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Por Glacial
Boa tarde galera, tudo bem?
Meu nome é Gustavo/Glacial, gostaria de compartilhar com a comunidade meu projeto solo no RME 3.5 /Client 10.98 do Tibia.
Glacial City, com houses, hunts, lojas, quests, bosses e depot.
Os teleportes já estão redirecionados, falta apenas itens nos baús das quests.
Espero que curtam e podem baixar pra colocar no ot de vocês!
Atualização versão 2.0:
- Houses na cidade
- Hive Lair (Lady Bug)
- Silencer & Frazzle/Guzzlemaw Hunt
- Drakens + Demons Hunt (área maior)
Links MediaFire e VirusTotal:
Download Mapas: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/hz0q694t9nk86/Mapas_Glacial
versão 1.0 Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b4e94903752e24aba63b291f9929f15f6bd7f4feb44d5a1f42ec3d755ee7977e?nocache=1
versão 2.0 Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/d88ae087e966bed6e2f2348f31246c1858831c1fb13d4e8613ba98f6ede37503?nocache=1
Segue fotos em anexo.
Por Jaurez
Me pediram e aí está, todos juntos em um arquivo.
Créditos 5mok3 pelo mapa Atlantyda,
Tylik pelos outros mapas.
Por Glacial
Boa tarde galera, tudo bem?
Meu nome é Gustavo/Glacial, gostaria de compartilhar com a comunidade meu projeto solo no RME 3.5 /Client 10.98 do Tibia.
Espero que curtam ai e podem baixar pra colocar no OT de vocês caso queiram.
Download Mapas: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/hz0q694t9nk86/Mapas_Glacial
versão 1.0 Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b4e94903752e24aba63b291f9929f15f6bd7f4feb44d5a1f42ec3d755ee7977e?nocache=1
versão 2.0 Virus Total: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/d88ae087e966bed6e2f2348f31246c1858831c1fb13d4e8613ba98f6ede37503?nocache=1
Fotos e detalhes no post atualizado e continuação do projeto:
Obrigado pela atenção!
Gustavo Glacial.
Por Codex NG
Sorry I don't speak spanish so you will have to bare with me.
This is a new way for people to create npc's which use different types of currency, rather than a coming up with different items to trade with the npc or trying to edit the npc modules this method simplifies everything by providing the npc with a npc currency id.
All this npc currency id is, is a storage value.. pretty simple eh?
If the npc doesn't have a currency id then it will use the normal currency e.g. gold, plat, cc etc..
I originally posted this on otland, but fuck them xD
Using Lailene here you can see she has a currency attribute with id of 123456
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Lailene" currency="123456" script="lailene.lua" walkinterval="2000" floorchange="0" speechbubble="2"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="279" head="114" body="94" legs="113" feet="114" addons="0"/> </npc>
Now any player who has a storage value of 123456 can purchase things from her shop provided they have enough value stored within the storage, similar to having money in the bank.
The money or in this case the storage value is added and removed from the player in real time.
Lets get to the code
Find this
bool Game::removeMoney(Cylinder* cylinder, uint64_t money, uint32_t flags /*= 0*/) Replace the whole function with this.
bool Game::removeMoney(Cylinder* cylinder, uint64_t money, uint32_t flags /*= 0*/) { if (cylinder == nullptr) { return false; } if (money == 0) { return true; } uint32_t currencyId = 0; Player* player; if (Creature* creature = cylinder->getCreature()) { if (Player* p = creature->getPlayer()) { currencyId = p->getNpcCurrencyId(); player = p; } } if (!currencyId) { std::vector<Container*> containers; std::multimap<uint32_t, Item*> moneyMap; uint64_t moneyCount = 0; for (size_t i = cylinder->getFirstIndex(), j = cylinder->getLastIndex(); i < j; ++i) { Thing* thing = cylinder->getThing(i); if (!thing) { continue; } Item* item = thing->getItem(); if (!item) { continue; } Container* container = item->getContainer(); if (container) { containers.push_back(container); } else { const uint32_t worth = item->getWorth(); if (worth != 0) { moneyCount += worth; moneyMap.emplace(worth, item); } } } size_t i = 0; while (i < containers.size()) { Container* container = containers[i++]; for (Item* item : container->getItemList()) { Container* tmpContainer = item->getContainer(); if (tmpContainer) { containers.push_back(tmpContainer); } else { const uint32_t worth = item->getWorth(); if (worth != 0) { moneyCount += worth; moneyMap.emplace(worth, item); } } } } if (moneyCount < money) { return false; } for (const auto& moneyEntry : moneyMap) { Item* item = moneyEntry.second; if (moneyEntry.first < money) { internalRemoveItem(item); money -= moneyEntry.first; } else if (moneyEntry.first > money) { const uint32_t worth = moneyEntry.first / item->getItemCount(); const uint32_t removeCount = (money / worth) + 1; addMoney(cylinder, (worth * removeCount) - money, flags); internalRemoveItem(item, removeCount); break; } else { internalRemoveItem(item); break; } } } else { int32_t value; player->getStorageValue(currencyId, value); if (value < money) { return false; } player->addStorageValue(currencyId, value - money); } return true; } Next find this
void Game::addMoney(Cylinder* cylinder, uint64_t money, uint32_t flags /*= 0*/) Replace the whole function with this
void Game::addMoney(Cylinder* cylinder, uint64_t money, uint32_t flags /*= 0*/) { if (money == 0) { return; } if (Creature* creature = cylinder->getCreature()) { if (Player* player = creature->getPlayer()) { if(uint32_t currencyId = player->getNpcCurrencyId()){ int32_t value; player->getStorageValue(currencyId, value); player->addStorageValue(currencyId, value + money); return; } } } uint32_t crystalCoins = money / 10000; money -= crystalCoins * 10000; while (crystalCoins > 0) { const uint16_t count = std::min<uint32_t>(100, crystalCoins); Item* remaindItem = Item::CreateItem(ITEM_CRYSTAL_COIN, count); ReturnValue ret = internalAddItem(cylinder, remaindItem, INDEX_WHEREEVER, flags); if (ret != RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) { internalAddItem(cylinder->getTile(), remaindItem, INDEX_WHEREEVER, FLAG_NOLIMIT); } crystalCoins -= count; } uint16_t platinumCoins = money / 100; if (platinumCoins != 0) { Item* remaindItem = Item::CreateItem(ITEM_PLATINUM_COIN, platinumCoins); ReturnValue ret = internalAddItem(cylinder, remaindItem, INDEX_WHEREEVER, flags); if (ret != RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) { internalAddItem(cylinder->getTile(), remaindItem, INDEX_WHEREEVER, FLAG_NOLIMIT); } money -= platinumCoins * 100; } if (money != 0) { Item* remaindItem = Item::CreateItem(ITEM_GOLD_COIN, money); ReturnValue ret = internalAddItem(cylinder, remaindItem, INDEX_WHEREEVER, flags); if (ret != RETURNVALUE_NOERROR) { internalAddItem(cylinder->getTile(), remaindItem, INDEX_WHEREEVER, FLAG_NOLIMIT); } } }
Look for this
pugi::xml_attribute attr; if ((attr = npcNode.attribute("speed"))) { baseSpeed = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(attr.value()); } else { baseSpeed = 100; } Right underneath that you are going to place this.
if ((attr = npcNode.attribute("currency"))) { currency = pugi::cast<uint32_t>(attr.value()); }
Look for this
bool isPushable() const final { return walkTicks > 0; } Place this right underneath
uint32_t getCurrencyId() const { return currency; } Look for this
uint32_t walkTicks; Place this right underneath
uint32_t currency;
Find this
void Player::openShopWindow(Npc* npc, const std::list<ShopInfo>& shop) Replace that function with this
void Player::openShopWindow(Npc* npc, const std::list<ShopInfo>& shop) { shopItemList = shop; sendShop(npc); sendSaleItemList(npc); } Next find this
bool Player::updateSaleShopList(const Item* item) Replace that function with this
bool Player::updateSaleShopList(const Item* item) { uint16_t itemId = item->getID(); if (itemId != ITEM_GOLD_COIN && itemId != ITEM_PLATINUM_COIN && itemId != ITEM_CRYSTAL_COIN) { auto it = std::find_if(shopItemList.begin(), shopItemList.end(), [itemId](const ShopInfo& shopInfo) { return shopInfo.itemId == itemId && shopInfo.sellPrice != 0; }); if (it == shopItemList.end()) { const Container* container = item->getContainer(); if (!container) { return false; } const auto& items = container->getItemList(); return std::any_of(items.begin(), items.end(), [this](const Item* containerItem) { return updateSaleShopList(containerItem); }); } } if (client) { client->sendSaleItemList(shopOwner, shopItemList); } return true; } Next you are going to look for
uint64_t Player::getMoney() const Now right underneath that function you are going to place these.
uint64_t Player::getMoney(Npc* npc) const { uint64_t cash; setNpcCurrencyId(npc); uint32_t currencyId = getNpcCurrencyId(); if (currencyId) { int32_t value; getStorageValue(currencyId, value); cash = (uint64_t)value; } else { cash = getMoney(); } return cash; } void Player::setNpcCurrencyId(Npc* npc) const{ currencyId = npc->getCurrencyId(); } uint32_t Player::getNpcCurrencyId() const { return currencyId; }
Look for this
uint64_t getMoney() const; Place this right underneath
uint64_t getMoney(Npc*) const; void setNpcCurrencyId(Npc*) const; uint32_t getNpcCurrencyId() const; Find this
void sendShop(Npc* npc) const { if (client) { client->sendShop(npc, shopItemList); } } Place this right underneath
void sendSaleItemList(Npc* npc) const { if (client) { client->sendSaleItemList(npc, shopItemList); } } Find this
uint32_t manaMax; Place this right underneath
mutable uint32_t currencyId;
Now find this function
void ProtocolGame::sendSaleItemList(const std::list<ShopInfo>& shop) Place this right underneath
void ProtocolGame::sendSaleItemList(Npc* npc, const std::list<ShopInfo>& shop) { NetworkMessage msg; msg.addByte(0x7B); msg.add<uint64_t>(player->getMoney(npc)); std::map<uint16_t, uint32_t> saleMap; if (shop.size() <= 5) { // For very small shops it's not worth it to create the complete map for (const ShopInfo& shopInfo : shop) { if (shopInfo.sellPrice == 0) { continue; } int8_t subtype = -1; const ItemType& itemType = Item::items[shopInfo.itemId]; if (itemType.hasSubType() && !itemType.stackable) { subtype = (shopInfo.subType == 0 ? -1 : shopInfo.subType); } uint32_t count = player->getItemTypeCount(shopInfo.itemId, subtype); if (count > 0) { saleMap[shopInfo.itemId] = count; } } } else { // Large shop, it's better to get a cached map of all item counts and use it // We need a temporary map since the finished map should only contain items // available in the shop std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> tempSaleMap; player->getAllItemTypeCount(tempSaleMap); // We must still check manually for the special items that require subtype matches // (That is, fluids such as potions etc., actually these items are very few since // health potions now use their own ID) for (const ShopInfo& shopInfo : shop) { if (shopInfo.sellPrice == 0) { continue; } int8_t subtype = -1; const ItemType& itemType = Item::items[shopInfo.itemId]; if (itemType.hasSubType() && !itemType.stackable) { subtype = (shopInfo.subType == 0 ? -1 : shopInfo.subType); } if (subtype != -1) { uint32_t count; if (!itemType.isFluidContainer() && !itemType.isSplash()) { count = player->getItemTypeCount(shopInfo.itemId, subtype); // This shop item requires extra checks } else { count = subtype; } if (count > 0) { saleMap[shopInfo.itemId] = count; } } else { std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator findIt = tempSaleMap.find(shopInfo.itemId); if (findIt != tempSaleMap.end() && findIt->second > 0) { saleMap[shopInfo.itemId] = findIt->second; } } } } uint8_t itemsToSend = std::min<size_t>(saleMap.size(), std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()); msg.addByte(itemsToSend); uint8_t i = 0; for (std::map<uint16_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator it = saleMap.begin(); i < itemsToSend; ++it, ++i) { msg.addItemId(it->first); msg.addByte(std::min<uint32_t>(it->second, std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max())); } writeToOutputBuffer(msg); }
Find this
void sendSaleItemList(const std::list<ShopInfo>& shop); Place this right underneath
void sendSaleItemList(Npc* npc, const std::list<ShopInfo>& shop);
int LuaScriptInterface::luaPlayerAddMoney(lua_State* L) Replace that whole function with this
int LuaScriptInterface::luaPlayerAddMoney(lua_State* L) { // player:addMoney(money[, currencyId]) uint64_t money = getNumber<uint64_t>(L, 2); uint32_t currencyId = getNumber<uint32_t>(L, 3); Player* player = getUserdata<Player>(L, 1); if (player) { if (currencyId) { int32_t value; player->getStorageValue(currencyId, value); player->addStorageValue(currencyId, value + money); } else { g_game.addMoney(player, money); } pushBoolean(L, true); } else { lua_pushnil(L); } return 1; } Next find this function which should be right below it.
int LuaScriptInterface::luaPlayerRemoveMoney(lua_State* L) Replace that whole function with this
int LuaScriptInterface::luaPlayerRemoveMoney(lua_State* L) { // player:removeMoney(money[, currencyId]) Player* player = getUserdata<Player>(L, 1); if (player) { uint64_t money = getNumber<uint64_t>(L, 2); uint32_t currencyId = getNumber<uint32_t>(L, 3); if (currencyId) { int32_t value; player->getStorageValue(currencyId, value); if (value < money) { pushBoolean(L, false); return 1; } player->addStorageValue(currencyId, value - money); pushBoolean(L, true); } else { pushBoolean(L, g_game.removeMoney(player, money)); } } else { lua_pushnil(L); } return 1; }
Por GuiAmaro
Download: Clique Aqui
Scan: Clique Aqui
Descrição: Ilha completinha para vocês galera os que quiserem acompanhar o show-off do Mapa segue o video abaixo. Gosto de criar um mapa depois de forjar um RPG curto sobre o local para despertar mais criatividade na hora de criar os locais e nesta cidade eu me baseei na história de Moisés e as 10 pragas do Egito do livro Êxodo da Bíblia onde as caves são locais devastado por um poder Divino que castigou seres que adoravam coisas que não importavam e traziam desgraça aos locais e as pessoas boas que habitavam a Ilha, e o castigo levou tudo isso que danificava o lado bom da ilha ao subsolo dela e o que era bom e gracioso ficou na parte do térreo da Ilha. Eu dei referência a duas das 10 pragas do Egito em um andar e é representada pela praga que torno as águas do Egito em sangue e no andar abaixo o minimap desenha uma Rã que foi uma das pragas que caiu sobre a nação de Ramsés II.
Acompanhem o video, se puderem compartilhem com os amigos de vocês que se interessem por mapas únicos. Fiz o mapa do zero durante 1 mês nas minhas horas vagas. Dentro do canal vocês encontrarão vídeos de como eu mapeio, outra cidade e uma hunt, quem quiser se inscrever para acompanhar meus conteúdos agradeço. Ficaria mais grato ainda se vocês curtirem e compartilharem o video em outras comunidades que não tenho acesso. Mapeio tem 10 anos e quero enriquecer bastante a área de mapping da comunidade.