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Estou com um problema e não consigo resolver porque não sou bom em scripts. É o seguinte.


Estou com o problema abaixo no meu zombie event.




Ele abre e aparece o TP, porém, quando tenta entrar da esse erro. Segue meu zombie_teleport.lua


function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition)
        local player = Player(cid)
    if not player then
            return false
        if Game.getStorageValue(zeStartedGlobalStorage) == 2 then
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'The Zombie Event has already started.')
            player:teleportTo(fromPosition, true)
            return false
        if Game.getStorageValue(zeStartedGlobalStorage) == 0 then
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'The Zombie Event has not started yet.')
            player:teleportTo(fromPosition, true)
            return false
       if Game.getStorageValue(zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage) > zeMaxPlayers then
            player:teleportTo(fromPosition, true)
            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'The Zombie Event is already full! ['.. Game.getStorageValue(zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage) ..'/'.. zeMaxPlayers ..']')
            return false
        Game.setStorageValue(zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage, Game.getStorageValue(zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage) + 1)
        broadcastMessage(string.format('%s has joined the Zombie Event! [%s/'.. zeMaxPlayers ..'].', player:getName(), Game.getStorageValue(zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage)), MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
        player:setStorageValue(zeJoinStorage, 1)
        return true

Ao Passar o tempo e o evento não abrir por falta de players, da o seguinte erro
Segue meu Zombie_system.lua

-- Zombie Variables
zeZombieName = 'Zombie Event' --Zombie Name
zombieSpawnInterval = 5 --how many seconds until a new zombie spawns
zeMaxZombies = 30 --max zombies in the arena?
zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage = 100 --Player joined event count
-- Players Variables
zeJoinStorage = 1000 --player join storage
zeMinPlayers = 10 --min players needed when time runout
zeMaxPlayers = 30 --max players to join
zeTrophy = 7369 --trophy itemid
zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage = 101 --Zombie spawned Count
-- Other Variables
zeWaitMinutes = 2 --when event has opened, how long until it starts?
zeWaitingRoomPos = Position(32306, 31926, 7) --middle of waiting room
zeZombieArena = Position(32360, 31922, 7) --when even start where should player be teleported in the zombie arena?
zeArenaFromPosition = Position(32338, 31913, 7) --pos of top left corner
zeArenaToPosition = Position(32385, 31934, 7) --pos of bottom right corner
zeMiddleZombieArena = Position(32360, 31924, 7) --Middle pos of the arena
zeWaitingRoomRadiusX = 20 --depends how big the waiting room is 20sqm to x
zeWaitingRoomRadiusY = 20 --depends how big the waiting room is 20sqm to y
zeZombieArenaRadiusX = 20 --Depends how big the zombie arena is 50sqm to x
zeZombieArenaRadiusY = 20 --Depends how big the zombie arena is 50sqm to y
zeStartedGlobalStorage = 102 -- Value: 0 == false, 1 == true, 2 == started --State of the event
zeCreateTeleportPosition = Position(32340, 32213, 7) --Where should the teleport be created?
function startZombie()
    local specs = Game.getSpectators(zeWaitingRoomPos, false, true, 0, zeWaitingRoomRadiusX, 0, zeWaitingRoomRadiusY)
        if Game.getStorageValue(zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage) < zeMinPlayers then
            for i = 1, #specs do
                    specs:teleportTo(specs:getTown():getTemplePosition(), false)
                    specs:setStorageValue(zeJoinStorage, 0)
            broadcastMessage('Zombie Event failed to start, because of to little players joined the event!', MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
            return true
        for i = 1, #specs do
        broadcastMessage("Zombie Event has started, good luck to all participant.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING)
        Game.setStorageValue(zeStartedGlobalStorage, 2)
function doSummonZombie()
        if Game.getStorageValue(zeZombieCountGlobalStorage) > zeMaxZombies then
            return false
        local zombie = Game.createMonster(zeZombieName, {x = math.random(zeArenaFromPosition.x, zeArenaToPosition.x), y = math.random(zeArenaFromPosition.y, zeArenaToPosition.y), z = math.random(zeArenaFromPosition.z, zeArenaToPosition.z)})
        if zombie then
            Game.createMonster(zeZombieName, {x = math.random(zeArenaFromPosition.x, zeArenaToPosition.x), y = math.random(zeArenaFromPosition.y, zeArenaToPosition.y), z = math.random(zeArenaFromPosition.z, zeArenaToPosition.z)})
        Game.setStorageValue(zeZombieCountGlobalStorage, Game.getStorageValue(zeZombieCountGlobalStorage) + 1)
function doStartZombieEvasion()
        if Game.getStorageValue(zeStartedGlobalStorage) == 2 then
            addEvent(doStartZombieEvasion, 5 * 1000)
function resetVariables()
        Game.setStorageValue(zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage, 0)
        Game.setStorageValue(zeZombieCountGlobalStorage, 0)
        Game.setStorageValue(zeStartedGlobalStorage, 0)
function doClearZombieArena()
        local specs = Game.getSpectators(zeMiddleZombieArena, false, false, 0, zeZombieArenaRadiusX, 0, zeZombieArenaRadiusY)
        for i = 1, #specs do
            if specs:getName() == zeZombieName then

Me ajudem por favooooor!



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n sei se vc percebeu, mas tem duas variáveis iguais...


zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage = 100 --Player joined event count
zeJoinedCountGlobalStorage = 101 --Zombie spawned Count


[*Ninguém será digno do sucesso se não usar suas derrotas para conquistá-lo.*]




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    • Por Neutraz
      Advanced Roulette System (TFS 0.3.6)
      Hi everyone! This is my first contribution to the Tibia community, and I hope you find it very useful. It's a gacha-style roulette system with dynamic speed mechanics and multi-key functionality.
      What's it about?
      This script adds a roulette (Tested on: Tibia 8.6 -- TFS 0.3.6) where players can use keys to spin the roulette and win rewards. The system includes:
      Multi-key support: using 1 to 4 keys per spin, increasing the chances of winning. Dynamic speed: The roulette gradually accelerates during the spin to make it more exciting. Configurable rewards: You can define which items can be won and with what probability. You can even add "reroll" value to increase the difficulty! Visual effects: Includes simple effects and text animations to make the experience more engaging. Activity log: Keeps a record of which players won which items.  
      Demo Video (x1.5 Speed)
      Copy the `Roulette.lua` file to the `data/actions/scripts` folder of your TFS server. --[[ ================================================================================ = ROULETTE SYSTEM FOR TFS = = = = Author: Neutras = = Version: 2.1 = = Description: Gacha-style roulette system with dynamic speed mechanics = = and multi-key feature. = = = = Features: = = - Multi-key support (1-4 keys per spin). = = - Dynamic speed animation with configurable initial and final speeds. = = - Persistent "Winner Slot" effects and animated texts. = = - Configurable rewards with reroll chances. = = - Logging system to track player rewards. = = = = Compatible with TFS 0.3.7 (Tibia 8.6). = ================================================================================ --]] -- ================= LOGGING SYSTEM ================= -- local logPath = "data/logs/" local logFileName = "roulette.log" -- Logs player rewards to a file. -- @param cid: Player ID. -- @param keyName: Name of the key used. -- @param items: Table of items won. -- @param keyCount: Number of keys used. local function logEntry(cid, keyName, items, keyCount) local file = .. logFileName, "a") if file then local itemStrings = {} for _, item in ipairs(items) do table.insert(itemStrings, string.format("x%d %s", item.count, getItemNameById( end file:write(string.format("[%s] %s used %d '%s' and won: %s\n","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), getPlayerName(cid), keyCount, keyName, table.concat(itemStrings, ", "))) file:close() end end -- ================= BASE CONFIGURATION ================= -- -- Levers Action IDs to key item IDs. local keyByAid = { [1354] = 9971, -- Key for reward level 1 (Copper) [1355] = 9972, -- Key for reward level 2 (Silver) [1356] = 9973 -- Key for reward level 3 (Golden) } -- Levers Action IDs to reward levels. local rewardByAid = { [1354] = 1, -- Reward level 1 (Copper) [1355] = 2, -- Reward level 2 (Silver) [1356] = 3 -- Reward level 3 (Golden) } -- Relative positions of the slots in the roulette. local rouletteSpinOffset = { {1, -4}, {2, -4}, {3, -4}, {3, -3}, {4, -3}, {4, -2}, {4, -1}, {5, -1}, {5, 0}, {5, 1}, {4, 1}, {4, 2}, {4, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 4}, {2, 4}, {1, 4}, {0, 4}, {-1, 4}, {-2, 4}, {-3, 4}, {-3, 3}, {-4, 3}, {-4, 2}, {-4, 1}, {-5, 1}, {-5, 0}, {-5, -1},{-4, -1},{-4, -2}, {-4, -3},{-3, -3},{-3, -4},{-2, -4},{-1, -4}, {0, -4} } -- ================= MAIN CONFIGURATION ================= -- local config = { rouletteCD = 30, -- Global cooldown in seconds. globalStoCd = 22600, -- Storage ID for cooldown. globalStoKeyCount = 22601, -- Storage ID for key count. maxLoops = 100, -- Maximum iterations per spin. initialSpeed = 50, -- Initial speed in milliseconds. finalSpeed = 400, -- Final speed in milliseconds. effectLever = 35, -- Effect when activating the lever. effectRewardPlayer = 28, -- Effect on the player when winning. effectReward = 28, -- Effect on the winning slot. -- Reward table by level. -- Formula: Real Probability = (Item Chance / Total Chances) * (1 - (Reroll % / 100)) items = { [1] = { {id = 1, chance = 80, count = 5}, }, [2] = { {id = 2, chance = 70, count = 1, porc_cambio = 30}, }, [3] = { {id = 3, chance = 25, count = 1, porc_cambio = 70} } } } -- ================= PROBABILITY CACHING ================= -- -- Precalculates cumulative probabilities for each reward level. local cumulativeChanceCache = {} for rewardId, items in pairs(config.items) do local total = 0 local cumulative = {} for _, item in ipairs(items) do total = total + item.chance table.insert(cumulative, {item = item, threshold = total}) end cumulativeChanceCache[rewardId] = {total = total, items = cumulative} end -- ================= UTILITY FUNCTIONS ================= -- -- Calculates the speed of the roulette animation based on progress. -- @param progress: Current progress (0 to 1). -- @return: Speed in milliseconds. local function calculateSpeed(progress) return config.initialSpeed + (config.finalSpeed - config.initialSpeed) * progress^3 end -- Selects a random item from the reward table, considering reroll chances. -- @param rewardId: Reward level ID. -- @return: Selected item. local function chooseRouletteItem(rewardId) local cache = cumulativeChanceCache[rewardId] local roll = math.random( for _, entry in ipairs(cache.items) do if roll <= entry.threshold then if entry.item.porc_cambio and math.random(100) <= entry.item.porc_cambio then return chooseRouletteItem(rewardId) end return entry.item end end return cache.items[#cache.items].item end -- Rotates the slots in the roulette. -- @param slots: Table of slots. local function rotateSlots(slots) local last = slots[36] for i = 36, 2, -1 do slots[i] = slots[i-1] end slots[1] = last end -- Updates the visual display of the roulette. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. -- @param slots: Table of slots. -- @param isFillingPhase: Whether the slots are being filled for the first time. local function updateRouletteDisplay(cpos, slots, isFillingPhase) for i = 1, 36 do local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[i][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[i][2], z = cpos.z } doCleanTile(pos) if slots[i] then doCreateItem(slots[i].id, slots[i].count, pos) -- Show puff effect only during the initial filling phase. if isFillingPhase then doSendMagicEffect(pos, 14) end end end end -- ================= WINNER SLOTS AND EFFECTS ================= -- -- Shows "Winner Slot" animated text on winning slots. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. -- @param keyCount: Number of keys used. local function showWinnerSlots(cpos, keyCount) local winningSlots = {} if keyCount == 1 then winningSlots = {36} elseif keyCount == 2 then winningSlots = {36, 18} elseif keyCount == 3 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9} elseif keyCount == 4 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9, 27} else winningSlots = {36} -- Default to one winning slot if keyCount is invalid. end for _, slot in ipairs(winningSlots) do local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][2], z = cpos.z } doSendAnimatedText(pos, "Winner Slot", TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW) end end -- Shows the number of keys in use. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. local function showKeyCount(cpos) local keyCount = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) keyCount = (keyCount < 1 or keyCount > 4) and 1 or keyCount local pos = {x = 1013, y = 995, z = 7} doSendAnimatedText(pos, string.format("Keys: %d", keyCount), TEXTCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE) end -- ================= MAIN ROULETTE LOGIC ================= -- -- Main animation function, recursively called to simulate the roulette spin. -- @param cid: Player ID. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. -- @param rewardId: ID of the reward level. -- @param nloop: Current iteration number. -- @param slots: Table of slots (items). -- @param keyName: Name of the key used. -- @param keyCount: Number of keys used. local function shuffle(cid, cpos, rewardId, nloop, slots, keyName, keyCount) if nloop > config.maxLoops then if isPlayer(cid) then -- Determine winning slots based on the number of keys used. local winningSlots = {} if keyCount == 1 then winningSlots = {36} elseif keyCount == 2 then winningSlots = {36, 18} elseif keyCount == 3 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9} elseif keyCount == 4 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9, 27} else winningSlots = {36} -- Default to one winning slot if keyCount is invalid. end -- Get the winning items and their positions. local wonItems = {} local winPositions = {} for _, slot in ipairs(winningSlots) do if slots[slot] then table.insert(wonItems, slots[slot]) local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][2], z = cpos.z } table.insert(winPositions, pos) end end -- Award the items and display visual effects. if #wonItems > 0 then for _, pos in ipairs(winPositions) do doSendAnimatedText(pos, "Winner Slot", TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW) doSendMagicEffect(pos, config.effectReward) end for _, item in ipairs(wonItems) do doPlayerAddItem(cid,, item.count) end doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.effectRewardPlayer) -- Display a message to the player with all the rewards. local itemList = {} for _, item in ipairs(wonItems) do table.insert(itemList, string.format("x%d %s", item.count, getItemNameById( end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "[ROULETTE] You won: " .. table.concat(itemList, ", ")) -- Log the player's rewards. logEntry(cid, keyName, wonItems, keyCount) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "[ROULETTE] No items won.") end setGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd, 0) end return end -- Initial filling phase of the roulette slots. if nloop <= 36 then slots[nloop] = chooseRouletteItem(rewardId) updateRouletteDisplay(cpos, slots, true) else -- Rotate the slots and update the display. rotateSlots(slots) updateRouletteDisplay(cpos, slots, false) -- Show effects on the winning slots every 5 iterations. if nloop % 5 == 0 then local winningSlots = {} if keyCount == 1 then winningSlots = {36} elseif keyCount == 2 then winningSlots = {36, 18} elseif keyCount == 3 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9} elseif keyCount == 4 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9, 27} else winningSlots = {36} -- Default to one winning slot if keyCount is invalid. end for _, slot in ipairs(winningSlots) do local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][2], z = cpos.z } doSendMagicEffect(pos, config.effectReward) end end end -- Schedule the next iteration with dynamic speed. local progress = nloop / config.maxLoops addEvent(shuffle, calculateSpeed(progress), cid, cpos, rewardId, nloop + 1, slots, keyName, keyCount) end -- ================= PERIODIC EFFECTS AND TEXTS ================= -- -- Shows effects and texts periodically. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. local function showEffectsAndTexts(cpos) local keyCount = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) keyCount = (keyCount < 1 or keyCount > 4) and 1 or keyCount -- Ensure keyCount is within range. -- Show "Winner Slot" on the winning slots. showWinnerSlots(cpos, keyCount) -- Show the number of keys in use. showKeyCount(cpos) -- Schedule the next execution. addEvent(showEffectsAndTexts, 1500, cpos) end -- ================= EFFECT SCRIPT INITIALIZATION ================= -- -- Start the periodic effects and texts when the script is loaded. local cpos = {x = 1012, y = 994, z = 7} -- Center position of the roulette. addEvent(function() showEffectsAndTexts(cpos) end, 5000) -- 5 seconds delay since server start. -- ================= MAIN OBJECT USE FUNCTION ================= -- -- Called when the roulette object is used. function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) -- Handle the key change lever. if item.aid == 1360 then local current = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) current = (current < 1 or current > 4) and 1 or (current % 4) + 1 setGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount, current) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string.format("Now using %d keys per spin.", current)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) return true end -- Handle the roulette levers. if not keyByAid[item.aid] then return false end local key = keyByAid[item.aid] local keyName = getItemNameById(key) local requiredKeys = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) requiredKeys = (requiredKeys < 1 or requiredKeys > 4) and 1 or requiredKeys if getPlayerAccess(cid) < 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, key) < requiredKeys then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format("You need %d %s to play!", requiredKeys, keyName)) doSendMagicEffect(topos, 14) return true end local rewardId = rewardByAid[item.aid] or 1 -- Get the reward level based on the lever. Default to 1 if not found. local pos = {x = 1012, y = 994, z = 7} -- Center position of the roulette. if getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd) > os.time() and getPlayerAccess(cid) < 5 then local remaining = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd) - os.time() doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Wait " .. remaining .. " seconds to play again.") return true end setGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd, os.time() + config.rouletteCD) -- Set the cooldown. doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid == 9825 and 9826 or 9825) -- Change the lever's appearance. -- Clear the tiles around the roulette and add magic effects. for i = 1, 36 do local rpos = { x = pos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[i][1], y = pos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[i][2], z = pos.z } doCleanTile(rpos) doSendMagicEffect(rpos, config.effectReward) end if key > 0 then doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, key, requiredKeys) end -- Remove the keys from the player's inventory. doSendMagicEffect(pos, config.effectLever) -- Play the lever activation effect. math.randomseed(os.time() + getPlayerGUID(cid)) -- Seed the random number generator. addEvent(shuffle, config.initialSpeed, cid, pos, rewardId, 1, {}, keyName, requiredKeys) -- Start the roulette animation. return true end  
      Add the following lines within the `<actions>` tag in your `data/actions/actions.xml` file: <action actionid="XXX;YYYY;ZZZZ;AAAA" event="script" value="Roulette.lua"/> Replace `XXXX`, `YYYY`, and `ZZZZ` with the unique IDs of the levers that will activate the roulette (make sure they are not in use!).
      The ID `AAAA` is for the lever that changes the number of keys to use.
      Open the `Roulette.lua` file and adjust the `config.items` table with the items you want players to be able to win. Remember to balance the probabilities.  
      Code Explanation
      The script is divided into several sections to facilitate understanding:
      LOGGING SYSTEM: Handles logging the rewards obtained by players. BASE CONFIGURATION: Defines object IDs and reward levels. MAIN CONFIGURATION: Contains the main options of the system, such as the wait time between spins, the speed of the roulette, and the rewards. PROBABILITY CACHING: Optimizes the calculation of probabilities so that the system runs smoothly. UTILITY FUNCTIONS: Helper functions to calculate speed, choose items randomly, and update the roulette display. WINNER SLOTS AND EFFECTS: Displays the "Winner Slot" text and other visual effects in the winning spaces. MAIN ROULETTE LOGIC: The main function that controls the roulette animation and the delivery of rewards. PERIODIC EFFECTS AND TEXTS: Displays effects and texts periodically. SCRIPT INITIALIZATION: Initializes the effect system when the script is loaded. MAIN OBJECT USE FUNCTION: The function that is executed when a player interacts with a lever.

      I hope this roulette system is a great addition to your server! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for your support!  
    • Por Imperius
      O propósito é criar uma nova função em creaturescripts que será acionada toda vez que um novo report (CTRL + R) for aberto.
      Eu implementei para enviar uma notificação no grupo do Telegram, contendo os dados do report.
      Isso garantirá que os GMs tenham acesso aos reports dos jogadores mesmo quando não estiverem logados, e também evitará que algum report seja perdido caso o jogador saia do servidor.
      A parte do Telegram é apenas um exemplo. Você pode ajustar o script para executar outras ações desejadas.
      Dentro deste arquivo, localize a função:
      uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeChannelLeave(Player* player, uint16_t channelId, UsersMap usersMap)  
      abaixo dela, adicione:
      uint32_t CreatureEvent::executeOpenRuleViolation(Player* player, std::string message) { if (!m_interface->reserveEnv()) { std::clog << "[Error - CreatureEvent::executeOpenRuleViolation] Call stack overflow." << std::endl; return 0; } ScriptEnviroment* env = m_interface->getEnv(); env->setScriptId(m_scriptId, m_interface); lua_State* L = m_interface->getState(); m_interface->pushFunction(m_scriptId); lua_pushnumber(L, env->addThing(player)); lua_pushstring(L, message.c_str()); bool result = m_interface->callFunction(2); m_interface->releaseEnv(); return result; }  
      Após, procure por:
      std::string CreatureEvent::getScriptEventName() const  
      abaixo de:
      case CREATURE_EVENT_CHANNEL_LEAVE: return "onLeaveChannel";  
      case CREATURE_EVENT_OPEN_RULE_VIOLATION: return "onOpenRuleViolation";  
      Agora, procure por:
      std::string CreatureEvent::getScriptEventParams() const  
      abaixo de:
      case CREATURE_EVENT_CHANNEL_LEAVE: return "cid, channel, users";  
      case CREATURE_EVENT_OPEN_RULE_VIOLATION: return "cid, message";  
      Procure por:
      bool CreatureEvent::configureEvent(xmlNodePtr p)  
      abaixo de:
      else if(tmpStr == "leavechannel") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_CHANNEL_LEAVE;  
      else if(tmpStr == "openruleviolation") m_type = CREATURE_EVENT_OPEN_RULE_VIOLATION;  
      Dentro deste arquivo, localize:
      enum CreatureEventType_t  
      adicione "CREATURE_EVENT_OPEN_RULE_VIOLATION" como o último item de enum CreatureEventType_t
      enum CreatureEventType_t { // ... CREATURE_EVENT_OPEN_RULE_VIOLATION };  
      Agora, procure por:
      uint32_t executeChannelLeave(Player* player, uint16_t channelId, UsersMap usersMap);  
      abaixo dela, adicione:
      uint32_t executeOpenRuleViolation(Player* player, std::string message);  
      Dentro deste arquivo, localize:
      bool Game::playerReportRuleViolation(Player* player, const std::string& text)  
      e substitua por:
      bool Game::playerReportRuleViolation(Player* player, const std::string& text) { //Do not allow reports on multiclones worlds since reports are name-based if(g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CLONES)) { player->sendTextMessage(MSG_INFO_DESCR, "Rule violation reports are disabled."); return false; } cancelRuleViolation(player); boost::shared_ptr<RuleViolation> rvr(new RuleViolation(player, text, time(NULL))); ruleViolations[player->getID()] = rvr; ChatChannel* channel = g_chat.getChannelById(CHANNEL_RVR); if(!channel) return false; for(UsersMap::const_iterator it = channel->getUsers().begin(); it != channel->getUsers().end(); ++it) it->second->sendToChannel(player, SPEAK_RVR_CHANNEL, text, CHANNEL_RVR, rvr->time); CreatureEventList joinEvents = player->getCreatureEvents(CREATURE_EVENT_OPEN_RULE_VIOLATION); for(CreatureEventList::iterator it = joinEvents.begin(); it != joinEvents.end(); ++it) (*it)->executeOpenRuleViolation(player, text); return true; }  
      Agora é só compilar a source.
      depois em "data > creaturescripts > creaturescripts.xml", adicione:
      <event type="login" name="loginNotifyRuleViolation" script="notifyRuleViolation.lua"/> <event type="openruleviolation" name="openNotifyRuleViolation" script="notifyRuleViolation.lua"/>  
      em "data > creaturescripts > scripts", crie um arquivo notifyRuleViolation.lua e adicione:
      function onOpenRuleViolation(cid, message) local config = { token = "", -- Token do seu BOT no Telegram chatId = "" -- ID do chat do Telegram que será enviado a notificação. } local message = "Player: "..getCreatureName(cid).."\n\nReport:\n"..message.."" message = string.gsub(message, "\n", "%%0A") local url = ""..config.token.."/sendMessage" local data = "chat_id="..config.chatId.."&text="..message.."" local curl = io.popen('curl -d "''" "'..url..'"'):read("*a") return true end function onLogin(cid) registerCreatureEvent(cid, "openNotifyRuleViolation") return true end  
      1. Jogador abre um novo report (CTRL + R)

      2. notifyRuleViolation.lua, definido em creaturescripts.xml, é acionado para enviar uma notificação ao grupo do Telegram.

    • Por chateadoagr
      Servidor baseado em jogos e series: Resident Evil, TWD, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, entre outros.
      O Inicio:
      Em 1993, em uma ilha remota, um rico empresário monta um parque temático com dinossauros vivos, criados a partir de DNA pré-histórico. Antes de abri-lo ao público, ele convida um conceituado paleontologista e sua namorada paleobotânica, um renomado matemático e também seus dois netos para conhecerem o parque - e ajudarem a acalmar investidores ansiosos. Mas a visita não é nem um pouco tranquila, já que os predadores pré-históricos escapam e começam a caçar os habitantes da ilha, no final do ano de 1993, foi isolada a ilha, exterminados os animais e ninguém mais explorou a ilha temática.
      Em 1998, quando crimes bizarros começam a assolar a pequena Raccoon City. As vítimas, normalmente andarilhos e excursionistas que passam pela floresta nos arredores da cidade, são brutalmente assassinadas e seus corpos apresentam sinais de canibalismo e violência extrema. O departamento de polícia de Raccoon decide enviar seu time de elite, os S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service, Serviço de Táticas Especiais e de Resgate) para cuidar do caso. A primeira equipe enviada é a Bravo, que perdeu contato com a delegacia minutos após entrar na área da floresta. Após 24 horas sem contato via rádio, a equipe Alpha é enviada, e se surpreendem ao encontrar o helicóptero da outra equipe completamente abandonado. Enquanto checavam os arredores em busca de pistas sobre a localização dos policiais desaparecidos, Joseph Frost, um dos membros da equipe Alpha, é atacado por cães selvagens, que aparentam estado de decomposição avançada. Abandonados por Brad Vickers, piloto da equipe, que foge levando o helicóptero, os oficiais sobreviventes se veem sem opção a não ser se refugiar em uma mansão que é avistada de longe.[...]
      Após o fracasso do parque temático e o apocalipse, os sobreviventes foram levados para uma nova ilha que se tornou uma cidade com muitos recursos recuperados pelo apocalipse. Anos se passaram e a humanidade cresceu relativamente. Novos médicos, cientista e estudantes vieram a tona, mas um deles se destacou, o Dr Edward Kirk.
      O Dr Edward Kirk, um cientista, que assumiu as empresas Umbrella Corporation e as empresas Weskers, assim que seus diretores foram mortos nos ataques de Reccoon City. Dr Kirk mudou o nome das empresas para Healthy Life(vida saudável), com seu principal projeto: Terceira energia, esse projeto consiste num sistema em que cria energia limpa e barata.
      Porem o Governo, não quis patrocinar esse projeto então o Dr, retornou ao seu antigo projeto "O Fim da Extinção". Esse projeto teve ajuda de vários empresários que investiram muito nesse projeto que era trazer animais que foram extinto de volta a vida, pegando DNAs de fosseis e transformando eles a vida novamente, também teve ajuda do Dr Albert wesker.[...[




      A ideia é deixar assim uma das ilhas:

      Será na versão 8.6 
      Cliente OTC
      O que estou precisando:
      Spriters de dinossauros, personagens, itens(arma e equipamentos), etc.
      Programadores pra ajudar a desenvolver alguns sistemas que estão faltando.
      Mapper para ajuda a termina o mapa.
      Doações, sugestões e ajuda:
      Entre em contato pelo whatsapp:
      42 9 88067789
      Nome: Itamar Vinicius
    • Por Erimyth
      Fala galerinha eu estava e um amigo meu me pediu um script de health e mana por talkaction por MSN, fiz ele e resolvi postar-lo aqui no TK para a galera usar-lo.

      Vá em data > talkactions > talkactions.xml e adicione a seguinte tag:

      <talkaction words="!buyhealth;!buymana" event="script" value="buylife.lua">
      Agora vá até a pasta scripts dentro de talkactions, crie um arquivo chamado buylife.lua com isto dentro:
      -- [( Script created by Matheus for )] -- function onSay(cid, words, param) local health = 1000 -- Vida que será adicionada ao player após ele usar o comando! local mana = 1000 -- Mana que será adicionada ao player após ele usar o comando! local cost = 10000 -- Preço para você comprar mana ou health! if (words == "!buymana") then if (doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, cost) == TRUE) then doCreatureAddMana(cid, mana) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 12) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need "..cost.." gold coins to buy mana.") return TRUE end elseif (words == "!buyhealth") then if (doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, cost) == TRUE) then doCreatureAddHealth(cid, health) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 12) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you need "..cost.." gold coins to buy mana.") end return TRUE end end
      Prontinho, espero que gostem, é um script bem simples mas pode ser útil para alguns.  
        Você gostou deste conteúdo!? Este conteúdo te ajudou!? Isso será realmente útil pra você!? Então, se possível, faça uma doação (de qualquer valor) que estará me ajudando também!  
    • Por Leu
      Usando o script do Cjaker como base (e a descrição do tópico dele, na cara dura mesmo!), otimizei as operações no banco de dados (tava muito zuado) e adicionei um range de accounts protegidas pra evitar apagar os gms/samples/contas de spoofers do otservlist/etc... ;
      Salve galera, mais um script para quem está precisando dar aquela limpada no banco de dados e otimizar o Servidor.
      -- Especificações --
      TFS 1.1+ Objetivo é limpar as contas inativas/vazias e os players Inativos assim removendo os usuários que estão inativos e ocupando espaço no banco de dados.
        -- Instruções --
      Em globalevents.xml insira essa linha <globalevent type="startup" name="CleanDatabases" script="cleandatabase.lua" />  
      Crie um script chamado cleandatabase.lua na pasta globalevents/scripts e cole isso dentro dele. --- --- Generated by EmmyLua( --- Created by leu. --- DateTime: 04/04/18 18:42 --- --[[ Clean Database by Cjaker | Refactor and SQL Optimizations by Leu ]]-- local inactiveMonths = 1 --> Quantos meses o player ficou inativo local createdMonths = 1 --> Quantos meses a conta foi criada e não possui character criado. local protectedAccIdEnd = 20 --ignorar accounts com id <= 20 local function clearInactivePlayers() local inactiveTimestamp = os.time() - (86400 * (inactiveMonths*30)) local totalClear=0 local fromClause = "`players` WHERE `account_id` > ".. protectedAccIdEnd .." AND lastlogin <= "..inactiveTimestamp local resultId = db.storeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) as num_inativos FROM "..fromClause) if resultId ~= false then totalClear = result.getDataInt(resultId, 'num_inativos') if totalClear > 0 then db.query("DELETE FROM "..fromClause) end end return totalClear end local function clearEmptyAccounts() local totalClear = 0 local createdTimestamp = os.time() - (86400 * (createdMonths*30)) local fromClause = "`accounts` ACCS WHERE `id` > ".. protectedAccIdEnd .." AND `creation` <= "..createdTimestamp.." AND (SELECT COUNT(*) from `players` WHERE `account_id` = ACCS.`id`) > 0" local resultId = db.storeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) as num_inativas FROM "..fromClause) if resultId~= false then totalClear = result.getDataInt(resultId,'num_inativas') if totalClear > 0 then db.query("DELETE ACCS FROM "..fromClause) end end return totalClear end function onStartup() print('>> ' ..clearInactivePlayers().. " players inativos deletados.") print('>> ' ..clearEmptyAccounts().. " contas vazias deletadas.") end  
      é isso senhores, paganois, flw!
      EDIT 24-04-2018: correção DELETE accs QUERY
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