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Marco Oliveira

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Sobre Marco Oliveira

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    Monte Azul - MG
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  1. local function removeNpc(creature) local target = Npc(npc) target:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) player:setStorageValue(storage, 0) target:remove() end function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) if player:getStorageValue(storage) < os.time() then local playerPos = player:getPosition() local position = Position(playerPos.x, playerPos.y + 1, playerPos.z) local npcName = "Mad" local storage = 2252 local npc = Game.createNpc(npcName, position) if npc then npc:setMasterPos(position) position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF)
  2. local function removeNpc(creature) local target = Npc(npc) target:getPosition():sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) player:setStorageValue(storage, 0) target:remove() end function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) if player:getStorageValue(storage) >= os.time() then local playerPos = player:getPosition() local position = Position(playerPos.x, playerPos.y + 1, playerPos.z) local npcName = "Mad" local storage = 2252 local npc = Game.createNpc(npcName, position) if npc then npc:setMasterPos(position) position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF)
  3. em layout/layout.php procure por <div id="Menu"> e adicione o código a baixo: <div class="SmallMenuBox" style="top: 4px;" > <div id="LoginTop" style="background-image:url(<?php echo $layout_name; ?>/images/global/general/box-top.gif)" ></div> <div id="BorderLeft" class="LoginBorder" style="background-image:url(<?php echo $layout_name; ?>/images/global/general/chain.gif); height: 39px;" ></div> <div id="LoginButtonContainer" style="background-image:url(<?php echo $layout_name; ?>/images/global/loginbox/loginbox-text
  4. Em events/player.lua adicione o seguinte código nas funções Player:onTradeRequest(target, item) e Player:onMoveItem: if item:getActionId() == 8000 then self:sendCancelMessage(RETURNVALUE_NOTPOSSIBLE) return false end Todos os itens que possuírem actionId igual a 8000 não serão movidos ou poderão receber trade dos jogadores. PS: Verifique se a função onTradeRequest está ativada em events.xml
  5. Você pode liberar as storages de acesso ao jogador no npc The Oracle, basta procurar pela linha player:setTown(Town(town[cid])) e adicionar as seguintes linhas: -- Forgotten Knowledge player:setStorageValue(Storage.ForgottenKnowledge.Tomes, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.ForgottenKnowledge.LastLoreKilled, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.ForgottenKnowledge.TimeGuardianKilled, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.ForgottenKnowledge.HorrorKilled, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.ForgottenKnowledge.DragonkingKilled, 1) player:setStorageValue(Storage.ForgottenKnowledge.ThornKnightKilled, 1)
  6. function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) local min = 150 local max = 200 local lvl = getPlayerLevel(cid) if lvl >= min and lvl <= max then return true else doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, true) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) doPlayerSendCancel(cid,"Somente level maior que " .. min .. " e menor que ".. max .." podem passar aqui.") end return true end <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="23001" event="script" value="checkLevelOnTile.lua"/>
  7. Substitua sua função por: function Creature:onTargetCombat(target) if not self then return true end if not __picif[target.uid] then if target:isMonster() then target:registerEvent("RewardSystemSlogan") __picif[target.uid] = {} end end if target:isPlayer() then if self:isMonster() then local protectionStorage = target:getStorageValue(Storage.combatProtectionStorage) if target:getIp() == 0 then -- If player is disconnected, monster shall ignore to attack the player if target:isPzLocked() then end if protectionStorage <= 0 then addEvent(removeCom
  8. na pasta raiz do seu site crie um arquivo chamado login.php e dentro dele adicione o seguinte código: <?php $_GET['subtopic'] = 'login'; $_REQUEST['subtopic'] = 'login'; include('index.php'); na pasta pages crie outro arquivo chamado login.php e adicione o seguinte código: <?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); if(!defined('INITIALIZED')) exit; function sendError($msg){ $ret = []; $ret["errorCode"] = 3; $ret["errorMessage"] = $msg; die(json_encode($ret)); } $request = file_get_contents('php://input'); $result = json_decode($request); $action = isset(
  9. function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if not player then return true end player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, 'Attack the Monk and you will win 1 of stamina every 2 minutes training here.') return true end
  10. Em data/events/scripts/creature.lua procure por function Creature:onTargetCombat(target), a cima adicione o seguinte codigo: -- Increase Stamina when Attacking Trainer local staminaBonus = { target = 'Training Monk', period = 120000, -- time on miliseconds bonus = 1, -- gain stamina events = {} } local function addStamina(name) local player = Player(name) if not player then[name] = nil else local target = player:getTarget() if not target or target:getName() ~= then[name] = nil else player:setStamina(player:ge
  11. A mensagem está localizada em houses.cpp dentro de void House::updateDoorDescription() const
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