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Derivado Player morre e nao dropa corpo

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Bom dia pessoal da TK, infelizmente o forum já não é o mesmo aparentemente. Mas mesmo assim vou fazer esse pedido na esperança que um bom membro possa me dar suporte.

De um tempo para cá um servidor que estou montando (NTO-NARUTIBIA) deu um bug, na qual ele possui o Heart System + NiwDeath System.

O NiwDeath System é um sistema que após o jogador morrer por player ou monstro o corpo dele dropa a skin de acordo com sua vocation.

Heart System é um sistema que um player matar outro player é dropado um morgaroth heart (No meu caso) com o nome do jogador, level dele e quem o matou e o level de quem o matou. (deixarei prints explicando melhor)


O problema que estou tendo é o seguinte. Ao morrer para jogadores em x1, o jogador que no caso ganhou o x1 só recebe o coraçao. E o corpo não é dropado ou seja no chão só fica sangue. Na distro não aparece erros ou algo do tipo. Já tentei tirar o Heart system para ver se era ele o motivo do erro (Talvez um conflito) mas nada disso as vezes dropa as vezes não.
Se alguem puder dar uma mão para fazer os 2 system funcionarem perfeitamente juntos serei grato. Sei que mexer com script não é facil pois estou aprendendo linguagens de programação e é de deixar louco mesmo :facepalm: Obrigado, aguardo respostas. SS abaixo.



MORTE POR PLAYER - ERRO58d7e06785649_2monster.thumb.png.310021a1530ba3921f02a44b0b724a69.png


MORTE POR MONSTRO - NORMAL58d7dffc15050_1monster.thumb.png.d5ff2b9cfb3b354a4ac511265d00e2b4.png


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tbm queria ;/

O rei de seu proprio destino é aquele que luta pela gloria do amanhã!
Discord : ZoR#9373


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4 horas atrás, KotZletY disse:

@Juantibiano poste ambos os scripts.



local table = {
[1] = 2813, --- [1] Vocation 2882 == ID Do Corpse
[2] = 2813,
[3] = 2813,
[4] = 2813,
[5] = 2813,
[6] = 2813,
[7] = 2813,
[8] = 2813,
[9] = 2813,
[10] = 2813,
[11] = 2813,
[12] = 2813,
[13] = 2813,
[14] = 2813,
[15] = 2813,
[16] = 2813,
[17] = 2807, ---Sasuke Uchiha ----
[18] = 2807,
[19] = 2807,
[20] = 2807,
[21] = 2807,
[22] = 2807,
[23] = 2807,
[24] = 2807,
[25] = 2807,
[26] = 2807,
[257] = 2807,
[27] = 2890, --- Rock Lee ---
[28] = 2890,
[29] = 2890,
[30] = 2890,
[31] = 2890,
[32] = 2890,
[33] = 2890,
[34] = 2890,
[35] = 2890,
[36] = 2890,
[37] = 2890,
[38] = 2890,
[39] = 2890, --- Shikamaru ---
[40] = 2890,
[41] = 2890,
[42] = 2890,
[43] = 2890,
[44] = 2890,
[45] = 2890,
[46] = 2899, --- Neji ---
[47] = 2899,
[48] = 2899,
[49] = 2899,
[50] = 2899,
[51] = 2899,
[52] = 2899,
[53] = 2899,
[54] = 2899,
[55] = 2829, ---Tenten ---
[56] = 2829,
[57] = 2829,
[58] = 2829,
[59] = 2829,
[60] = 2829,
[61] = 2829,
[62] = 2829,
[63] = 2829,
[64] = 2816, --- Hinata ---
[65] = 2816,
[66] = 2816,
[67] = 2816,
[68] = 2816,
[69] = 2816,
[70] = 2816,
[71] = 2816,
[72] = 2816,
[73] = 2816,
[74] = 2816,
[75] = 2816,
[76] = 2852, --- KaKaShi HaTaKi ---
[77] = 2852,
[78] = 2852,
[79] = 2852,
[80] = 2852,
[81] = 2852,
[82] = 2852,
[83] = 2852,
[84] = 2932, --- KiLLeR Bee ---
[85] = 2932,
[86] = 2932,
[87] = 2932,
[88] = 2932,
[89] = 2932,
[90] = 2932,
[91] = 2932,
[92] = 2932,
[93] = 2932,
[94] = 2932,
[95] = 2932,
[96] = 2917, --- SaKuRa HaRuNo ---
[97] = 2917,
[98] = 2917,
[99] = 2917,
[100] = 2917,
[102] = 2917,
[103] = 2917,
[104] = 2917,
[105] = 2917,
[106] = 2917,
[107] = 2917,
[108] = 2917,
[109] = 2917,
[110] = 2917,
[101] = 2917,
[111] = 2887, --- GaaRa Do DeSerTo ---
[112] = 2887,
[113] = 2887,
[114] = 2887,
[115] = 2887,
[116] = 2887,
[117] = 2887,
[118] = 2887,
[119] = 2887,
[120] = 2887,
[121] = 2887,
[122] = 2887,
[123] = 2891, --- Kiba InoZuKa ---
[124] = 2891,
[125] = 2891,
[126] = 2891,
[127] = 2891,
[128] = 2891,
[129] = 2891,
[130] = 2891,
[131] = 2891,
[132] = 2898, --- ItaChI UchiHa ---
[133] = 2898,
[134] = 2898,
[135] = 2898,
[136] = 2898,
[137] = 2898,
[138] = 2898,
[139] = 2898,
[140] = 2898,
[141] = 2898,
[142] = 2888, --- ToBi UchiHa ---
[143] = 2888,
[144] = 2888,
[145] = 2888,
[146] = 2888,
[147] = 2888,
[148] = 2888,
[149] = 2888,
[150] = 2888,
[151] = 2888,
[152] = 2888,
[153] = 2888,
[154] = 2912, --- MiNaTo
[155] = 2912,
[156] = 2912,
[157] = 2912,
[158] = 2912,
[159] = 2912,
[160] = 2912,
[161] = 2912,
[162] = 2912,
[163] = 2912,
[164] = 3281, --- Madara Uchiha ---
[165] = 3281,
[166] = 3281,
[167] = 3281,
[168] = 3281,
[169] = 3281,
[170] = 3281,
[171] = 3281,
[172] = 3281,
[173] = 3281,
[174] = 3281,
[175] = 2922, --- TsuNaDe ---
[176] = 2922,
[177] = 2922,
[178] = 2922,
[179] = 2922,
[180] = 2922,
[181] = 2922,
[182] = 2922,
[183] = 2922,
[184] = 2922,
[185] = 2922,
[186] = 2907, --- HaShiRaMa 
[187] = 2907,
[188] = 2907,
[189] = 2907,
[190] = 2907,
[191] = 2907,
[192] = 2907,
[193] = 2937, --- NiDaiMe ---
[194] = 2937,
[195] = 2937,
[196] = 2937,
[197] = 2937,
[198] = 2937,
[199] = 2937,
[200] = 2940, --- NaGaTo ---
[201] = 2940,
[202] = 2940,
[203] = 2940,
[204] = 2940,
[205] = 2940,
[206] = 2940,
[207] = 2940,
[208] = 2940,
[209] = 2940,
[210] = 2940,
[211] = 2841, --- Yamato ---
[212] = 2841,
[213] = 2841,
[214] = 2841,
[215] = 2841,
[216] = 2841,
[217] = 2932, --- RaiKaGe 
[218] = 2932,
[219] = 2932,
[220] = 2932,
[221] = 2932,
[222] = 2932,
[223] = 2889, --- KiSaMe ---
[224] = 2889,
[225] = 2889,
[226] = 2889,
[227] = 2889,
[228] = 2889,
[229] = 2889,
[230] = 2889,
[231] = 2894, --- TeMaRi ---
[232] = 2894,
[233] = 2894,
[234] = 2894,
[235] = 2894,
[236] = 2894,
[237] = 2894,
[238] = 2894,
[238] = 2894,



local function transform(pos, id, voc)
local item = getTileItemById(pos, id)
if item and item.uid > 1 then
doTransformItem(item.uid, table[voc])
doDecayItem(item.uid or 0)

function onDeath(cid, corpse)
if not isPlayer(cid) or not table[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then return true end
addEvent(transform, 15, getThingPos(cid), corpse.itemid, getPlayerVocation(cid))
return true




function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)

function getHeartFromNivel(cid)

local t = {

[{100,800}] = 5943,

[{2001,3000}] = 2353,

[{3001,4000}] = 1685,

[{4001,5000}] = 11361,

[{5001,6000}] = 10552,

[{6001,math.huge}] = 10577


for var, ret in pairs(t) do

if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= var[1] and getPlayerLevel(cid) <= var[2] then

k  = ret



return k


if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 100 and isPlayer(deathList[1]) then

local item = getHeartFromNivel(cid)

doItemSetAttribute(doPlayerAddItem(deathList[1],item, 1), "description", "This is the heart of "..getPlayerName(cid).." killed at Level "..getPlayerLevel(cid).." by "..getPlayerName(deathList[1])..".")

if getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 100 then


doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(deathList[1]), 12)


return true


Ambos registrados no login.lua

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@Juantibiano troque seu heart por esse:

local t = {
	[{100,800}] = 5943,
	[{2001,3000}] = 2353,
	[{3001,4000}] = 1685,
	[{4001,5000}] = 11361,
	[{5001,6000}] = 10552,
	[{6001,math.huge}] = 10577

local function getHeartFromNivel(uid)
	local k = false
	for var, ret in pairs(t) do
		if getPlayerLevel(uid) >= var[1] and getPlayerLevel(uid) <= var[2] then
			k  = ret
	return k

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
	if isPlayer(deathList[1]) and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 100 then
		local item = getHeartFromNivel(cid)
		if item then
			doItemSetAttribute(doPlayerAddItem(deathList[1],item, 1), "description", "This is the heart of "..getPlayerName(cid).." killed at Level "..getPlayerLevel(cid).." by "..getPlayerName(deathList[1])..".")
			doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(deathList[1]), 12)
	return true



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Em 27/03/2017 ás 01:04, KotZletY disse:

@Juantibiano troque seu heart por esse:

local t = {
	[{100,800}] = 5943,
	[{2001,3000}] = 2353,
	[{3001,4000}] = 1685,
	[{4001,5000}] = 11361,
	[{5001,6000}] = 10552,
	[{6001,math.huge}] = 10577

local function getHeartFromNivel(uid)
	local k = false
	for var, ret in pairs(t) do
		if getPlayerLevel(uid) >= var[1] and getPlayerLevel(uid) <= var[2] then
			k  = ret
	return k

function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList)
	if isPlayer(deathList[1]) and getPlayerLevel(cid) >= 100 then
		local item = getHeartFromNivel(cid)
		if item then
			doItemSetAttribute(doPlayerAddItem(deathList[1],item, 1), "description", "This is the heart of "..getPlayerName(cid).." killed at Level "..getPlayerLevel(cid).." by "..getPlayerName(deathList[1])..".")
			doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(deathList[1]), 12)
	return true


Desculpe a demora para voltar, estive sem tempo. Obrigado por colaborar. O sistema de heart funciona perfeitamente (como antes) mas o corpo do player ainda continua sem aparecer ao morrer :\

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@Juantibiano teste assim, mudei apenas o callback:


local t = {
	[{100,800}] = 5943,
	[{2001,3000}] = 2353,
	[{3001,4000}] = 1685,
	[{4001,5000}] = 11361,
	[{5001,6000}] = 10552,
	[{6001,math.huge}] = 10577

local function getHeartFromNivel(uid)
	local k = false
	for var, ret in pairs(t) do
		if getPlayerLevel(uid) >= var[1] and getPlayerLevel(uid) <= var[2] then
			k  = ret
	return k

function onKill(cid, target)
	if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerLevel(target) >= 100 then
		local item = getHeartFromNivel(target)
		if item then
			doItemSetAttribute(doPlayerAddItem(cid,item, 1), "description", "This is the heart of "..getPlayerName(target).." killed at Level "..getPlayerLevel(target).." by "..getPlayerName(cid)..".")
			doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 12)
	return true



precisará que mude também a tag xml, 

<event type="kill" name="Heart" event="script" value="heart.lua"/>


não esqueça de registrar o nome do event, escrito na tag name, no login.lua!


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Em 30/03/2017 ás 16:41, KotZletY disse:

@Juantibiano teste assim, mudei apenas o callback:

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

local t = {
	[{100,800}] = 5943,
	[{2001,3000}] = 2353,
	[{3001,4000}] = 1685,
	[{4001,5000}] = 11361,
	[{5001,6000}] = 10552,
	[{6001,math.huge}] = 10577

local function getHeartFromNivel(uid)
	local k = false
	for var, ret in pairs(t) do
		if getPlayerLevel(uid) >= var[1] and getPlayerLevel(uid) <= var[2] then
			k  = ret
	return k

function onKill(cid, target)
	if isPlayer(cid) and getPlayerLevel(target) >= 100 then
		local item = getHeartFromNivel(target)
		if item then
			doItemSetAttribute(doPlayerAddItem(cid,item, 1), "description", "This is the heart of "..getPlayerName(target).." killed at Level "..getPlayerLevel(target).." by "..getPlayerName(cid)..".")
			doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), 12)
	return true



precisará que mude também a tag xml, 

<event type="kill" name="Heart" event="script" value="heart.lua"/>


não esqueça de registrar o nome do event, escrito na tag name, no login.lua!

infelizmente nada cara, seu sistema ta 100% dando o coração na bag após matar. Mas o corpo que é bom nada :\ 

Se voce puder continuar dando dicas estou aberto, porque é uma coisa q nao pode faltar no servidor isso.

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@Juantibiano se isso não der certo, não sei o pode está acontecendo de errado.


local table = {
[1] = 2813, --- [1] Vocation 2882 == ID Do Corpse
[2] = 2813,
[3] = 2813,
[4] = 2813,
[5] = 2813,
[6] = 2813,
[7] = 2813,
[8] = 2813,
[9] = 2813,
[10] = 2813,
[11] = 2813,
[12] = 2813,
[13] = 2813,
[14] = 2813,
[15] = 2813,
[16] = 2813,
[17] = 2807, ---Sasuke Uchiha ----
[18] = 2807,
[19] = 2807,
[20] = 2807,
[21] = 2807,
[22] = 2807,
[23] = 2807,
[24] = 2807,
[25] = 2807,
[26] = 2807,
[257] = 2807,
[27] = 2890, --- Rock Lee ---
[28] = 2890,
[29] = 2890,
[30] = 2890,
[31] = 2890,
[32] = 2890,
[33] = 2890,
[34] = 2890,
[35] = 2890,
[36] = 2890,
[37] = 2890,
[38] = 2890,
[39] = 2890, --- Shikamaru ---
[40] = 2890,
[41] = 2890,
[42] = 2890,
[43] = 2890,
[44] = 2890,
[45] = 2890,
[46] = 2899, --- Neji ---
[47] = 2899,
[48] = 2899,
[49] = 2899,
[50] = 2899,
[51] = 2899,
[52] = 2899,
[53] = 2899,
[54] = 2899,
[55] = 2829, ---Tenten ---
[56] = 2829,
[57] = 2829,
[58] = 2829,
[59] = 2829,
[60] = 2829,
[61] = 2829,
[62] = 2829,
[63] = 2829,
[64] = 2816, --- Hinata ---
[65] = 2816,
[66] = 2816,
[67] = 2816,
[68] = 2816,
[69] = 2816,
[70] = 2816,
[71] = 2816,
[72] = 2816,
[73] = 2816,
[74] = 2816,
[75] = 2816,
[76] = 2852, --- KaKaShi HaTaKi ---
[77] = 2852,
[78] = 2852,
[79] = 2852,
[80] = 2852,
[81] = 2852,
[82] = 2852,
[83] = 2852,
[84] = 2932, --- KiLLeR Bee ---
[85] = 2932,
[86] = 2932,
[87] = 2932,
[88] = 2932,
[89] = 2932,
[90] = 2932,
[91] = 2932,
[92] = 2932,
[93] = 2932,
[94] = 2932,
[95] = 2932,
[96] = 2917, --- SaKuRa HaRuNo ---
[97] = 2917,
[98] = 2917,
[99] = 2917,
[100] = 2917,
[102] = 2917,
[103] = 2917,
[104] = 2917,
[105] = 2917,
[106] = 2917,
[107] = 2917,
[108] = 2917,
[109] = 2917,
[110] = 2917,
[101] = 2917,
[111] = 2887, --- GaaRa Do DeSerTo ---
[112] = 2887,
[113] = 2887,
[114] = 2887,
[115] = 2887,
[116] = 2887,
[117] = 2887,
[118] = 2887,
[119] = 2887,
[120] = 2887,
[121] = 2887,
[122] = 2887,
[123] = 2891, --- Kiba InoZuKa ---
[124] = 2891,
[125] = 2891,
[126] = 2891,
[127] = 2891,
[128] = 2891,
[129] = 2891,
[130] = 2891,
[131] = 2891,
[132] = 2898, --- ItaChI UchiHa ---
[133] = 2898,
[134] = 2898,
[135] = 2898,
[136] = 2898,
[137] = 2898,
[138] = 2898,
[139] = 2898,
[140] = 2898,
[141] = 2898,
[142] = 2888, --- ToBi UchiHa ---
[143] = 2888,
[144] = 2888,
[145] = 2888,
[146] = 2888,
[147] = 2888,
[148] = 2888,
[149] = 2888,
[150] = 2888,
[151] = 2888,
[152] = 2888,
[153] = 2888,
[154] = 2912, --- MiNaTo
[155] = 2912,
[156] = 2912,
[157] = 2912,
[158] = 2912,
[159] = 2912,
[160] = 2912,
[161] = 2912,
[162] = 2912,
[163] = 2912,
[164] = 3281, --- Madara Uchiha ---
[165] = 3281,
[166] = 3281,
[167] = 3281,
[168] = 3281,
[169] = 3281,
[170] = 3281,
[171] = 3281,
[172] = 3281,
[173] = 3281,
[174] = 3281,
[175] = 2922, --- TsuNaDe ---
[176] = 2922,
[177] = 2922,
[178] = 2922,
[179] = 2922,
[180] = 2922,
[181] = 2922,
[182] = 2922,
[183] = 2922,
[184] = 2922,
[185] = 2922,
[186] = 2907, --- HaShiRaMa 
[187] = 2907,
[188] = 2907,
[189] = 2907,
[190] = 2907,
[191] = 2907,
[192] = 2907,
[193] = 2937, --- NiDaiMe ---
[194] = 2937,
[195] = 2937,
[196] = 2937,
[197] = 2937,
[198] = 2937,
[199] = 2937,
[200] = 2940, --- NaGaTo ---
[201] = 2940,
[202] = 2940,
[203] = 2940,
[204] = 2940,
[205] = 2940,
[206] = 2940,
[207] = 2940,
[208] = 2940,
[209] = 2940,
[210] = 2940,
[211] = 2841, --- Yamato ---
[212] = 2841,
[213] = 2841,
[214] = 2841,
[215] = 2841,
[216] = 2841,
[217] = 2932, --- RaiKaGe 
[218] = 2932,
[219] = 2932,
[220] = 2932,
[221] = 2932,
[222] = 2932,
[223] = 2889, --- KiSaMe ---
[224] = 2889,
[225] = 2889,
[226] = 2889,
[227] = 2889,
[228] = 2889,
[229] = 2889,
[230] = 2889,
[231] = 2894, --- TeMaRi ---
[232] = 2894,
[233] = 2894,
[234] = 2894,
[235] = 2894,
[236] = 2894,
[237] = 2894,
[238] = 2894,
[238] = 2894 

local function transform(pos, id, voc)
local item = getTileItemById(pos, id)
if item and item.uid > 1 then
doTransformItem(item.uid, table[voc])
doDecayItem(item.uid or 0)

function onDeath(cid, corpse)
if isPlayer(cid) and table[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then 
addEvent(transform, 15, getThingPos(cid), corpse.itemid, getPlayerVocation(cid))
return true



Existe algum outro sistema no seu servidor usando o callback onDeath ? Talvez deva a ver alguma interferência, algo deva está retornando incorretamente os param do callback.

Revise o mesmo! 


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55 minutos atrás, KotZletY disse:

@Juantibiano se isso não der certo, não sei o pode está acontecendo de errado.

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

local table = {
[1] = 2813, --- [1] Vocation 2882 == ID Do Corpse
[2] = 2813,
[3] = 2813,
[4] = 2813,
[5] = 2813,
[6] = 2813,
[7] = 2813,
[8] = 2813,
[9] = 2813,
[10] = 2813,
[11] = 2813,
[12] = 2813,
[13] = 2813,
[14] = 2813,
[15] = 2813,
[16] = 2813,
[17] = 2807, ---Sasuke Uchiha ----
[18] = 2807,
[19] = 2807,
[20] = 2807,
[21] = 2807,
[22] = 2807,
[23] = 2807,
[24] = 2807,
[25] = 2807,
[26] = 2807,
[257] = 2807,
[27] = 2890, --- Rock Lee ---
[28] = 2890,
[29] = 2890,
[30] = 2890,
[31] = 2890,
[32] = 2890,
[33] = 2890,
[34] = 2890,
[35] = 2890,
[36] = 2890,
[37] = 2890,
[38] = 2890,
[39] = 2890, --- Shikamaru ---
[40] = 2890,
[41] = 2890,
[42] = 2890,
[43] = 2890,
[44] = 2890,
[45] = 2890,
[46] = 2899, --- Neji ---
[47] = 2899,
[48] = 2899,
[49] = 2899,
[50] = 2899,
[51] = 2899,
[52] = 2899,
[53] = 2899,
[54] = 2899,
[55] = 2829, ---Tenten ---
[56] = 2829,
[57] = 2829,
[58] = 2829,
[59] = 2829,
[60] = 2829,
[61] = 2829,
[62] = 2829,
[63] = 2829,
[64] = 2816, --- Hinata ---
[65] = 2816,
[66] = 2816,
[67] = 2816,
[68] = 2816,
[69] = 2816,
[70] = 2816,
[71] = 2816,
[72] = 2816,
[73] = 2816,
[74] = 2816,
[75] = 2816,
[76] = 2852, --- KaKaShi HaTaKi ---
[77] = 2852,
[78] = 2852,
[79] = 2852,
[80] = 2852,
[81] = 2852,
[82] = 2852,
[83] = 2852,
[84] = 2932, --- KiLLeR Bee ---
[85] = 2932,
[86] = 2932,
[87] = 2932,
[88] = 2932,
[89] = 2932,
[90] = 2932,
[91] = 2932,
[92] = 2932,
[93] = 2932,
[94] = 2932,
[95] = 2932,
[96] = 2917, --- SaKuRa HaRuNo ---
[97] = 2917,
[98] = 2917,
[99] = 2917,
[100] = 2917,
[102] = 2917,
[103] = 2917,
[104] = 2917,
[105] = 2917,
[106] = 2917,
[107] = 2917,
[108] = 2917,
[109] = 2917,
[110] = 2917,
[101] = 2917,
[111] = 2887, --- GaaRa Do DeSerTo ---
[112] = 2887,
[113] = 2887,
[114] = 2887,
[115] = 2887,
[116] = 2887,
[117] = 2887,
[118] = 2887,
[119] = 2887,
[120] = 2887,
[121] = 2887,
[122] = 2887,
[123] = 2891, --- Kiba InoZuKa ---
[124] = 2891,
[125] = 2891,
[126] = 2891,
[127] = 2891,
[128] = 2891,
[129] = 2891,
[130] = 2891,
[131] = 2891,
[132] = 2898, --- ItaChI UchiHa ---
[133] = 2898,
[134] = 2898,
[135] = 2898,
[136] = 2898,
[137] = 2898,
[138] = 2898,
[139] = 2898,
[140] = 2898,
[141] = 2898,
[142] = 2888, --- ToBi UchiHa ---
[143] = 2888,
[144] = 2888,
[145] = 2888,
[146] = 2888,
[147] = 2888,
[148] = 2888,
[149] = 2888,
[150] = 2888,
[151] = 2888,
[152] = 2888,
[153] = 2888,
[154] = 2912, --- MiNaTo
[155] = 2912,
[156] = 2912,
[157] = 2912,
[158] = 2912,
[159] = 2912,
[160] = 2912,
[161] = 2912,
[162] = 2912,
[163] = 2912,
[164] = 3281, --- Madara Uchiha ---
[165] = 3281,
[166] = 3281,
[167] = 3281,
[168] = 3281,
[169] = 3281,
[170] = 3281,
[171] = 3281,
[172] = 3281,
[173] = 3281,
[174] = 3281,
[175] = 2922, --- TsuNaDe ---
[176] = 2922,
[177] = 2922,
[178] = 2922,
[179] = 2922,
[180] = 2922,
[181] = 2922,
[182] = 2922,
[183] = 2922,
[184] = 2922,
[185] = 2922,
[186] = 2907, --- HaShiRaMa 
[187] = 2907,
[188] = 2907,
[189] = 2907,
[190] = 2907,
[191] = 2907,
[192] = 2907,
[193] = 2937, --- NiDaiMe ---
[194] = 2937,
[195] = 2937,
[196] = 2937,
[197] = 2937,
[198] = 2937,
[199] = 2937,
[200] = 2940, --- NaGaTo ---
[201] = 2940,
[202] = 2940,
[203] = 2940,
[204] = 2940,
[205] = 2940,
[206] = 2940,
[207] = 2940,
[208] = 2940,
[209] = 2940,
[210] = 2940,
[211] = 2841, --- Yamato ---
[212] = 2841,
[213] = 2841,
[214] = 2841,
[215] = 2841,
[216] = 2841,
[217] = 2932, --- RaiKaGe 
[218] = 2932,
[219] = 2932,
[220] = 2932,
[221] = 2932,
[222] = 2932,
[223] = 2889, --- KiSaMe ---
[224] = 2889,
[225] = 2889,
[226] = 2889,
[227] = 2889,
[228] = 2889,
[229] = 2889,
[230] = 2889,
[231] = 2894, --- TeMaRi ---
[232] = 2894,
[233] = 2894,
[234] = 2894,
[235] = 2894,
[236] = 2894,
[237] = 2894,
[238] = 2894,
[238] = 2894 

local function transform(pos, id, voc)
local item = getTileItemById(pos, id)
if item and item.uid > 1 then
doTransformItem(item.uid, table[voc])
doDecayItem(item.uid or 0)

function onDeath(cid, corpse)
if isPlayer(cid) and table[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then 
addEvent(transform, 15, getThingPos(cid), corpse.itemid, getPlayerVocation(cid))
return true



Existe algum outro sistema no seu servidor usando o callback onDeath ? Talvez deva a ver alguma interferência, algo deva está retornando incorretamente os param do callback.

Revise o mesmo! 

tava analisando isso hoje, mas nao vi com calma, vou ver aqui e deixo a resposta para você amanha. Caso eu ache a solução posto aqui no tópico. Obrigado pelo suporte.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Em 02/04/2017 ás 18:17, KotZletY disse:

@Juantibiano se isso não der certo, não sei o pode está acontecendo de errado.

  Ocultar conteúdo

local table = {
[1] = 2813, --- [1] Vocation 2882 == ID Do Corpse
[2] = 2813,
[3] = 2813,
[4] = 2813,
[5] = 2813,
[6] = 2813,
[7] = 2813,
[8] = 2813,
[9] = 2813,
[10] = 2813,
[11] = 2813,
[12] = 2813,
[13] = 2813,
[14] = 2813,
[15] = 2813,
[16] = 2813,
[17] = 2807, ---Sasuke Uchiha ----
[18] = 2807,
[19] = 2807,
[20] = 2807,
[21] = 2807,
[22] = 2807,
[23] = 2807,
[24] = 2807,
[25] = 2807,
[26] = 2807,
[257] = 2807,
[27] = 2890, --- Rock Lee ---
[28] = 2890,
[29] = 2890,
[30] = 2890,
[31] = 2890,
[32] = 2890,
[33] = 2890,
[34] = 2890,
[35] = 2890,
[36] = 2890,
[37] = 2890,
[38] = 2890,
[39] = 2890, --- Shikamaru ---
[40] = 2890,
[41] = 2890,
[42] = 2890,
[43] = 2890,
[44] = 2890,
[45] = 2890,
[46] = 2899, --- Neji ---
[47] = 2899,
[48] = 2899,
[49] = 2899,
[50] = 2899,
[51] = 2899,
[52] = 2899,
[53] = 2899,
[54] = 2899,
[55] = 2829, ---Tenten ---
[56] = 2829,
[57] = 2829,
[58] = 2829,
[59] = 2829,
[60] = 2829,
[61] = 2829,
[62] = 2829,
[63] = 2829,
[64] = 2816, --- Hinata ---
[65] = 2816,
[66] = 2816,
[67] = 2816,
[68] = 2816,
[69] = 2816,
[70] = 2816,
[71] = 2816,
[72] = 2816,
[73] = 2816,
[74] = 2816,
[75] = 2816,
[76] = 2852, --- KaKaShi HaTaKi ---
[77] = 2852,
[78] = 2852,
[79] = 2852,
[80] = 2852,
[81] = 2852,
[82] = 2852,
[83] = 2852,
[84] = 2932, --- KiLLeR Bee ---
[85] = 2932,
[86] = 2932,
[87] = 2932,
[88] = 2932,
[89] = 2932,
[90] = 2932,
[91] = 2932,
[92] = 2932,
[93] = 2932,
[94] = 2932,
[95] = 2932,
[96] = 2917, --- SaKuRa HaRuNo ---
[97] = 2917,
[98] = 2917,
[99] = 2917,
[100] = 2917,
[102] = 2917,
[103] = 2917,
[104] = 2917,
[105] = 2917,
[106] = 2917,
[107] = 2917,
[108] = 2917,
[109] = 2917,
[110] = 2917,
[101] = 2917,
[111] = 2887, --- GaaRa Do DeSerTo ---
[112] = 2887,
[113] = 2887,
[114] = 2887,
[115] = 2887,
[116] = 2887,
[117] = 2887,
[118] = 2887,
[119] = 2887,
[120] = 2887,
[121] = 2887,
[122] = 2887,
[123] = 2891, --- Kiba InoZuKa ---
[124] = 2891,
[125] = 2891,
[126] = 2891,
[127] = 2891,
[128] = 2891,
[129] = 2891,
[130] = 2891,
[131] = 2891,
[132] = 2898, --- ItaChI UchiHa ---
[133] = 2898,
[134] = 2898,
[135] = 2898,
[136] = 2898,
[137] = 2898,
[138] = 2898,
[139] = 2898,
[140] = 2898,
[141] = 2898,
[142] = 2888, --- ToBi UchiHa ---
[143] = 2888,
[144] = 2888,
[145] = 2888,
[146] = 2888,
[147] = 2888,
[148] = 2888,
[149] = 2888,
[150] = 2888,
[151] = 2888,
[152] = 2888,
[153] = 2888,
[154] = 2912, --- MiNaTo
[155] = 2912,
[156] = 2912,
[157] = 2912,
[158] = 2912,
[159] = 2912,
[160] = 2912,
[161] = 2912,
[162] = 2912,
[163] = 2912,
[164] = 3281, --- Madara Uchiha ---
[165] = 3281,
[166] = 3281,
[167] = 3281,
[168] = 3281,
[169] = 3281,
[170] = 3281,
[171] = 3281,
[172] = 3281,
[173] = 3281,
[174] = 3281,
[175] = 2922, --- TsuNaDe ---
[176] = 2922,
[177] = 2922,
[178] = 2922,
[179] = 2922,
[180] = 2922,
[181] = 2922,
[182] = 2922,
[183] = 2922,
[184] = 2922,
[185] = 2922,
[186] = 2907, --- HaShiRaMa 
[187] = 2907,
[188] = 2907,
[189] = 2907,
[190] = 2907,
[191] = 2907,
[192] = 2907,
[193] = 2937, --- NiDaiMe ---
[194] = 2937,
[195] = 2937,
[196] = 2937,
[197] = 2937,
[198] = 2937,
[199] = 2937,
[200] = 2940, --- NaGaTo ---
[201] = 2940,
[202] = 2940,
[203] = 2940,
[204] = 2940,
[205] = 2940,
[206] = 2940,
[207] = 2940,
[208] = 2940,
[209] = 2940,
[210] = 2940,
[211] = 2841, --- Yamato ---
[212] = 2841,
[213] = 2841,
[214] = 2841,
[215] = 2841,
[216] = 2841,
[217] = 2932, --- RaiKaGe 
[218] = 2932,
[219] = 2932,
[220] = 2932,
[221] = 2932,
[222] = 2932,
[223] = 2889, --- KiSaMe ---
[224] = 2889,
[225] = 2889,
[226] = 2889,
[227] = 2889,
[228] = 2889,
[229] = 2889,
[230] = 2889,
[231] = 2894, --- TeMaRi ---
[232] = 2894,
[233] = 2894,
[234] = 2894,
[235] = 2894,
[236] = 2894,
[237] = 2894,
[238] = 2894,
[238] = 2894 

local function transform(pos, id, voc)
local item = getTileItemById(pos, id)
if item and item.uid > 1 then
doTransformItem(item.uid, table[voc])
doDecayItem(item.uid or 0)

function onDeath(cid, corpse)
if isPlayer(cid) and table[getPlayerVocation(cid)] then 
addEvent(transform, 15, getThingPos(cid), corpse.itemid, getPlayerVocation(cid))
return true



Existe algum outro sistema no seu servidor usando o callback onDeath ? Talvez deva a ver alguma interferência, algo deva está retornando incorretamente os param do callback.

Revise o mesmo! 

 meu ainda nao funciona ;/ Tfs 0.4 o corpse nem apareçe nao tem nem corpse

O rei de seu proprio destino é aquele que luta pela gloria do amanhã!
Discord : ZoR#9373


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Em 26/03/2017 ás 12:54, ZikaLord disse:

tbm queria ;/

Como combinado, eu iria voltar quando achasse a solução. Bem após retirar todos os scripts da pasta creatureevents ou creaturescripts como preferir chamar e testar um por um, o problema estava mesmo no executável do servidor. Mesmo não dando nenhum aviso. Quando eu estava com o problema não vi nenhum tópico aqui no TK ou em outros forums com solução então está ai. Basta trocar seu executavel (Tfs) por outro. Claro se for NTO pegue um estendido ou edite você mesmo se souber.

 @KotZletY Obrigado pela colaboração!B-)

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@Juantibiano entendo, é realmente um pena caso tenhamos editado muita coisa na distro. 

Que bom que conseguiu resolver, eu particularmente nunca passei por erros assim.


Era estranho, ambos scripts, estava funcionando, eu sempre testo, então lhe passei os dois que eu usava quando usava distro 0.4, e que sempre funcionou perfeitamente. Hahahaha.


Em fim, abraços, e boa sorte com seu servidor! 




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