, abriu este servidor: 

Às vezes acontece

Estou com um bug no meu ot que está me atormentando namoral, o player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre nem pra bixo nem pra nada ele fica com 0 de life e de mana e ngm consegue matar mais até o nome do player desaparece alguem pode me ajudar? por favor 

Impossivel  lhe ajuda você não sabe nem criar um topico e pede ajuda voce nao da nenhuma informação precisa do erro nao mostra prints...

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3 horas atrás, Gustavo Ntos disse:

Impossivel  lhe ajuda você não sabe nem criar um topico e pede ajuda voce nao da nenhuma informação precisa do erro nao mostra prints...

player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre
player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre 
player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre 
player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre

Realmente devo esclarecer algo que é facilmente compreender?

25 minutos atrás, otservcode disse:

E aí, beleza?


Provavelmente é algum código que você colocou no creaturescripts e em alguma circunstância específica gera um erro onde o player não consegue "morrer".


Eu estava assistindo a esse tópico, onde mencionou algo e ver o que xWhiteWolf diz. Mas eu não encontrei algo sobre isso. E no console não receber quaisquer erros quando isso acontece. Vou rever mais, obrigado pela resposta.

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Bom, o que eu posso te sugerir, é entender como esse problema acontece, se o player ta pk ou não, se usa algum item especifico, após entender o problema, encontrar um script relacionado com isso, por exemplo, se for o de pk, então deve checar algum código que checa a skull do player ou algo do gênero.

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99.9% de certeza que é no creaturescripts (onDeath), tente desativar um por um até parar. Quando parar você saberá o script responsável, então é só mandar aqui.

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21 horas atrás, PAVC disse:

player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre
player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre 
player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre 
player invés de morrer ele cai a mana e a life pra 0 e não morre

Realmente devo esclarecer algo que é facilmente compreender?


Eu estava assistindo a esse tópico, onde mencionou algo e ver o que xWhiteWolf diz. Mas eu não encontrei algo sobre isso. E no console não receber quaisquer erros quando isso acontece. Vou rever mais, obrigado pela resposta.

Voce é tão burro que nao posta seu creaturescripts.xml e prints dos bugs kkkk é impossivel te ajudar assim demente

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22 horas atrás, MaTTch disse:

99.9% de certeza que é no creaturescripts (onDeath), tente desativar um por um até parar. Quando parar você saberá o script responsável, então é só mandar aqui.

Eu estou revendo isso, deixá-lo aqui para se ver o problema


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" event="script" value="login.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="MultipleExp" event="script" value="multipleExpLogin.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="vip" event="script" value="vip.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="TiraBattle" event="script" value="tirabattle.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="AntiMC" event="script" value="antimc.lua"/>
	<event type="receivemail" name="Mail" event="script" value="mail.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="Idle" event="script" value="idle.lua"/>
    <event type="preparedeath" name="onPrepareDeathinifi" event="script" value="aolinfinity.lua"/> 
	<event type="think" name="SkullCheck" event="script" value="skullcheck.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="PlayerDeath" event="script" value="playerdeath.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="Outfit" script="outfit_vocation.lua"/> 
	<event type="login" name="PlayerAddPointsTimer" event="script" value="points.lua"/>
	<event type="logout" name="PlayerResetPointsTimer" event="script" value="points.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="Niwdeath" event="script" value="niwdeath.lua"/>
	<event type="statschange" name="Reflect" event="script" value="reflect.lua"/>
	<event type="advance" name="LevelRecompense" event="script" value="recompenselvl.lua"/>
	<event type="advance" name="AdvanceSave" event="script" value="advancesave.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="BoasVindas" event="script" value="boasvindas.lua"/>
	<event type="advance" name="FullHpMana" event="script" value="fullhpmana.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="SkillStagesLogin" event="script" value="skillstageslogin.lua"/> 
    <event type="advance" name="SkillStagesAdvance" event="script" value="skillstagesadvance.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="tp" event="script" value="tpmonster.lua"/>
	<event type="combat" name="NoPartyAttack" event="script" value="nopartyattack.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocShenron" event="script" value="vocshenron.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVegetto" event="script" value="vocvegetto.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocTapion" event="script" value="voctapion.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocKame" event="script" value="vockame.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocKagome" event="script" value="vockagome.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocKingVegeta" event="script" value="vockingvegeta.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocZaiko" event="script" value="voczaiko.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocGoku" event="script" value="vocgoku.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocChilled" event="script" value="vocchilled.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocC8" event="script" value="vocc8.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocBills" event="script" value="vocbills.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocFreeza" event="script" value="vocfreeza.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocZamasu" event="script" value="voczamasu.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocGogeta" event="script" value="vocgogeta.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocWhiss" event="script" value="vocwhiss.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVados" event="script" value="vocvados.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVegettoblack" event="script" value="vocvegettoblack.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVegettoblue" event="script" value="vocvegettoblue.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocGokuevo" event="script" value="vocgokuevo.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocZeno" event="script" value="voczeno.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="RemovedorDeFrags" event="script" value="removedordefrags.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="BlessCheck" event="script" value="CheckBless.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="ZombieThink" event="script" value="zombie/onthink.lua"/>
	<event type="statschange" name="ZombieAttack" event="script" value="zombie/onattack.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="ZombieDeath" event="script" value="zombie/ondeath.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="BattleLogin" event="script" value="BattleCreatureScript.lua"/>
	<event type="PrepareDeath" name="BattleDeath" event="script" value="BattleCreatureScript.lua"/>
	<event type="combat" name="BattleTeam" event="script" value="BattleCreatureScript.lua"/>

Aqui o público tudo relacionado com a "death"


function onPrepareDeath(cid, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)
if isPlayer(cid) == true then
if (getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 9).itemid == 10502) then
doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, false)
return TRUE
return TRUE


local config = {
	deathListEnabled = getBooleanFromString(getConfigInfo('deathListEnabled')),
	sqlType = getConfigInfo('sqlType'),
	maxDeathRecords = getConfigInfo('maxDeathRecords')

config.sqlType = config.sqlType == "sqlite" and DATABASE_ENGINE_SQLITE or DATABASE_ENGINE_MYSQL

function onDeath(cid, corpse, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)
	if(config.deathListEnabled ~= TRUE) then

	local hitKillerName = "field item"
	local damageKillerName = ""
	if(lastHitKiller ~= FALSE) then
		if(isPlayer(lastHitKiller) == TRUE) then
			hitKillerName = getPlayerGUID(lastHitKiller)
			hitKillerName = getCreatureName(lastHitKiller)

		if(mostDamageKiller ~= FALSE and mostDamageKiller ~= lastHitKiller and getCreatureName(mostDamageKiller) ~= getCreatureName(lastHitKiller)) then
			if(isPlayer(mostDamageKiller) == TRUE) then
				damageKillerName = getPlayerGUID(mostDamageKiller)
				damageKillerName = getCreatureName(mostDamageKiller)

	db.query("INSERT INTO `player_deaths` (`player_id`, `time`, `level`, `killed_by`, `altkilled_by`) VALUES (" .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ", " .. os.time() .. ", " .. getPlayerLevel(cid) .. ", " .. db.escapeString(hitKillerName) .. ", " .. db.escapeString(damageKillerName) .. ");")
	local rows = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id` FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";")
	if(rows:getID() ~= -1) then
		local amount = rows:getRows(true) - config.maxDeathRecords
		if(amount > 0) then
			if(config.sqlType == DATABASE_ENGINE_SQLITE) then
				for i = 1, amount do
					db.query("DELETE FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `rowid` = (SELECT `rowid` FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " ORDER BY `time` LIMIT 1);")
				db.query("DELETE FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " ORDER BY `time` LIMIT " .. amount .. ";")


local table = {
[1] = 12788,
[2] = 12788,
[3] = 12788,
[4] = 12788,
[5] = 12835,
[6] = 12788,
[7] = 12788,
[8] = 12788,

[9] = 12815,
[10] = 12815,
[11] = 12815,
[12] = 12815,
[13] = 12815,
[14] = 12815,
[15] = 12815,
[16] = 12815,
[473] = 12815,

[17] = 12791,
[18] = 12897,
[19] = 12791,
[20] = 12791,
[21] = 12835,
[22] = 12791,
[23] = 12791,

[24] = 12821,
[25] = 12821,
[26] = 12821,
[27] = 12821,
[28] = 12821,
[29] = 12821,
[30] = 12821,
[31] = 12821,
[474] = 12821,

[32] = 12796,
[33] = 12792,
[34] = 12792,
[35] = 12792,
[36] = 12792,

[37] = 12796,
[38] = 12792,
[39] = 12792,
[40] = 12792,
[41] = 12792,
[42] = 12792,
[43] = 12792,
[44] = 12792,

[45] = 12789,
[46] = 12895,
[47] = 12805,
[48] = 12802,
[49] = 12802,

[50] = 12807,
[51] = 12895,
[52] = 12805,
[53] = 12822,
[54] = 12825,
[55] = 12825,
[56] = 12825,

[57] = 12806,
[58] = 13363,
[59] = 12781,
[60] = 12781,
[61] = 12818,
[62] = 12818,
[63] = 12818,

[64] = 12795,
[65] = 12795,
[66] = 12819,
[67] = 12819,
[68] = 12819,
[69] = 12819,
[70] = 12819,

[71] = 12786,
[72] = 12786,
[73] = 12824,
[74] = 12824,
[75] = 12824,

[76] = 12820,
[77] = 12820,
[78] = 12820,
[79] = 12820,
[80] = 12820,
[81] = 12820,
[82] = 12820,
[490] = 12820,

[83] = 12834,
[84] = 12814,
[85] = 12797,
[86] = 12813,
[87] = 12813,

[88] = 12834,
[89] = 12814,
[90] = 12797,
[91] = 12813,
[92] = 12813,
[93] = 12813,
[94] = 12813,

[95] = 12785,
[96] = 12785,
[97] = 12785,
[98] = 12785,
[99] = 12808,
[100] = 12808,
[101] = 12872,

[102] = 12785,
[103] = 12785,
[104] = 12785,
[105] = 12785,
[106] = 12808,
[107] = 12808,
[108] = 12808,
[109] = 12808,
[110] = 12808,

[111] = 12894,
[112] = 12803,
[113] = 12803,
[114] = 12803,
[115] = 12803,
[116] = 12803,
[117] = 12803,

[118] = 12894,
[119] = 12803,
[120] = 12803,
[121] = 12803,
[122] = 12803,
[123] = 12803,
[124] = 12803,
[125] = 12803,
[126] = 12803,
[475] = 12803,

[127] = 12782,
[128] = 12782,
[129] = 12782,
[130] = 12794,
[131] = 12794,

[132] = 12782,
[133] = 12782,
[134] = 12794,
[135] = 12794,
[136] = 12782,
[137] = 12782,
[138] = 12782,
[139] = 12782,

[140] = 12789,
[141] = 12895,
[142] = 12896,
[143] = 12790,
[144] = 12790,

[145] = 12807,
[146] = 12895,
[147] = 12896,
[148] = 12790,
[149] = 12790,
[150] = 12790,
[151] = 12790,

[152] = 12799,
[153] = 12799,
[154] = 12799,
[155] = 12799,
[156] = 12799,

[157] = 12799,
[158] = 12799,
[159] = 12799,
[160] = 12799,
[161] = 12799,
[162] = 12799,
[163] = 12799,

[164] = 12800,
[165] = 12800,
[166] = 12810,
[167] = 12810,
[168] = 12810,
[169] = 12810,
[170] = 12810,

[171] = 12817,
[172] = 12817,
[173] = 12810,
[174] = 12810,
[175] = 12810,
[176] = 12810,
[177] = 12810,

[178] = 12793,
[179] = 12793,
[180] = 12810,
[181] = 12810,
[182] = 12810,
[183] = 12810,
[184] = 12810,

[185] = 12793,
[186] = 12793,
[187] = 12810,
[188] = 12810,
[189] = 12810,
[190] = 12810,
[191] = 12810,

[192] = 12783,
[193] = 12783,
[194] = 12783,
[195] = 12783,
[196] = 12783,
[197] = 12783,

[198] = 12783,
[199] = 12783,
[200] = 12783,
[201] = 12783,
[202] = 12783,
[203] = 12783,
[204] = 12783,
[205] = 12783,
[493] = 12783,

[206] = 12792,
[207] = 12792,
[208] = 12792,
[209] = 12792,
[210] = 12792,

[211] = 12792,
[212] = 12792,
[213] = 12792,
[214] = 12792,
[215] = 12792,
[216] = 12792,
[217] = 12792,

[218] = 12826,
[219] = 12793,
[220] = 12826,
[221] = 12817,
[222] = 12819,

[223] = 12821,
[224] = 12821,
[225] = 12811,
[226] = 12811,
[227] = 12899,
[228] = 12811,
[229] = 12811,

[230] = 12833,
[231] = 12900,
[232] = 12888,
[233] = 12888,
[234] = 12888,
[235] = 12888,

[236] = 12888,
[237] = 12900,
[238] = 12888,
[239] = 12888,
[240] = 12888,
[241] = 12888,
[242] = 12888,
[243] = 12888,

[244] = 12823,
[245] = 12823,
[246] = 12823,
[247] = 12823,
[248] = 12823,

[249] = 12823,
[250] = 12823,
[251] = 12823,
[252] = 12823,
[253] = 12823,
[254] = 12823,
[255] = 12823,

[256] = 12827,
[257] = 12827,
[258] = 12828,
[259] = 12828,
[260] = 12828,

[261] = 12828,
[262] = 12828,
[263] = 12828,
[264] = 12828,
[265] = 12828,
[266] = 12828,
[267] = 12828,

[268] = 13493,
[269] = 13493,
[270] = 13493,
[271] = 12809,
[272] = 12809,

[273] = 13493,
[274] = 12809,
[275] = 13493,
[276] = 13493,
[277] = 13494,
[278] = 12809,
[279] = 12809,

[280] = 12804,
[281] = 12804,
[282] = 12804,
[283] = 12804,
[284] = 12804,

[285] = 12804,
[286] = 12804,
[287] = 12804,
[288] = 12804,
[289] = 12804,
[290] = 12804,
[291] = 12804,

[292] = 12898,
[293] = 12898,
[294] = 12898,
[295] = 12812,
[296] = 12812,

[297] = 12898,
[298] = 12898,
[299] = 12898,
[300] = 12812,
[301] = 12812,
[302] = 12812,
[303] = 12812,
[491] = 12812,

[304] = 12801,
[305] = 12801,
[306] = 12801,
[307] = 12801,
[308] = 12801,

[309] = 12801,
[310] = 12801,
[311] = 12801,
[312] = 12801,
[313] = 12801,
[314] = 12801,
[315] = 12801,

[316] = 12830,
[317] = 12830,
[318] = 12830,
[319] = 12830,
[320] = 12830,

[321] = 12829,
[322] = 12829,
[323] = 12829,
[324] = 12829,
[325] = 12829,
[326] = 12829,
[327] = 12829,

[328] = 12798,
[329] = 12798,
[330] = 12798,
[331] = 12798,
[332] = 12798,

[333] = 12798,
[334] = 12798,
[335] = 12798,
[336] = 12798,
[337] = 12798,
[338] = 12798,
[339] = 12798,

[340] = 12789,
[341] = 12895,
[342] = 12784,
[343] = 12784,
[344] = 12784,

[345] = 12807,
[346] = 12895,
[347] = 12784,
[348] = 12784,
[349] = 12784,
[350] = 12784,
[351] = 12784,

[352] = 12831,
[353] = 12831,
[354] = 12831,
[355] = 12831,
[356] = 12831,

[357] = 12831,
[358] = 12831,
[359] = 12831,
[360] = 12831,
[361] = 12831,
[362] = 12831,
[363] = 12831,

[364] = 12832,
[365] = 12832,
[366] = 12832,
[367] = 12832,
[368] = 12832,

[369] = 12832,
[370] = 12832,
[371] = 12832,
[372] = 12832,
[373] = 12832,
[374] = 12832,
[375] = 12832,

[376] = 12873,
[377] = 12874,
[378] = 12876,
[379] = 12877,
[380] = 12877,

[381] = 12873,
[382] = 12874,
[383] = 12876,
[384] = 12877,
[385] = 12877,
[386] = 12878,
[387] = 12878,

[388] = 12875,
[389] = 12875,
[390] = 12875,
[391] = 12875,
[392] = 12875,

[393] = 12875,
[394] = 12875,
[395] = 12875,
[396] = 12875,
[397] = 12875,
[398] = 12875,
[399] = 12875,

[400] = 12879,
[401] = 12879,
[402] = 12880,
[403] = 12880,
[404] = 12880,

[405] = 12880,
[406] = 12880,
[407] = 12880,
[408] = 12880,
[409] = 12880,
[410] = 12881,
[411] = 12881,
[412] = 12881,
[476] = 12881,

[413] = 12908,
[414] = 12908,
[415] = 12908,
[416] = 12908,
[417] = 12908,

[418] = 12908,
[419] = 12908,
[420] = 12908,
[421] = 12908,
[422] = 12908,
[423] = 12908,
[424] = 12908,

[425] = 12909,
[426] = 12909,
[427] = 12909,
[428] = 12909,
[429] = 12909,

[430] = 12910,
[431] = 12910,
[432] = 12910,
[433] = 12910,
[434] = 12910,
[435] = 12910,
[436] = 12910,

[437] = 12911,
[438] = 12911,
[439] = 12911,
[440] = 12911,
[441] = 12911,

[442] = 12912,
[443] = 12912,
[444] = 12912,
[445] = 12912,
[446] = 12912,
[447] = 12912,
[448] = 12912,

[449] = 12913,
[450] = 12913,
[451] = 12913,
[452] = 12913,
[453] = 12913,

[454] = 12914,
[455] = 12914,
[456] = 12914,
[457] = 12914,
[458] = 12914,
[459] = 12914,
[460] = 12914,
[477] = 12914,

[461] = 12915,
[462] = 12915,
[463] = 12915,
[464] = 12915,
[465] = 12915,

[466] = 12915,
[467] = 12915,
[468] = 12915,
[469] = 12915,
[470] = 12915,
[471] = 12915,
[472] = 12915,
[492] = 12915,

[478] = 13481,
[479] = 13481,
[480] = 13481,
[481] = 13481,
[482] = 13482,

[483] = 13482,
[484] = 13482,
[485] = 13482,
[486] = 13482,
[487] = 13482,
[488] = 13482,
[489] = 13482

local config = {
--[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito}
-- Goku
[2] = {1, 2, 118},
[3] = {1, 2, 116},
[4] = {1, 2, 116},
[5] = {1, 2, 121},
[6] = {1, 2, 116},
[7] = {1, 2, 116},
[8] = {1, 2, 116},

[10] = {9, 10, 116},
[11] = {9, 10, 116},
[12] = {9, 10, 116},
[13] = {9, 10, 125},
[14] = {9, 10, 121},
[15] = {9, 10, 34},
[16] = {9, 10, 32},
[473] = {9, 10, 41},

-- Vegeta
[18] = {17, 19, 34},
[19] = {17, 19, 116},
[20] = {17, 19, 116},
[21] = {17, 19, 121},
[22] = {17, 19, 116},
[23] = {17, 19, 116},

[25] = {24, 25, 116},
[26] = {24, 25, 116},
[27] = {24, 25, 116},
[28] = {24, 25, 116},
[29] = {24, 25, 113},
[30] = {24, 25, 34},
[31] = {24, 25, 32},
[474] = {24, 25, 41},

-- Piccolo
[33] = {32, 33, 119},
[34] = {32, 33, 31},
[35] = {32, 33, 119},
[36] = {32, 33, 119},

[38] = {37, 38, 119},
[39] = {37, 38, 31},
[40] = {37, 38, 31},
[41] = {37, 38, 119},
[42] = {37, 38, 119},
[43] = {37, 38, 31},
[44] = {37, 38, 31},

-- C17
[46] = {45, 46, 34},
[47] = {45, 46, 34},
[48] = {45, 46, 34},
[49] = {45, 46, 34},

[51] = {50, 50, 34},
[52] = {50, 50, 34},
[53] = {50, 50, 34},
[54] = {50, 50, 34},
[55] = {50, 50, 34},
[56] = {50, 50, 34},

-- Gohan
[58] = {57, 55, 34},
[59] = {57, 55, 116},
[60] = {57, 55, 116},
[61] = {57, 55, 116},
[62] = {57, 55, 127},
[63] = {57, 55, 116},

[65] = {64, 62, 116},
[66] = {64, 62, 116},
[67] = {64, 62, 116},
[68] = {64, 62, 124},
[69] = {64, 62, 34},
[70] = {64, 62, 34},

-- Trunks
[72] = {71, 69, 116},
[73] = {71, 69, 116},
[74] = {71, 69, 116},
[75] = {71, 69, 116},

[77] = {76, 74, 116},
[78] = {76, 74, 116},
[79] = {76, 74, 116},
[80] = {76, 74, 112},
[81] = {76, 74, 34},
[82] = {76, 74, 34},
[490] = {76, 74, 32},

-- Cell
[84] = {83, 81, 119},
[85] = {83, 81, 119},
[86] = {83, 81, 119},
[87] = {83, 81, 31},

[89] = {88, 81, 119},
[90] = {88, 81, 119},
[91] = {88, 81, 119},
[92] = {88, 81, 31},
[93] = {88, 81, 34},
[94] = {88, 81, 34},

-- Freeza
[96] = {95, 88, 34},
[97] = {95, 88, 34},
[98] = {95, 88, 34},
[99] = {95, 88, 34},
[100] = {95, 88, 34},
[101] = {95, 88, 34},

[103] = {102, 88, 34},
[104] = {102, 88, 34},
[105] = {102, 88, 34},
[106] = {102, 88, 34},
[107] = {102, 88, 34},
[108] = {102, 88, 34},
[109] = {102, 88, 34},
[110] = {102, 88, 34},

-- Majin Boo
[112] = {111, 98, 29},
[113] = {111, 98, 29},
[114] = {111, 98, 29},
[115] = {111, 98, 29},
[116] = {111, 98, 29},
[117] = {111, 98, 29},

[119] = {118, 98, 29},
[120] = {118, 98, 29},
[121] = {118, 98, 29},
[122] = {118, 98, 29},
[123] = {118, 98, 29},
[124] = {118, 98, 29},
[125] = {118, 98, 29},
[126] = {118, 98, 29},
[475] = {118, 98, 34},

-- Broly
[128] = {127, 108, 34},
[129] = {127, 108, 115},
[130] = {127, 108, 116},
[131] = {127, 108, 116},

[133] = {132, 113, 115},
[134] = {132, 113, 116},
[135] = {132, 113, 116},
[136] = {132, 113, 126},
[137] = {132, 113, 121},
[138] = {132, 113, 34},
[139] = {132, 113, 32},

-- C18
[141] = {140, 46, 34},
[142] = {140, 46, 34},
[143] = {140, 46, 34},
[144] = {140, 46, 34},

[146] = {145, 50, 34},
[147] = {145, 50, 34},
[148] = {145, 50, 34},
[149] = {145, 50, 34},
[150] = {145, 50, 29},
[151] = {145, 50, 29},

-- Uub
[153] = {152, 128, 117},
[154] = {152, 128, 117},
[155] = {152, 128, 117},
[156] = {152, 128, 117},

[158] = {157, 128, 112},
[159] = {157, 128, 112},
[160] = {157, 128, 112},
[161] = {157, 128, 112},
[162] = {157, 128, 34},
[163] = {157, 128, 34},

-- Goten
[165] = {164, 135, 116},
[166] = {164, 135, 121},
[167] = {164, 135, 121},
[168] = {164, 135, 121},
[169] = {164, 135, 121},
[170] = {164, 135, 121},

[172] = {171, 142, 116},
[173] = {171, 142, 121},
[174] = {171, 142, 121},
[175] = {171, 142, 121},
[176] = {171, 142, 121},
[177] = {171, 142, 121},

-- Chibi Trunks
[179] = {178, 149, 116},
[180] = {178, 149, 121},
[181] = {178, 149, 121},
[182] = {178, 149, 121},
[183] = {178, 149, 121},
[184] = {178, 149, 121},

[186] = {185, 151, 116},
[187] = {185, 151, 121},
[188] = {185, 151, 121},
[189] = {185, 151, 121},
[190] = {185, 151, 121},
[191] = {185, 151, 121},

-- Cooler
[193] = {192, 153, 113},
[194] = {192, 153, 113},
[195] = {192, 153, 113},
[196] = {192, 153, 113},
[197] = {192, 153, 34},

[199] = {198, 153, 113},
[200] = {198, 153, 113},
[201] = {198, 153, 113},
[202] = {198, 153, 113},
[203] = {198, 153, 113},
[204] = {198, 153, 34},
[205] = {198, 153, 34},
[493] = {198, 153, 34},

-- Dende
[207] = {206, 164, 119},
[208] = {207, 164, 119},
[209] = {208, 164, 119},
[210] = {209, 164, 119},

[212] = {211, 169, 119},
[213] = {211, 169, 119},
[214] = {211, 169, 119},
[215] = {211, 169, 119},
[216] = {211, 169, 31},
[217] = {211, 169, 31},

-- Tsuful
[219] = {218, 175, 116},
[220] = {218, 175, 115},
[221] = {218, 175, 116},
[222] = {218, 175, 116},

[224] = {223, 180, 116},
[225] = {223, 180, 116},
[226] = {223, 180, 116},
[227] = {223, 180, 34},
[228] = {223, 180, 34},
[229] = {223, 180, 112},

-- Bardock
[231] = {230, 188, 34},
[232] = {230, 188, 116},
[233] = {230, 188, 116},
[234] = {230, 188, 116},
[235] = {230, 188, 116},

[237] = {236, 194, 116},
[238] = {236, 194, 116},
[239] = {236, 194, 116},
[240] = {236, 194, 112},
[241] = {236, 194, 121},
[242] = {236, 194, 34},
[243] = {236, 194, 34},

-- Kuririn
[245] = {244, 200, 116},
[246] = {244, 200, 116},
[247] = {244, 200, 116},
[248] = {244, 200, 116},

[250] = {249, 205, 116},
[251] = {249, 205, 116},
[252] = {249, 205, 116},
[253] = {249, 205, 112},
[254] = {249, 205, 112},
[255] = {249, 205, 34},

-- Pan
[257] = {256, 210, 116},
[258] = {256, 210, 116},
[259] = {256, 210, 116},
[260] = {256, 210, 116},

[262] = {261, 212, 116},
[263] = {261, 212, 116},
[264] = {261, 212, 112},
[265] = {261, 212, 112},
[266] = {261, 212, 34},
[267] = {261, 212, 34},

-- Kaio
[269] = {268, 219, 113},
[270] = {268, 219, 113},
[271] = {268, 219, 113},
[272] = {268, 219, 113},

[274] = {273, 221, 113},
[275] = {273, 221, 113},
[276] = {273, 221, 113},
[277] = {273, 221, 113},
[278] = {273, 221, 113},
[279] = {273, 221, 34},

-- Videl
[281] = {280, 227, 116},
[282] = {280, 227, 116},
[283] = {280, 227, 116},
[284] = {280, 227, 115},

[286] = {285, 227, 116},
[287] = {285, 227, 116},
[288] = {285, 227, 116},
[289] = {285, 227, 115},
[290] = {285, 227, 115},
[291] = {285, 227, 112},

-- Janemba
[293] = {292, 234, 34},
[294] = {292, 234, 34},
[295] = {292, 234, 113},
[296] = {292, 234, 113},

[298] = {297, 234, 34},
[299] = {297, 234, 34},
[300] = {297, 234, 113},
[301] = {297, 234, 113},
[302] = {297, 234, 113},
[303] = {297, 234, 113},
[491] = {297, 234, 113},

-- Tenshinhan
[305] = {304, 242, 116},
[306] = {304, 242, 116},
[307] = {304, 242, 116},
[308] = {304, 242, 116},

[310] = {309, 246, 116},
[311] = {309, 246, 116},
[312] = {309, 246, 116},
[313] = {309, 246, 112},
[314] = {309, 246, 34},
[315] = {309, 246, 34},

-- Jenk
[317] = {316, 252, 116},
[318] = {316, 252, 116},
[319] = {316, 252, 116},
[320] = {316, 252, 116},

[322] = {321, 257, 34},
[323] = {321, 257, 112},
[324] = {321, 257, 112},
[325] = {321, 257, 112},
[326] = {321, 257, 115},
[327] = {321, 257, 115},

-- Raditz
[329] = {328, 264, 116},
[330] = {328, 264, 116},
[331] = {328, 264, 116},
[332] = {328, 264, 116},

[334] = {333, 265, 116},
[335] = {333, 265, 116},
[336] = {333, 265, 116},
[337] = {333, 265, 112},
[338] = {333, 265, 34},
[339] = {333, 265, 34},

-- C16
[341] = {340, 272, 34},
[342] = {340, 272, 34},
[343] = {340, 272, 34},
[344] = {340, 272, 34},

[346] = {345, 277, 34},
[347] = {345, 277, 34},
[348] = {345, 277, 34},
[349] = {345, 277, 34},
[350] = {345, 277, 34},
[351] = {345, 277, 34},

-- Turles
[353] = {352, 280, 34},
[354] = {352, 280, 116},
[355] = {352, 280, 116},
[356] = {352, 280, 116},

[358] = {357, 285, 34},
[359] = {357, 285, 116},
[360] = {357, 285, 116},
[361] = {357, 285, 115},
[362] = {357, 285, 34},
[363] = {357, 285, 34},

-- Bulma
[365] = {364, 292, 116},
[366] = {364, 292, 116},
[367] = {364, 292, 116},
[368] = {364, 292, 116},

[370] = {369, 296, 116},
[371] = {369, 296, 116},
[372] = {369, 296, 116},
[373] = {369, 296, 112},
[374] = {369, 296, 115},
[375] = {369, 296, 115},

-- Shenron
[377] = {376, 302, 34},
[378] = {376, 302, 34},
[379] = {376, 302, 34},
[380] = {376, 302, 121},

[382] = {381, 302, 34},
[383] = {381, 302, 34},
[384] = {381, 302, 34},
[385] = {381, 302, 121},
[386] = {381, 302, 34},
[387] = {381, 302, 34},

-- Vegetto
[389] = {388, 308, 116},
[390] = {388, 308, 116},
[391] = {388, 308, 116},
[392] = {388, 308, 116},

[394] = {393, 308, 116},
[395] = {393, 308, 116},
[396] = {393, 308, 116},
[397] = {393, 308, 121},
[398] = {393, 308, 121},
[399] = {393, 308, 32},

-- Tapion
[401] = {400, 316, 111},
[402] = {400, 316, 116},
[403] = {400, 316, 111},
[404] = {400, 316, 112},

[406] = {405, 321, 116},
[407] = {405, 321, 112},
[408] = {405, 321, 116},
[409] = {405, 321, 115},
[410] = {405, 321, 116},
[411] = {405, 321, 112},
[412] = {405, 321, 34},
[476] = {405, 321, 34},

-- Kame
[414] = {413, 330, 116},
[415] = {413, 330, 116},
[416] = {413, 330, 116},
[417] = {413, 330, 114},

[419] = {418, 335, 114},
[420] = {418, 335, 116},
[421] = {418, 335, 112},
[422] = {418, 335, 114},
[423] = {418, 335, 34},
[424] = {418, 335, 34},

-- King Vegeta
[426] = {425, 342, 116},
[427] = {425, 342, 116},
[428] = {425, 342, 116},
[429] = {425, 342, 116},

[431] = {430, 347, 116},
[432] = {430, 347, 116},
[433] = {430, 347, 112},
[434] = {430, 347, 115},
[435] = {430, 347, 112},
[436] = {430, 347, 112},

-- Kagome
[438] = {437, 353, 116},
[439] = {437, 353, 116},
[440] = {437, 353, 116},
[441] = {437, 353, 116},

[443] = {442, 357, 116},
[444] = {442, 357, 116},
[445] = {442, 357, 116},
[446] = {442, 357, 112},
[447] = {442, 357, 112},
[448] = {442, 357, 112},

-- Zaiko
[450] = {449, 363, 116},
[451] = {449, 363, 116},
[452] = {449, 363, 116},
[453] = {449, 363, 116},

[455] = {454, 368, 116},
[456] = {454, 368, 116},
[457] = {454, 368, 111},
[458] = {454, 368, 111},
[459] = {454, 368, 112},
[460] = {454, 368, 115},
[477] = {454, 368, 114},

-- Chilled
[462] = {461, 375, 113},
[463] = {461, 375, 113},
[464] = {461, 375, 113},
[465] = {461, 375, 113},

[467] = {466, 375, 113},
[468] = {466, 375, 113},
[469] = {466, 375, 113},
[470] = {466, 375, 29},
[471] = {466, 375, 29},
[472] = {466, 375, 29},
[492] = {466, 375, 29},

-- C8
[479] = {478, 512, 34},
[480] = {478, 512, 34},
[481] = {478, 512, 34},
[482] = {478, 512, 34},

[484] = {483, 517, 34},
[485] = {483, 517, 34},
[486] = {483, 517, 34},
[487] = {483, 517, 34},
[488] = {483, 517, 34},
[489] = {483, 517, 34}

local function transform(pos, id, voc)
local item = getTileItemById(pos, id)
if item and item.uid > 1 then
doTransformItem(item.uid, table[voc])
doDecayItem(item.uid or 0)

function onDeath(cid, corpse)
--setPlayerStamina(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 34442))
local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)]
if voc then
doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[1])
local outfit = {lookType = voc[2]}
doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)
if not isPlayer(cid) or not table[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then return true end
addEvent(transform, 1, getThingPos(cid), corpse.itemid, getPlayerVocation(cid))
return true


local tpId = 1387
local tps = {
	["RB Goku SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=389, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=400, y=250, z=15}, time = 60}, -- Onde o Teleport irá aparecer e onde ele levará o Player. Em 'Time', configurar tempo em segundos para o TP desapecer.
	["RB Vegeta SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=412, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=426, y=250, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Gohan SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=438, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=449, y=250, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Trunks SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=461, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=377, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Raditz SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=389, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=400, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Broly SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=412, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=426, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Turles SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=438, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=449, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Bardock SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=461, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=419, y=232, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Gogeta SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=419, y=220, z=15}, toPos = {x=419, y=316, z=15}, time = 60},
	["Porunga"] = {pos = {x=419, y=295, z=15}, toPos = {x=419, y=400, z=13}, time = 60},
	["Fire Guardian1"] = {pos = {x=642, y=718, z=6}, toPos = {x=638, y=718, z=6}, time = 60},
	["Fire Guardian2"] = {pos = {x=636, y=730, z=5}, toPos = {x=636, y=732, z=5}, time = 60},
	["Fire Guardian3"] = {pos = {x=636, y=707, z=5}, toPos = {x=636, y=705, z=5}, time = 60},
	["Hawk"] = {pos = {x=648, y=841, z=3}, toPos = {x=646, y=841, z=3}, time = 60},
	["Warlock"] = {pos = {x=637, y=837, z=3}, toPos = {x=641, y=831, z=1}, time = 60},
	["Titanius"] = {pos = {x=459, y=1080, z=6}, toPos = {x=361, y=1107, z=5}, time = 300},
function removeTp(tp)
    local t = getTileItemById(tp.pos, tpId)
    if t then
        doRemoveItem(t.uid, 1)
        doSendMagicEffect(tp.pos, CONST_ME_POFF)

function onDeath(cid)
    local tp = tps[getCreatureName(cid)]
    if tp then
        doCreateTeleport(tpId, tp.toPos, tp.pos)
        doCreatureSay(cid, "O teleport irá sumir em "" segundos.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
        addEvent(removeTp, tp.time*1000, tp)
        addEvent(doCreateMonster, tp.time*1001, getCreatureName(cid), tp.pos)
    return TRUE


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<event type="login" name="PlayerLogin" event="script" value="login.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="MultipleExp" event="script" value="multipleExpLogin.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="vip" event="script" value="vip.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="TiraBattle" event="script" value="tirabattle.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="AntiMC" event="script" value="antimc.lua"/>
	<event type="receivemail" name="Mail" event="script" value="mail.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="Idle" event="script" value="idle.lua"/>
    <event type="preparedeath" name="onPrepareDeathinifi" event="script" value="aolinfinity.lua"/> 
	<event type="think" name="SkullCheck" event="script" value="skullcheck.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="PlayerDeath" event="script" value="playerdeath.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="Outfit" script="outfit_vocation.lua"/> 
	<event type="login" name="PlayerAddPointsTimer" event="script" value="points.lua"/>
	<event type="logout" name="PlayerResetPointsTimer" event="script" value="points.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="Niwdeath" event="script" value="niwdeath.lua"/>
	<event type="statschange" name="Reflect" event="script" value="reflect.lua"/>
	<event type="advance" name="LevelRecompense" event="script" value="recompenselvl.lua"/>
	<event type="advance" name="AdvanceSave" event="script" value="advancesave.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="BoasVindas" event="script" value="boasvindas.lua"/>
	<event type="advance" name="FullHpMana" event="script" value="fullhpmana.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="SkillStagesLogin" event="script" value="skillstageslogin.lua"/> 
    <event type="advance" name="SkillStagesAdvance" event="script" value="skillstagesadvance.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="tp" event="script" value="tpmonster.lua"/>
	<event type="combat" name="NoPartyAttack" event="script" value="nopartyattack.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocShenron" event="script" value="vocshenron.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVegetto" event="script" value="vocvegetto.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocTapion" event="script" value="voctapion.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocKame" event="script" value="vockame.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocKagome" event="script" value="vockagome.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocKingVegeta" event="script" value="vockingvegeta.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocZaiko" event="script" value="voczaiko.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocGoku" event="script" value="vocgoku.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocChilled" event="script" value="vocchilled.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocC8" event="script" value="vocc8.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocBills" event="script" value="vocbills.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocFreeza" event="script" value="vocfreeza.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocZamasu" event="script" value="voczamasu.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocGogeta" event="script" value="vocgogeta.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocWhiss" event="script" value="vocwhiss.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVados" event="script" value="vocvados.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVegettoblack" event="script" value="vocvegettoblack.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocVegettoblue" event="script" value="vocvegettoblue.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocGokuevo" event="script" value="vocgokuevo.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="VocZeno" event="script" value="voczeno.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="RemovedorDeFrags" event="script" value="removedordefrags.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="BlessCheck" event="script" value="CheckBless.lua"/>
	<event type="think" name="ZombieThink" event="script" value="zombie/onthink.lua"/>
	<event type="statschange" name="ZombieAttack" event="script" value="zombie/onattack.lua"/>
	<event type="death" name="ZombieDeath" event="script" value="zombie/ondeath.lua"/>
	<event type="login" name="BattleLogin" event="script" value="BattleCreatureScript.lua"/>
	<event type="PrepareDeath" name="BattleDeath" event="script" value="BattleCreatureScript.lua"/>
	<event type="combat" name="BattleTeam" event="script" value="BattleCreatureScript.lua"/>

Aqui o público tudo relacionado com a "death"


function onPrepareDeath(cid, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)
if isPlayer(cid) == true then
if (getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 9).itemid == 10502) then
doCreatureSetDropLoot(cid, false)
return TRUE
return TRUE


local config = {
	deathListEnabled = getBooleanFromString(getConfigInfo('deathListEnabled')),
	sqlType = getConfigInfo('sqlType'),
	maxDeathRecords = getConfigInfo('maxDeathRecords')

config.sqlType = config.sqlType == "sqlite" and DATABASE_ENGINE_SQLITE or DATABASE_ENGINE_MYSQL

function onDeath(cid, corpse, lastHitKiller, mostDamageKiller)
	if(config.deathListEnabled ~= TRUE) then

	local hitKillerName = "field item"
	local damageKillerName = ""
	if(lastHitKiller ~= FALSE) then
		if(isPlayer(lastHitKiller) == TRUE) then
			hitKillerName = getPlayerGUID(lastHitKiller)
			hitKillerName = getCreatureName(lastHitKiller)

		if(mostDamageKiller ~= FALSE and mostDamageKiller ~= lastHitKiller and getCreatureName(mostDamageKiller) ~= getCreatureName(lastHitKiller)) then
			if(isPlayer(mostDamageKiller) == TRUE) then
				damageKillerName = getPlayerGUID(mostDamageKiller)
				damageKillerName = getCreatureName(mostDamageKiller)

	db.query("INSERT INTO `player_deaths` (`player_id`, `time`, `level`, `killed_by`, `altkilled_by`) VALUES (" .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ", " .. os.time() .. ", " .. getPlayerLevel(cid) .. ", " .. db.escapeString(hitKillerName) .. ", " .. db.escapeString(damageKillerName) .. ");")
	local rows = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id` FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. ";")
	if(rows:getID() ~= -1) then
		local amount = rows:getRows(true) - config.maxDeathRecords
		if(amount > 0) then
			if(config.sqlType == DATABASE_ENGINE_SQLITE) then
				for i = 1, amount do
					db.query("DELETE FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `rowid` = (SELECT `rowid` FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " ORDER BY `time` LIMIT 1);")
				db.query("DELETE FROM `player_deaths` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getPlayerGUID(cid) .. " ORDER BY `time` LIMIT " .. amount .. ";")


local table = {
[1] = 12788,
[2] = 12788,
[3] = 12788,
[4] = 12788,
[5] = 12835,
[6] = 12788,
[7] = 12788,
[8] = 12788,

[9] = 12815,
[10] = 12815,
[11] = 12815,
[12] = 12815,
[13] = 12815,
[14] = 12815,
[15] = 12815,
[16] = 12815,
[473] = 12815,

[17] = 12791,
[18] = 12897,
[19] = 12791,
[20] = 12791,
[21] = 12835,
[22] = 12791,
[23] = 12791,

[24] = 12821,
[25] = 12821,
[26] = 12821,
[27] = 12821,
[28] = 12821,
[29] = 12821,
[30] = 12821,
[31] = 12821,
[474] = 12821,

[32] = 12796,
[33] = 12792,
[34] = 12792,
[35] = 12792,
[36] = 12792,

[37] = 12796,
[38] = 12792,
[39] = 12792,
[40] = 12792,
[41] = 12792,
[42] = 12792,
[43] = 12792,
[44] = 12792,

[45] = 12789,
[46] = 12895,
[47] = 12805,
[48] = 12802,
[49] = 12802,

[50] = 12807,
[51] = 12895,
[52] = 12805,
[53] = 12822,
[54] = 12825,
[55] = 12825,
[56] = 12825,

[57] = 12806,
[58] = 13363,
[59] = 12781,
[60] = 12781,
[61] = 12818,
[62] = 12818,
[63] = 12818,

[64] = 12795,
[65] = 12795,
[66] = 12819,
[67] = 12819,
[68] = 12819,
[69] = 12819,
[70] = 12819,

[71] = 12786,
[72] = 12786,
[73] = 12824,
[74] = 12824,
[75] = 12824,

[76] = 12820,
[77] = 12820,
[78] = 12820,
[79] = 12820,
[80] = 12820,
[81] = 12820,
[82] = 12820,
[490] = 12820,

[83] = 12834,
[84] = 12814,
[85] = 12797,
[86] = 12813,
[87] = 12813,

[88] = 12834,
[89] = 12814,
[90] = 12797,
[91] = 12813,
[92] = 12813,
[93] = 12813,
[94] = 12813,

[95] = 12785,
[96] = 12785,
[97] = 12785,
[98] = 12785,
[99] = 12808,
[100] = 12808,
[101] = 12872,

[102] = 12785,
[103] = 12785,
[104] = 12785,
[105] = 12785,
[106] = 12808,
[107] = 12808,
[108] = 12808,
[109] = 12808,
[110] = 12808,

[111] = 12894,
[112] = 12803,
[113] = 12803,
[114] = 12803,
[115] = 12803,
[116] = 12803,
[117] = 12803,

[118] = 12894,
[119] = 12803,
[120] = 12803,
[121] = 12803,
[122] = 12803,
[123] = 12803,
[124] = 12803,
[125] = 12803,
[126] = 12803,
[475] = 12803,

[127] = 12782,
[128] = 12782,
[129] = 12782,
[130] = 12794,
[131] = 12794,

[132] = 12782,
[133] = 12782,
[134] = 12794,
[135] = 12794,
[136] = 12782,
[137] = 12782,
[138] = 12782,
[139] = 12782,

[140] = 12789,
[141] = 12895,
[142] = 12896,
[143] = 12790,
[144] = 12790,

[145] = 12807,
[146] = 12895,
[147] = 12896,
[148] = 12790,
[149] = 12790,
[150] = 12790,
[151] = 12790,

[152] = 12799,
[153] = 12799,
[154] = 12799,
[155] = 12799,
[156] = 12799,

[157] = 12799,
[158] = 12799,
[159] = 12799,
[160] = 12799,
[161] = 12799,
[162] = 12799,
[163] = 12799,

[164] = 12800,
[165] = 12800,
[166] = 12810,
[167] = 12810,
[168] = 12810,
[169] = 12810,
[170] = 12810,

[171] = 12817,
[172] = 12817,
[173] = 12810,
[174] = 12810,
[175] = 12810,
[176] = 12810,
[177] = 12810,

[178] = 12793,
[179] = 12793,
[180] = 12810,
[181] = 12810,
[182] = 12810,
[183] = 12810,
[184] = 12810,

[185] = 12793,
[186] = 12793,
[187] = 12810,
[188] = 12810,
[189] = 12810,
[190] = 12810,
[191] = 12810,

[192] = 12783,
[193] = 12783,
[194] = 12783,
[195] = 12783,
[196] = 12783,
[197] = 12783,

[198] = 12783,
[199] = 12783,
[200] = 12783,
[201] = 12783,
[202] = 12783,
[203] = 12783,
[204] = 12783,
[205] = 12783,
[493] = 12783,

[206] = 12792,
[207] = 12792,
[208] = 12792,
[209] = 12792,
[210] = 12792,

[211] = 12792,
[212] = 12792,
[213] = 12792,
[214] = 12792,
[215] = 12792,
[216] = 12792,
[217] = 12792,

[218] = 12826,
[219] = 12793,
[220] = 12826,
[221] = 12817,
[222] = 12819,

[223] = 12821,
[224] = 12821,
[225] = 12811,
[226] = 12811,
[227] = 12899,
[228] = 12811,
[229] = 12811,

[230] = 12833,
[231] = 12900,
[232] = 12888,
[233] = 12888,
[234] = 12888,
[235] = 12888,

[236] = 12888,
[237] = 12900,
[238] = 12888,
[239] = 12888,
[240] = 12888,
[241] = 12888,
[242] = 12888,
[243] = 12888,

[244] = 12823,
[245] = 12823,
[246] = 12823,
[247] = 12823,
[248] = 12823,

[249] = 12823,
[250] = 12823,
[251] = 12823,
[252] = 12823,
[253] = 12823,
[254] = 12823,
[255] = 12823,

[256] = 12827,
[257] = 12827,
[258] = 12828,
[259] = 12828,
[260] = 12828,

[261] = 12828,
[262] = 12828,
[263] = 12828,
[264] = 12828,
[265] = 12828,
[266] = 12828,
[267] = 12828,

[268] = 13493,
[269] = 13493,
[270] = 13493,
[271] = 12809,
[272] = 12809,

[273] = 13493,
[274] = 12809,
[275] = 13493,
[276] = 13493,
[277] = 13494,
[278] = 12809,
[279] = 12809,

[280] = 12804,
[281] = 12804,
[282] = 12804,
[283] = 12804,
[284] = 12804,

[285] = 12804,
[286] = 12804,
[287] = 12804,
[288] = 12804,
[289] = 12804,
[290] = 12804,
[291] = 12804,

[292] = 12898,
[293] = 12898,
[294] = 12898,
[295] = 12812,
[296] = 12812,

[297] = 12898,
[298] = 12898,
[299] = 12898,
[300] = 12812,
[301] = 12812,
[302] = 12812,
[303] = 12812,
[491] = 12812,

[304] = 12801,
[305] = 12801,
[306] = 12801,
[307] = 12801,
[308] = 12801,

[309] = 12801,
[310] = 12801,
[311] = 12801,
[312] = 12801,
[313] = 12801,
[314] = 12801,
[315] = 12801,

[316] = 12830,
[317] = 12830,
[318] = 12830,
[319] = 12830,
[320] = 12830,

[321] = 12829,
[322] = 12829,
[323] = 12829,
[324] = 12829,
[325] = 12829,
[326] = 12829,
[327] = 12829,

[328] = 12798,
[329] = 12798,
[330] = 12798,
[331] = 12798,
[332] = 12798,

[333] = 12798,
[334] = 12798,
[335] = 12798,
[336] = 12798,
[337] = 12798,
[338] = 12798,
[339] = 12798,

[340] = 12789,
[341] = 12895,
[342] = 12784,
[343] = 12784,
[344] = 12784,

[345] = 12807,
[346] = 12895,
[347] = 12784,
[348] = 12784,
[349] = 12784,
[350] = 12784,
[351] = 12784,

[352] = 12831,
[353] = 12831,
[354] = 12831,
[355] = 12831,
[356] = 12831,

[357] = 12831,
[358] = 12831,
[359] = 12831,
[360] = 12831,
[361] = 12831,
[362] = 12831,
[363] = 12831,

[364] = 12832,
[365] = 12832,
[366] = 12832,
[367] = 12832,
[368] = 12832,

[369] = 12832,
[370] = 12832,
[371] = 12832,
[372] = 12832,
[373] = 12832,
[374] = 12832,
[375] = 12832,

[376] = 12873,
[377] = 12874,
[378] = 12876,
[379] = 12877,
[380] = 12877,

[381] = 12873,
[382] = 12874,
[383] = 12876,
[384] = 12877,
[385] = 12877,
[386] = 12878,
[387] = 12878,

[388] = 12875,
[389] = 12875,
[390] = 12875,
[391] = 12875,
[392] = 12875,

[393] = 12875,
[394] = 12875,
[395] = 12875,
[396] = 12875,
[397] = 12875,
[398] = 12875,
[399] = 12875,

[400] = 12879,
[401] = 12879,
[402] = 12880,
[403] = 12880,
[404] = 12880,

[405] = 12880,
[406] = 12880,
[407] = 12880,
[408] = 12880,
[409] = 12880,
[410] = 12881,
[411] = 12881,
[412] = 12881,
[476] = 12881,

[413] = 12908,
[414] = 12908,
[415] = 12908,
[416] = 12908,
[417] = 12908,

[418] = 12908,
[419] = 12908,
[420] = 12908,
[421] = 12908,
[422] = 12908,
[423] = 12908,
[424] = 12908,

[425] = 12909,
[426] = 12909,
[427] = 12909,
[428] = 12909,
[429] = 12909,

[430] = 12910,
[431] = 12910,
[432] = 12910,
[433] = 12910,
[434] = 12910,
[435] = 12910,
[436] = 12910,

[437] = 12911,
[438] = 12911,
[439] = 12911,
[440] = 12911,
[441] = 12911,

[442] = 12912,
[443] = 12912,
[444] = 12912,
[445] = 12912,
[446] = 12912,
[447] = 12912,
[448] = 12912,

[449] = 12913,
[450] = 12913,
[451] = 12913,
[452] = 12913,
[453] = 12913,

[454] = 12914,
[455] = 12914,
[456] = 12914,
[457] = 12914,
[458] = 12914,
[459] = 12914,
[460] = 12914,
[477] = 12914,

[461] = 12915,
[462] = 12915,
[463] = 12915,
[464] = 12915,
[465] = 12915,

[466] = 12915,
[467] = 12915,
[468] = 12915,
[469] = 12915,
[470] = 12915,
[471] = 12915,
[472] = 12915,
[492] = 12915,

[478] = 13481,
[479] = 13481,
[480] = 13481,
[481] = 13481,
[482] = 13482,

[483] = 13482,
[484] = 13482,
[485] = 13482,
[486] = 13482,
[487] = 13482,
[488] = 13482,
[489] = 13482

local config = {
--[vocation id] = { level, nova voc, looktype, efeito}
-- Goku
[2] = {1, 2, 118},
[3] = {1, 2, 116},
[4] = {1, 2, 116},
[5] = {1, 2, 121},
[6] = {1, 2, 116},
[7] = {1, 2, 116},
[8] = {1, 2, 116},

[10] = {9, 10, 116},
[11] = {9, 10, 116},
[12] = {9, 10, 116},
[13] = {9, 10, 125},
[14] = {9, 10, 121},
[15] = {9, 10, 34},
[16] = {9, 10, 32},
[473] = {9, 10, 41},

-- Vegeta
[18] = {17, 19, 34},
[19] = {17, 19, 116},
[20] = {17, 19, 116},
[21] = {17, 19, 121},
[22] = {17, 19, 116},
[23] = {17, 19, 116},

[25] = {24, 25, 116},
[26] = {24, 25, 116},
[27] = {24, 25, 116},
[28] = {24, 25, 116},
[29] = {24, 25, 113},
[30] = {24, 25, 34},
[31] = {24, 25, 32},
[474] = {24, 25, 41},

-- Piccolo
[33] = {32, 33, 119},
[34] = {32, 33, 31},
[35] = {32, 33, 119},
[36] = {32, 33, 119},

[38] = {37, 38, 119},
[39] = {37, 38, 31},
[40] = {37, 38, 31},
[41] = {37, 38, 119},
[42] = {37, 38, 119},
[43] = {37, 38, 31},
[44] = {37, 38, 31},

-- C17
[46] = {45, 46, 34},
[47] = {45, 46, 34},
[48] = {45, 46, 34},
[49] = {45, 46, 34},

[51] = {50, 50, 34},
[52] = {50, 50, 34},
[53] = {50, 50, 34},
[54] = {50, 50, 34},
[55] = {50, 50, 34},
[56] = {50, 50, 34},

-- Gohan
[58] = {57, 55, 34},
[59] = {57, 55, 116},
[60] = {57, 55, 116},
[61] = {57, 55, 116},
[62] = {57, 55, 127},
[63] = {57, 55, 116},

[65] = {64, 62, 116},
[66] = {64, 62, 116},
[67] = {64, 62, 116},
[68] = {64, 62, 124},
[69] = {64, 62, 34},
[70] = {64, 62, 34},

-- Trunks
[72] = {71, 69, 116},
[73] = {71, 69, 116},
[74] = {71, 69, 116},
[75] = {71, 69, 116},

[77] = {76, 74, 116},
[78] = {76, 74, 116},
[79] = {76, 74, 116},
[80] = {76, 74, 112},
[81] = {76, 74, 34},
[82] = {76, 74, 34},
[490] = {76, 74, 32},

-- Cell
[84] = {83, 81, 119},
[85] = {83, 81, 119},
[86] = {83, 81, 119},
[87] = {83, 81, 31},

[89] = {88, 81, 119},
[90] = {88, 81, 119},
[91] = {88, 81, 119},
[92] = {88, 81, 31},
[93] = {88, 81, 34},
[94] = {88, 81, 34},

-- Freeza
[96] = {95, 88, 34},
[97] = {95, 88, 34},
[98] = {95, 88, 34},
[99] = {95, 88, 34},
[100] = {95, 88, 34},
[101] = {95, 88, 34},

[103] = {102, 88, 34},
[104] = {102, 88, 34},
[105] = {102, 88, 34},
[106] = {102, 88, 34},
[107] = {102, 88, 34},
[108] = {102, 88, 34},
[109] = {102, 88, 34},
[110] = {102, 88, 34},

-- Majin Boo
[112] = {111, 98, 29},
[113] = {111, 98, 29},
[114] = {111, 98, 29},
[115] = {111, 98, 29},
[116] = {111, 98, 29},
[117] = {111, 98, 29},

[119] = {118, 98, 29},
[120] = {118, 98, 29},
[121] = {118, 98, 29},
[122] = {118, 98, 29},
[123] = {118, 98, 29},
[124] = {118, 98, 29},
[125] = {118, 98, 29},
[126] = {118, 98, 29},
[475] = {118, 98, 34},

-- Broly
[128] = {127, 108, 34},
[129] = {127, 108, 115},
[130] = {127, 108, 116},
[131] = {127, 108, 116},

[133] = {132, 113, 115},
[134] = {132, 113, 116},
[135] = {132, 113, 116},
[136] = {132, 113, 126},
[137] = {132, 113, 121},
[138] = {132, 113, 34},
[139] = {132, 113, 32},

-- C18
[141] = {140, 46, 34},
[142] = {140, 46, 34},
[143] = {140, 46, 34},
[144] = {140, 46, 34},

[146] = {145, 50, 34},
[147] = {145, 50, 34},
[148] = {145, 50, 34},
[149] = {145, 50, 34},
[150] = {145, 50, 29},
[151] = {145, 50, 29},

-- Uub
[153] = {152, 128, 117},
[154] = {152, 128, 117},
[155] = {152, 128, 117},
[156] = {152, 128, 117},

[158] = {157, 128, 112},
[159] = {157, 128, 112},
[160] = {157, 128, 112},
[161] = {157, 128, 112},
[162] = {157, 128, 34},
[163] = {157, 128, 34},

-- Goten
[165] = {164, 135, 116},
[166] = {164, 135, 121},
[167] = {164, 135, 121},
[168] = {164, 135, 121},
[169] = {164, 135, 121},
[170] = {164, 135, 121},

[172] = {171, 142, 116},
[173] = {171, 142, 121},
[174] = {171, 142, 121},
[175] = {171, 142, 121},
[176] = {171, 142, 121},
[177] = {171, 142, 121},

-- Chibi Trunks
[179] = {178, 149, 116},
[180] = {178, 149, 121},
[181] = {178, 149, 121},
[182] = {178, 149, 121},
[183] = {178, 149, 121},
[184] = {178, 149, 121},

[186] = {185, 151, 116},
[187] = {185, 151, 121},
[188] = {185, 151, 121},
[189] = {185, 151, 121},
[190] = {185, 151, 121},
[191] = {185, 151, 121},

-- Cooler
[193] = {192, 153, 113},
[194] = {192, 153, 113},
[195] = {192, 153, 113},
[196] = {192, 153, 113},
[197] = {192, 153, 34},

[199] = {198, 153, 113},
[200] = {198, 153, 113},
[201] = {198, 153, 113},
[202] = {198, 153, 113},
[203] = {198, 153, 113},
[204] = {198, 153, 34},
[205] = {198, 153, 34},
[493] = {198, 153, 34},

-- Dende
[207] = {206, 164, 119},
[208] = {207, 164, 119},
[209] = {208, 164, 119},
[210] = {209, 164, 119},

[212] = {211, 169, 119},
[213] = {211, 169, 119},
[214] = {211, 169, 119},
[215] = {211, 169, 119},
[216] = {211, 169, 31},
[217] = {211, 169, 31},

-- Tsuful
[219] = {218, 175, 116},
[220] = {218, 175, 115},
[221] = {218, 175, 116},
[222] = {218, 175, 116},

[224] = {223, 180, 116},
[225] = {223, 180, 116},
[226] = {223, 180, 116},
[227] = {223, 180, 34},
[228] = {223, 180, 34},
[229] = {223, 180, 112},

-- Bardock
[231] = {230, 188, 34},
[232] = {230, 188, 116},
[233] = {230, 188, 116},
[234] = {230, 188, 116},
[235] = {230, 188, 116},

[237] = {236, 194, 116},
[238] = {236, 194, 116},
[239] = {236, 194, 116},
[240] = {236, 194, 112},
[241] = {236, 194, 121},
[242] = {236, 194, 34},
[243] = {236, 194, 34},

-- Kuririn
[245] = {244, 200, 116},
[246] = {244, 200, 116},
[247] = {244, 200, 116},
[248] = {244, 200, 116},

[250] = {249, 205, 116},
[251] = {249, 205, 116},
[252] = {249, 205, 116},
[253] = {249, 205, 112},
[254] = {249, 205, 112},
[255] = {249, 205, 34},

-- Pan
[257] = {256, 210, 116},
[258] = {256, 210, 116},
[259] = {256, 210, 116},
[260] = {256, 210, 116},

[262] = {261, 212, 116},
[263] = {261, 212, 116},
[264] = {261, 212, 112},
[265] = {261, 212, 112},
[266] = {261, 212, 34},
[267] = {261, 212, 34},

-- Kaio
[269] = {268, 219, 113},
[270] = {268, 219, 113},
[271] = {268, 219, 113},
[272] = {268, 219, 113},

[274] = {273, 221, 113},
[275] = {273, 221, 113},
[276] = {273, 221, 113},
[277] = {273, 221, 113},
[278] = {273, 221, 113},
[279] = {273, 221, 34},

-- Videl
[281] = {280, 227, 116},
[282] = {280, 227, 116},
[283] = {280, 227, 116},
[284] = {280, 227, 115},

[286] = {285, 227, 116},
[287] = {285, 227, 116},
[288] = {285, 227, 116},
[289] = {285, 227, 115},
[290] = {285, 227, 115},
[291] = {285, 227, 112},

-- Janemba
[293] = {292, 234, 34},
[294] = {292, 234, 34},
[295] = {292, 234, 113},
[296] = {292, 234, 113},

[298] = {297, 234, 34},
[299] = {297, 234, 34},
[300] = {297, 234, 113},
[301] = {297, 234, 113},
[302] = {297, 234, 113},
[303] = {297, 234, 113},
[491] = {297, 234, 113},

-- Tenshinhan
[305] = {304, 242, 116},
[306] = {304, 242, 116},
[307] = {304, 242, 116},
[308] = {304, 242, 116},

[310] = {309, 246, 116},
[311] = {309, 246, 116},
[312] = {309, 246, 116},
[313] = {309, 246, 112},
[314] = {309, 246, 34},
[315] = {309, 246, 34},

-- Jenk
[317] = {316, 252, 116},
[318] = {316, 252, 116},
[319] = {316, 252, 116},
[320] = {316, 252, 116},

[322] = {321, 257, 34},
[323] = {321, 257, 112},
[324] = {321, 257, 112},
[325] = {321, 257, 112},
[326] = {321, 257, 115},
[327] = {321, 257, 115},

-- Raditz
[329] = {328, 264, 116},
[330] = {328, 264, 116},
[331] = {328, 264, 116},
[332] = {328, 264, 116},

[334] = {333, 265, 116},
[335] = {333, 265, 116},
[336] = {333, 265, 116},
[337] = {333, 265, 112},
[338] = {333, 265, 34},
[339] = {333, 265, 34},

-- C16
[341] = {340, 272, 34},
[342] = {340, 272, 34},
[343] = {340, 272, 34},
[344] = {340, 272, 34},

[346] = {345, 277, 34},
[347] = {345, 277, 34},
[348] = {345, 277, 34},
[349] = {345, 277, 34},
[350] = {345, 277, 34},
[351] = {345, 277, 34},

-- Turles
[353] = {352, 280, 34},
[354] = {352, 280, 116},
[355] = {352, 280, 116},
[356] = {352, 280, 116},

[358] = {357, 285, 34},
[359] = {357, 285, 116},
[360] = {357, 285, 116},
[361] = {357, 285, 115},
[362] = {357, 285, 34},
[363] = {357, 285, 34},

-- Bulma
[365] = {364, 292, 116},
[366] = {364, 292, 116},
[367] = {364, 292, 116},
[368] = {364, 292, 116},

[370] = {369, 296, 116},
[371] = {369, 296, 116},
[372] = {369, 296, 116},
[373] = {369, 296, 112},
[374] = {369, 296, 115},
[375] = {369, 296, 115},

-- Shenron
[377] = {376, 302, 34},
[378] = {376, 302, 34},
[379] = {376, 302, 34},
[380] = {376, 302, 121},

[382] = {381, 302, 34},
[383] = {381, 302, 34},
[384] = {381, 302, 34},
[385] = {381, 302, 121},
[386] = {381, 302, 34},
[387] = {381, 302, 34},

-- Vegetto
[389] = {388, 308, 116},
[390] = {388, 308, 116},
[391] = {388, 308, 116},
[392] = {388, 308, 116},

[394] = {393, 308, 116},
[395] = {393, 308, 116},
[396] = {393, 308, 116},
[397] = {393, 308, 121},
[398] = {393, 308, 121},
[399] = {393, 308, 32},

-- Tapion
[401] = {400, 316, 111},
[402] = {400, 316, 116},
[403] = {400, 316, 111},
[404] = {400, 316, 112},

[406] = {405, 321, 116},
[407] = {405, 321, 112},
[408] = {405, 321, 116},
[409] = {405, 321, 115},
[410] = {405, 321, 116},
[411] = {405, 321, 112},
[412] = {405, 321, 34},
[476] = {405, 321, 34},

-- Kame
[414] = {413, 330, 116},
[415] = {413, 330, 116},
[416] = {413, 330, 116},
[417] = {413, 330, 114},

[419] = {418, 335, 114},
[420] = {418, 335, 116},
[421] = {418, 335, 112},
[422] = {418, 335, 114},
[423] = {418, 335, 34},
[424] = {418, 335, 34},

-- King Vegeta
[426] = {425, 342, 116},
[427] = {425, 342, 116},
[428] = {425, 342, 116},
[429] = {425, 342, 116},

[431] = {430, 347, 116},
[432] = {430, 347, 116},
[433] = {430, 347, 112},
[434] = {430, 347, 115},
[435] = {430, 347, 112},
[436] = {430, 347, 112},

-- Kagome
[438] = {437, 353, 116},
[439] = {437, 353, 116},
[440] = {437, 353, 116},
[441] = {437, 353, 116},

[443] = {442, 357, 116},
[444] = {442, 357, 116},
[445] = {442, 357, 116},
[446] = {442, 357, 112},
[447] = {442, 357, 112},
[448] = {442, 357, 112},

-- Zaiko
[450] = {449, 363, 116},
[451] = {449, 363, 116},
[452] = {449, 363, 116},
[453] = {449, 363, 116},

[455] = {454, 368, 116},
[456] = {454, 368, 116},
[457] = {454, 368, 111},
[458] = {454, 368, 111},
[459] = {454, 368, 112},
[460] = {454, 368, 115},
[477] = {454, 368, 114},

-- Chilled
[462] = {461, 375, 113},
[463] = {461, 375, 113},
[464] = {461, 375, 113},
[465] = {461, 375, 113},

[467] = {466, 375, 113},
[468] = {466, 375, 113},
[469] = {466, 375, 113},
[470] = {466, 375, 29},
[471] = {466, 375, 29},
[472] = {466, 375, 29},
[492] = {466, 375, 29},

-- C8
[479] = {478, 512, 34},
[480] = {478, 512, 34},
[481] = {478, 512, 34},
[482] = {478, 512, 34},

[484] = {483, 517, 34},
[485] = {483, 517, 34},
[486] = {483, 517, 34},
[487] = {483, 517, 34},
[488] = {483, 517, 34},
[489] = {483, 517, 34}

local function transform(pos, id, voc)
local item = getTileItemById(pos, id)
if item and item.uid > 1 then
doTransformItem(item.uid, table[voc])
doDecayItem(item.uid or 0)

function onDeath(cid, corpse)
--setPlayerStamina(cid, getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 34442))
local voc = config[getPlayerVocation(cid)]
if voc then
doPlayerSetVocation(cid, voc[1])
local outfit = {lookType = voc[2]}
doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, outfit)
if not isPlayer(cid) or not table[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then return true end
addEvent(transform, 1, getThingPos(cid), corpse.itemid, getPlayerVocation(cid))
return true


local tpId = 1387
local tps = {
	["RB Goku SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=389, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=400, y=250, z=15}, time = 60}, -- Onde o Teleport irá aparecer e onde ele levará o Player. Em 'Time', configurar tempo em segundos para o TP desapecer.
	["RB Vegeta SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=412, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=426, y=250, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Gohan SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=438, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=449, y=250, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Trunks SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=461, y=250, z=15}, toPos = {x=377, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Raditz SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=389, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=400, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Broly SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=412, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=426, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Turles SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=438, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=449, y=271, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Bardock SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=461, y=271, z=15}, toPos = {x=419, y=232, z=15}, time = 60},
	["RB Gogeta SSJ4"] = {pos = {x=419, y=220, z=15}, toPos = {x=419, y=316, z=15}, time = 60},
	["Porunga"] = {pos = {x=419, y=295, z=15}, toPos = {x=419, y=400, z=13}, time = 60},
	["Fire Guardian1"] = {pos = {x=642, y=718, z=6}, toPos = {x=638, y=718, z=6}, time = 60},
	["Fire Guardian2"] = {pos = {x=636, y=730, z=5}, toPos = {x=636, y=732, z=5}, time = 60},
	["Fire Guardian3"] = {pos = {x=636, y=707, z=5}, toPos = {x=636, y=705, z=5}, time = 60},
	["Hawk"] = {pos = {x=648, y=841, z=3}, toPos = {x=646, y=841, z=3}, time = 60},
	["Warlock"] = {pos = {x=637, y=837, z=3}, toPos = {x=641, y=831, z=1}, time = 60},
	["Titanius"] = {pos = {x=459, y=1080, z=6}, toPos = {x=361, y=1107, z=5}, time = 300},
function removeTp(tp)
    local t = getTileItemById(tp.pos, tpId)
    if t then
        doRemoveItem(t.uid, 1)
        doSendMagicEffect(tp.pos, CONST_ME_POFF)

function onDeath(cid)
    local tp = tps[getCreatureName(cid)]
    if tp then
        doCreateTeleport(tpId, tp.toPos, tp.pos)
        doCreatureSay(cid, "O teleport irá sumir em "" segundos.", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1)
        addEvent(removeTp, tp.time*1000, tp)
        addEvent(doCreateMonster, tp.time*1001, getCreatureName(cid), tp.pos)
    return TRUE


Algum Erro no console quando o Player não morre???? 

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@Gustavo Ntos

Esse é o problema, o console não me deixe quaisquer erros, e estes ajustes mudaram "OnDeath" e outros, mas não consigo encontrar uma solução.

O problema não acontece sempre, só às vezes, quando alguém morre :s

Editado por PAVC (veja o histórico de edições)
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18 horas atrás, PAVC disse:

@Gustavo Ntos

Esse é o problema, o console não me deixe quaisquer erros, e estes ajustes mudaram "OnDeath" e outros, mas não consigo encontrar uma solução.

O problema não acontece sempre, só às vezes, quando alguém morre :s

Utilizo essa base e as sources parecem e estar bugadas

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Um amigo não poderia resolver. E também você tem esse servidor. Não tem muito tempo para o trabalho, práticas e escula, vai esperar para ver se eles tomam uma nova versão do mesmo servidor. Obrigado pelas respostas.


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