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Sobre Blez

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1131 visualizações
  1. hey i imported your tfs 1.3 otclient and server sources for extended client but i just get a major black screen, can you add me to discord? Elo#2576

  2. If you ever need another mapper just shoot me a message.

    13+ years mapping experience. (I can legit make anything).. go ahead try me(:

    Worked on over 20+ successful servers, and twice that on Projects.

    I'm Fluent in speaking, writing and teaching English as a Core language.

    Anything else don't hesitate to ask(:


  3. Project is still in the works, more images very soon.
  4. Map will be done roughly 2 weeks from now, will be taking offers for sale.
  5. Not sure yet might sell it when its done.
  6. Western Cerulean Outskirts Cerulean City Eastern Cerulean Outskirts Lavender Town Saffron&Celadon
  7. Pallet Town, Police Station. Viridian City Overview Viridian Forest Pewter City Pewter Outskirts Mt. Moon Minimap Minimap, update.
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