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10 minutos atrás, peitiolate disse:

Consegue adaptar essa aura pro 0.X?


Mais especificamente, 860.


function onLove()
if getPlayerTrueLove(girlfriend) then
doPlayerBeHappy(cid, true)
doRemoveVirginity(cid, true)
doSendCancel(cid,"you do not know how good it feels to be loved")
end end



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    • Por amoxicilina
      Olá Kings, venho aqui trazer uma TalkAction pra você comprar premium account, sei que pode ser algo meio inútil por existir a store.
      Então vamos script:
    • Por Rodrigo Querobim
      Olá gostaria de um script para quando o player usa-se comando !reward ele poderia selecionar qual varinha de treinamento ele queria e apenas 1 por player.

      OBS: Consegui esse script mas não está do jeito que estou tentando fazer, e o script esta dando varinha infinitamente toda vez que usa o comando "!wand".
      local dailyWand = TalkAction("!wand")   function dailyWand.onSay(player, words, param)     local storage = 556655001     local getStor, osTime = player:getStorageValue(storage), os.time()     if ((osTime <= getStor) or (getStor == -1)) then         player:addItem(28557, 500)         player:setStorageValue(storage, osTime + (60 * 60 * 24))     else         player:sendCancel("You can only use this command once every 24 hours.")     end       return false end   dailyWand:register()
    • Por CaduGTX
      Olá, eu e um amigo fizemos esse script para limpar as casas automaticamente, era um script pessoal mas resolvi postar.
      O Script foi feito em revscript, se for usar da forma antiga, terá que adaptar.

      Basta adicionar um arquivo lua na sua pasta de talkactions:
      local function doCheckHouses() local registros = db.storeQuery( "SELECT `houses`.`owner`, `houses`.`id` FROM `houses`,`players` WHERE `houses`.`owner` != 0 AND `houses`.`owner` = `players`.`id`;") if registros ~= false then local count = 0 repeat count = count + 1 local owner = result.getNumber(registros, "owner") local houseId = result.getNumber(registros, "id") local house = House(houseId) if house and (owner > 0) then print(house:getName()) house:setOwnerGuid(0) end until not end print('Houses Cleaned') return true end local limparhouse = TalkAction("/limparhouse") function limparhouse.onSay(player, words, param) if not player:getGroup():getAccess() or player:getAccountType() < ACCOUNT_TYPE_GOD then player:sendCancelMessage("Only admins can use this command.") return true end addEvent(doCheckHouses, 10 * 1000) player:sendCancelMessage("Cleaning houses.") return true end limparhouse:separator(" ") limparhouse:register()  
      Para usar é bem simples, basta usar o comando /limparhouse, e dentro de alguns instantes todas as casas serão limpas.

    • Por Tricoder
      ______________________________________________ COMANDOS
      !autoloot add, itemId ou name -- Adicionando um item na lista !autoloot remove, itemId or name -- Remover um item da lista !autoloot show -- Mostrar a lista do autoLoot !autoloot clear -- Limpar a lista do autoLoot ______________________________________________ SCRIPT data/global.lua
      -- AutoLoot config AUTO_LOOT_MAX_ITEMS = 5 -- Reserved storage AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START = 10000 AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START + AUTO_LOOT_MAX_ITEMS -- AutoLoot config end talkactions/talkactions.xml
      <talkaction words="!autoloot" separator=" " script="autoloot.lua"/> talkactions/scripts/autoloot.lua
      function onSay(player, words, param) local split = param:split(",") local action = split[1] if action == "add" then local item = split[2]:gsub("%s+", "", 1) local itemType = ItemType(item) if itemType:getId() == 0 then itemType = ItemType(tonumber(item)) if itemType:getId() == 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "There is no item with that id or name.") return false end end local itemName = tonumber(split[2]) and itemType:getName() or item local size = 0 for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do local storage = player:getStorageValue(i) if size == AUTO_LOOT_MAX_ITEMS then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The list is full, please remove from the list to make some room.") break end if storage == itemType:getId() then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." is already in the list.") break end if storage <= 0 then player:setStorageValue(i, itemType:getId()) player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." has been added to the list.") break end size = size + 1 end elseif action == "remove" then local item = split[2]:gsub("%s+", "", 1) local itemType = ItemType(item) if itemType:getId() == 0 then itemType = ItemType(tonumber(item)) if itemType:getId() == 0 then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "There is no item with that id or name.") return false end end local itemName = tonumber(split[2]) and itemType:getName() or item for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do if player:getStorageValue(i) == itemType:getId() then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." has been removed from the list.") player:setStorageValue(i, 0) return false end end player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, itemName .." was not founded in the list.") elseif action == "show" then local text = "-- Auto Loot List --\n" local count = 1 for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do local storage = player:getStorageValue(i) if storage > 0 then text = string.format("%s%d. %s\n", text, count, ItemType(storage):getName()) count = count + 1 end end if text == "" then text = "Empty" end player:showTextDialog(1950, text, false) elseif action == "clear" then for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do player:setStorageValue(i, 0) end player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "The autoloot list has been cleared.") else player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Use the commands: !autoloot {add, remove, show, clear}") end return false end creaturescripts/creaturescripts.xml
      <event type="kill" name="AutoLoot" script="autoloot.lua" /> creaturescripts/scripts/autoloot.lua
      local function scanContainer(cid, position) local player = Player(cid) if not player then return end local corpse = Tile(position):getTopDownItem() if not corpse then return end if corpse:getType():isCorpse() and corpse:getAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_CORPSEOWNER) == cid then for i = corpse:getSize() - 1, 0, -1 do local containerItem = corpse:getItem(i) if containerItem then for i = AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_START, AUTOLOOT_STORAGE_END do if player:getStorageValue(i) == containerItem:getId() then containerItem:moveTo(player) end end end end end end function onKill(player, target) if not target:isMonster() then return true end addEvent(scanContainer, 100, player:getId(), target:getPosition()) return true end creaturescripts/scripts/login.lua
      player:registerEvent("AutoLoot") ______________________________________________ CRÉDITOS
    • Por Hyago Silva
      Estou com erro no talkaction bless, quando eu uso !bless aparece na bio:
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  Lua Script Error: [Scripts Interface]
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  /home/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:callback
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  ...e/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:4: attempt to index global 'Blessings' (a nil value)
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -  stack traceback:
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -   [C]: in function '__index'
      2020-08-05 03:43:37 -   ...e/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:4: in function <...e/hyago/otserv/data/scripts/talkactions/player/bless.lua:3>
      esse é o script da bless.lua
      Alguem pode me ajudar?
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