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  1. eu tene meu map TC... Saffron. Eu Mais Nao Tene Meu Credit... Mano Eu Quero Mover A Exp Do Poke
  2. meu pag no se muestra ajuda eu pego meu ip muestra meu router nao muestra pag do server
  3. site error A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Only variables should be passed by reference Filename: codeigniter/Common.php Line Number: 148 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: 8192 Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; CI_Hooks has a deprecated constructor Filename: libraries/Hooks.php Line Number: 30 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: 8192 Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future versio
  4. error com uniform server A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Only variables should be passed by reference Filename: codeigniter/Common.php Line Number: 148 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: 8192 Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; CI_Hooks has a deprecated constructor Filename: libraries/Hooks.php Line Number: 30 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: 8192 Message: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a
  5. ese bot nao e haker?? BOT Pxg - Versão: B_0.0.2??????????????
  6. Por favor, alguém poderia fazer uma capa para página do facebook do meu servidor, o nome é Tibia UnderWorld Obrigado. Imagen!! Pode Adornar a Imagen Mais Pro???
  7. Como Add Iso A Meu Pag??? Ajuda Plss :,(
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