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-- Town Portal Scroll System based in Dota 2

local config = {
	portalId = 11796,		-- change to portal item id
	portalTime = 30,		-- portal duration in seconds
	scrollId = 14324,		-- change to scroll item id
	effect = CONST_ME_POFF	-- effect id or CONST that appears at the end of time

local function checkPortal(uid, pos)
    local position = Position(pos)
	if position then
		local tile = Tile(position)
		if tile then
			local item = tile:getItemById(config.portalId)
			if item then
				local playerId = Player(uid)
				if playerId then
					local portal = Game.createItem(config.portalId, 1, position)
					if portal then
						if playerId:getParty() then
							portal:setCustomAttribute("party", playerId:getParty())
							portal:setCustomAttribute("owner", playerId:getName())
					addEvent(checkPortal, config.portalTime * 1000, uid, pos)

function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
	if item:getId() == config.scrollId then
		checkPortal(player:getGuid(), player:getPosition())
		if not player:isPzLocked() and not player:getCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT) then
			local itemParty = item:getCustomAttribute("party")
			local itemName = item:getCustomAttribute("name")
			if itemParty then
				if player:getParty() == itemParty then
					player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition(), true)
					player:popupFYI("You do not participate in the portal creator's party.")
			elseif itemName then
				if player:getName() == itemName then
					player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition(), true)
					player:popupFYI("You isn't the owner.")
				player:popupFYI("You isn't the owner.")
			player:popupFYI("You are PZ locked or in battle.")
	return true


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Bom dia!


A script agora funciona sem erro algum no console, porém não está reconhecendo que quem abriu o portal é o dono.

E por isso, da este erro:


Obrigado por consertar pra mim <3

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-- Town Portal Scroll System based in Dota 2

local config = {
	portalId = 11796,		-- change to portal item id
	portalTime = 30,		-- portal duration in seconds
	scrollId = 14324,		-- change to scroll item id
	effect = CONST_ME_POFF	-- effect id or CONST that appears at the end of time

local function checkPortal(uid, pos)
    local position = Position(pos)
	if position then
		local tile = Tile(position)
		if tile then
			local item = tile:getItemById(config.portalId)
			if item then
				local playerId = Player(uid)
				if playerId then
					local portal = Game.createItem(config.portalId, 1, position)
					if portal then
						if playerId:getParty() then
							portal:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT, playerId:getParty())
						portal:setAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, playerId:getName())
					addEvent(checkPortal, config.portalTime * 1000, uid, pos)

function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
	if item:getId() == config.scrollId then
		checkPortal(player:getGuid(), player:getPosition())
		if not player:isPzLocked() and not player:getCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT) then
			local itemParty = item:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_TEXT)
			local itemDescription = item:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION)
			if itemParty then
				local party = player:getParty()
				if party then
					if party == itemParty then
						player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition(), true)
						return true
						player:popupFYI("You do not participate in the portal creator's party.")
			elseif itemDescription then
				if player:getName() == itemDescription then
					player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition(), true)
					player:popupFYI("You isn't the owner.")
					return true
			player:popupFYI("You are PZ locked or in battle.")
	return true


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  • 9 months later...

Existe alguma chance de o script funcionar? Posso tentar todas as manipulações (ainda que todos os scripts convertidos em revscripts funcionem) mas este ... não funciona, não consigo fazer funcionar, eof linha 34, chunck principal linha 13, então bom l ' recarregar o erro da linha 47 (mas este desaparecerá se os outros 2 forem corrigidos)


local config = {
	portalId = 27721,		-- change to portal item id
	portalTime = 30,		-- portal duration in seconds
	scrollId = 14324,		-- change to scroll item id
	effect = CONST_ME_POFF	-- effect id or CONST that appears at the end of time

local function removePortal(portal)

function portalScroll.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)
	if(item:getId()==config.scrollId) then
		portal = Game.createItem(config.portalId, 1, player:getPosition())
		if(player:getParty()) then
			portal:setCustomAttribute("party", player:getParty())
			portal:setCustomAttribute("owner", player:getName())
		addEvent(removePortal, config.portalTime * 1000, portal)
		if(not player:isPzLocked() and not player:getCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT)) then
			if(item:getCustomAttribute("party")) then
				if(player:getParty()==item:getCustomAttribute("party")) then
					player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition(), true)
					player:sendCancelMessage("You do not participate on the creator's portal.")
			elseif(item:getCustomAttribute("name") and player:getName() == item:getCustomAttribute("name")) then
				player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition(), true)
				player:sendCancelMessage("You can't use this you are not the owner.")
			player:sendCancelMessage("You can't use this when you're in a fight.")
	return true



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  • 2 months later...

Tags XML:

<action itemid="PORTALID HERE" script="townportalsystem.lua"/>
<action itemid="SCROLLID HERE" script="townportalsystem.lua"/>


Son 2 Actions,

Primeiro falta: local portalScroll = Action()

Segundo 2 actionID = portalScroll:id(14324, ID 2 )

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                                                              setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 78552, 1)
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    • Por Anderson Sacani
      local config = { scrollId = 14758, premiumDays = 30, } local days = config.premiumDays local premiumScroll = Action() function premiumScroll.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) player:addPremiumDays(days) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "Voce recebeu " .. days .. " dias de conta premium.") item:remove(1) addEvent(function() if player:isPlayer() then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "No total voce tem " .. player:getPremiumDays() .. " dias de conta premium.") end end, 2500) return true end premiumScroll:id(config.scrollId) premiumScroll:register() Percebi que alguns servidores estão vindo sem o script do premium scroll, então criei esse script para adicionar 30 dias de premium na conta do jogador que usar o premium scroll.
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