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omarwsk venceu a última vez em Junho 26

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  1. sorry i think i deleted them, maybe i will try to do it again with the original sources to work with the same console
  2. Eai amigo tudo bem? você faz serviço ? quero colocar um servidor online, de Pokémon, queria contratar seu serviço para criar um servidor para mim já pronto, site e colocar ele online no meu Host, quanto cobraria? meu Whatsapp (12)982576502

  3. sqlFile = "DarkXPoke.s3db"??????? you dont read anything. i say to use my own database sql that is on the download. i wont help you, search for tutorial of how to use xampp and use my database
  4. i think it is related with the ip, check the client entergame ip and the server config ip, try with or localhost or your internal ip
  5. Hello there, im realeasing my server again, i abandoned this project some time ago and i dont want it to get old without be used. so i will give it to you with some other changes that i do. Sorry if i cant support you, dont speak much Portuguese. I will add some notes PLEASE READ THEM Custom level system *REMOVED* Custom Stat System*REMOVED* ZOOM System on client (Ctrl+1 & Ctrl+2) *NEW* Reworked UI on client *NEW* Custom Autoloot system 100% *NEW* Custom Pokemon change bar (Need to add images to client only first 250 pokes with picture) *NEW*
  6. con el mismo que editas un DXP nomas cambia el items.otbm por el del servidor
  7. np, the same exp that is giving to you in there is the exp that it will give to ur poke but wihtout multiplier, you need to find the way
  8. para modificar la experiencia y los exp rates tienes que ir al archivo que esta ubicado en data\creaturescripts\scripts\player\pokeDeath.lua en las lineas 252-341, ahi tienes todo lo que necesitas solo ocupas comprender el script de experiencia the client sources are the same on the post of dxp original i didnt modify anything there
  9. pokemon status on lib the "level" value mezclado entre los mismos scripts y librerias en el servidor need to be shiny super ball or super ball one of those if you change the ball that the sh ditto come then u cant use that, that is client sided to change the memory menu, if you buy it from the diamond shop it comes in the right ball ..... sorry for being inactive i was on surgery and recovery
  10. you need to use an old xampp en este momento no, traigo mucha flojera xD
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