Sitema%2FMod Tower Defense Event [TFS 1.0 / 1.1]
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Por Sekk
Bom, procurei esse Castle por MUITO TEMPO, mas não achei em NENHUM LUGAR DA INTERNET. Ontem, eu estava vendo alguns mapas do @Deathrocks, e vi nos prints, que o mapa possuia o evento que eu queria!
Então baixei o mapa e extrai o evento, então venho lhes trazer!
Nome: Castle 24H
Cliente: 8.6
Versão TFS: 0.4
Tipo: Evento
Bom, para começar, vamos em actions/scripts e crie 2 arquivos:
Agora em actions.xml adicione as tags:
Agora em monster/traps crie 3 arquivos:
Agora em monsters.xml adicione as tags:
Vamos para movements/scripts e crie 2 arquivos:
Agora em movements.xml adicione as tags:
Pronto. Agora você só precisa baixar o mapa, inserir o mesmo ao seu servidor, configurar os teleports, e as hunts dentro do castle etc.
1ª parte
2ª parte:
Obs.: Todos os ActionID e monsters já estão no mapa! Você só precisa configurar as coordenadas dos teleports, e o que possui no castle!
Obs².: Tudo o que você pode configurar, já está escrito em cada script!
Por Sarah Wesker
>> Only TFS 1.X+ <<
Oi tudo bem, espero que bem.
Hoje, apenas começando o ano novo, quero dar-lhe um Firestorm event que eu criei com muito amor para você.
Atualmente, há muitos eventos semelhantes, mas espero que você dê uma chance ao meu Firestorm event.
Em seguida, vou explicar rapidamente como usar o Firestorm event.
(( Passo 1 ))
Crie um novo arquivo.lua na pasta: ( data/lib/ ) com o nome ( fire_storm.lua )
Copie e cole o código no arquivo fire_storm.lua
--[[ * Fire Storm Event * Evento creado por Sarah Wesker Dia 31 de Diciembre del 2018 a las 12:30 a.m. Version compatible con TFS 1.x+ ]]-- local DEBUG_ON = true local RELOAD_LIB_ON = true local SHOW_COPYRIGHT = true if RELOAD_LIB_ON or not FSE then if not FSE then print([[>>> The Firestorm Event lib loading...]]) end ---@Fire Storm Event FSE = {} ---@Room Properties = {} = Position(3095, 1847, 8) = 33 = 31 ---@Temple Position FSE.getTemplePosition = Position(3191, 1809, 7) ---@Attack Properties FSE.attackSignalEffect = CONST_ME_HITBYFIRE FSE.attackEffect = CONST_ME_FIREAREA FSE.attackDistEffect = CONST_ANI_FIRE ---@Player Counts FSE.players = {} FSE.players.min = 2 FSE.players.max = 30 = 1 -- always less than FSE.players.min ---@Timers in seconds FSE.timer = {} FSE.timer.removeTp = 20 FSE.timer.checking = 2 FSE.timer.signal = {} FSE.timer.signal.min = 0.1 FSE.timer.signal.max = 0.5 = {} ---@Game Dificulty FSE.dificulty = {} FSE.dificulty.attacks = 30 FSE.dificulty.increment = 1 FSE.dificulty.D_attacks = FSE.dificulty.attacks FSE.dificulty.D_increment = FSE.dificulty.increment ---@Teleport Properties FSE.teleport = {} FSE.teleport.itemid = 1387 FSE.teleport.position = Position(3187, 1816, 7) FSE.teleport.destination = Position(3111, 1863, 8) FSE.teleport.actionid = 64500 -- movement script aid FSE.status = [[Stoped]] FSE.rewardContainerName = [[Firestorm Reward]] FSE.rewardContainerID = 2596 FSE.rewards = { -- { id = xxxx, count = 1 to 100 } { id = 2160, count = 100 }, { id = 2160, count = 100 } } function FSE:removeTp(seconds) local teleport = FSE.teleport.position:getTile():getItemById(FSE.teleport.itemid) if teleport then teleport:remove() FSE.teleport.position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) end FSE:CheckControl() end function FSE:Init() if FSE.status == [[Stoped]] then FSE.status = [[Waiting]] local teleport = Game.createItem(FSE.teleport.itemid, 1, FSE.teleport.position) if not teleport then FSE:Stoped() return DEBUG_ON and print([[The Firestorm Event teleport could not be created.]]) else teleport:setActionId(FSE.teleport.actionid) end addEvent(FSE.removeTp, FSE.timer.removeTp * 1000) Game.broadcastMessage(string.format([[The Firestorm Event has been activated, waiting for participants, You have %s to enter.]], getStringTimeEnglish(FSE.timer.removeTp))) else return DEBUG_ON and print([[The Firestorm Event is trying to start, but an active instance already exists.]]) end end function FSE:Stoped(players, causeMessage, forceStoped) FSE.status = [[Stoped]] for index, eventID in pairs( do stopEvent(eventID) end = {} for index, player in pairs(players) do player:teleportTo(FSE.getTemplePosition, false) end FSE.getTemplePosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) if forceStoped then Game.broadcastMessage([[The Firestorm Event was forced to close.]]) elseif causeMessage then Game.broadcastMessage(causeMessage) end FSE.dificulty.attacks = FSE.dificulty.D_attacks FSE.dificulty.increment = FSE.dificulty.D_increment return true end function FSE:Started(startMessage) FSE.status = [[Started]] if startMessage then Game.broadcastMessage(startMessage) end FSE:CheckControl() end function FSE:AddEvent(eventID) table.insert(, eventID) return eventID end local function getWinNames(players) local names = [[]] for index, player in pairs(players) do names = string.format([[%s%s%s]], names, player:getName(), next(players, index) == nil and '.' or [[, ]]) end return names end function FSE:CheckControl() if FSE.status == [[Stoped]] then -- Break Control elseif FSE.status == [[Waiting]] then local players = FSE:GetPlayers() if #players < FSE.players.min then FSE:Stoped(players, [[The Firestorm Event could not be started because there are not enough participants.]]) else FSE:Started() end elseif FSE.status == [[Started]] then local players = FSE:GetPlayers() if #players <= then if #players == 0 then FSE:Stoped(players, [[The Firestorm Event has ended.]]) else FSE:Stoped(players, string.format([[The Firestorm Event has ended, the winners are: %s]], getWinNames(players))) FSE:SendRewardToPlayers(players) end FSE:AllRightReserve() -- only credits you can remove if want. else for index = 1, FSE.dificulty.attacks do addEvent(FSE.AttackSignal, math.random(FSE.timer.signal.min * 1000, FSE.timer.signal.max * 1000)) end FSE.dificulty.attacks = FSE.dificulty.attacks + FSE.dificulty.increment FSE:AddEvent(addEvent(FSE.CheckControl, FSE.timer.checking * 1000)) end end end function FSE:GetPlayers() local spectators = Game.getSpectators(, false, true, 1,, 1, local players = {} if spectators and #spectators > 0 then for index, player in pairs(spectators) do if not player:getGroup():getAccess() then players[#players + 1] = player end end end return players end local function getRewardNames(items) local names = [[]] for index, item in pairs(items) do local it = ItemType( names = string.format([[%s%u %s%s]], names, item.count, it:getName(), next(items, index) == nil and '.' or [[, ]]) end return names end function FSE:SendRewardToPlayers(players) for index, player in pairs(players) do local depotChest = player:getDepotChest(0, true) if depotChest then local rewardContainer = Game.createItem(FSE.rewardContainerID, 1) if rewardContainer then rewardContainer:setName(FSE.rewardContainerName) local rewardNames = getRewardNames(FSE.rewards) for index2, item in pairs(FSE.rewards) do rewardContainer:addItem(, item.count) end if depotChest:addItemEx(rewardContainer, INDEX_WHEREEVER, FLAG_NOLIMIT) then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string.format([[You have received on your depot chest: %s]], rewardNames)) end end end end end function FSE:GetRandomTile() local foundTile = Tile( + Position(math.random(0,, math.random(0,, 0)) while not foundTile or not foundTile:getGround() or foundTile:hasProperty(CONST_PROP_BLOCKSOLID) do foundTile = Tile( + Position(math.random(0,, math.random(0,, 0)) end return foundTile end function FSE:AttackSignal() local foundTile = FSE:GetRandomTile() if not foundTile then return DEBUG_ON and print([[Not tile could be found in the Firestorm Event area.]]) end local position = foundTile:getPosition() position:sendMagicEffect(FSE.attackSignalEffect) return addEvent(FSE.AttackTile, 500, self, { x = position.x, y = position.y, z = position.z }) end function FSE:AttackTile(tpos) local position = Position(tpos) local creatures = position:getTile():getCreatures() local fromposdist = (position-Position(5, 5, 0)) fromposdist:sendDistanceEffect(position, FSE.attackDistEffect) position:sendMagicEffect(FSE.attackEffect) if creatures and #creatures > 0 then for index, creature in pairs(creatures) do local player = creature:getPlayer() if player and not player:getGroup():getAccess() then position:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_POFF) player:teleportTo(FSE.getTemplePosition, false) FSE.getTemplePosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) Game.broadcastMessage(string.format([[The player %s has been eliminated from the Firestorm Event.]], player:getName())) end end end end function FSE:AllRightReserve() return SHOW_COPYRIGHT and print([[The Firestorm Event has ended, all rights reserved for Sarah Wesker.]]) end if type(FSE) == [[table]] then print([[>>> The Firestorm Event lib has successfully loaded.]]) end end (( Passo 2 ))
Abra o arquivo ( data/lib/lib.lua ) e adicione esta linha:
dofile('data/lib/fire_storm.lua') (( Passo 3 ))
Abra o arquivo ( data/movements/movements.xml ) e adicione esta linha:
<movevent event="StepIn" actionid="64500" script="fire_storm.lua" /> (( Passo 4 ))
Vá para a pasta ( data/movements/scripts ) e crie um novo arquivo.lua ( fire_storm.lua )
Copie e cole o seguinte código nesse novo arquivo.lua
function onStepIn(creature, item, position, fromPosition) local player = creature:getPlayer() if player then if #FSE:GetPlayers() >= FSE.players.max then player:teleportTo(FSE.getTemplePosition, false) FSE.getTemplePosition:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) else player:teleportTo(FSE.teleport.destination, false) FSE.teleport.destination:sendMagicEffect(CONST_ME_TELEPORT) if not player:getGroup():getAccess() then player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, [[Welcome to the Firestorm Event, you have to survive the rain of fire to win.]]) else player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, [[Welcome, administrators can only participate as spectators.]]) end end else creature:teleportTo(fromPosition, false) end return true end (( Passo 5 ))
Faça o evento começar em um determinado horário!
Você abre o arquivo ( data/globalevents/globalevents.xml ) e adicione esta linha:
<globalevent name="Firestorm Event" time="12:00:00" script="fire_strom.lua" /> (( Passo 6 ))
Crie um novo arquivo.lua dentro da pasta ( data/globalevents/scripts/ ) -> ( fire_storm.lua )
e adicione este código dentro desse arquivo:
function onTime(interval) FSE:Init() return true end (( The End ))
(( Others ))
FSE:Init() | Para iniciar o evento.
FSE:Stoped() | Para parar o evento.
| |
| |
| |
Por .Smile
Olá a todos, atualmente estou aprendendo programação e desenvolvendo um Servidor, uma das coisas chatas a se fazer era ficar alternando entre um Personagem PLAYER e outro GOD para testar algumas coisas, com esses 2 scripts eu resolvi esse problema.
É um script simples que eu pretendo futuramente melhorá-lo.
What does the command do?
/adm - Transforma seu personagem em GOD e kika ele
/player - Transforma seu personagem em PLAYER e kika ele
LEMBRANDO QUE: Não é qualquer que consegue usar esse comando, você precisa ter dado a sua conta o acesso de god, assim podendo ter esse comando num Servidor Online com outros jogadores sem que os mesmos possam usar.
Code: <talkaction words="/player" script="player.lua" /> <talkaction words="/adm" script="adm.lua" /> \data\talkactions\scripts
Code: function onSay(player, words, param) if player:getAccountType() < ACCOUNT_TYPE_GOD then return false end local position = player:getPosition() player:setGroup(Group(3)) position:sendMagicEffect(14) player:remove() return false end \data\talkactions\scripts
function onSay(player, words, param) if player:getAccountType() < ACCOUNT_TYPE_GOD then return false end local position = player:getPosition() player:setGroup(Group(1)) position:sendMagicEffect(13) player:remove() return false end
Por vankk
Eu tinha esse evento muito tempo aqui no meu Pen Drive (para ser mais específico 4 anos), eu vou mudar ele para 1.2 amanha, entao nao me interessa a versao 0.4 mais. Nao sei se esta funcionando, nao tenho mapa. E nao vou explicar configuracoes, se voce nao souber configurar esse evento, voce nao merece te-lo em seu servidor!! Entao esta ai o code:
login.luaregisterCreatureEvent(cid, "TBEventC") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TBEventS") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TBEventO") tb.lualocal config = { base = {{x=121,y=126,z=7}, {x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- team1 base, team2 base teamStorage = 49595, fragStorage = {49596, 49597} } function addFrag(id) return setGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id], math.max(1, (getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id])+1))) end function getFragsTB(id) return getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) == -1 and 0 or getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) end function getTeam(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) == -1 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) end function onCombat(cid, target, lastHit, flags) if not(isPlayer(cid)) or not(isPlayer(target)) then return true end if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 and getTeam(cid) == getTeam(target) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack teammates.") and false end return true end function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if combat == COMBAT_HEALING then return true end if not(isPlayer(cid)) or not(isPlayer(attacker)) then return true end if isMonster(attacker) and getTeam(cid) ~= 0 then return false end if isMonster(attacker) then return true end if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 and getTeam(cid) == getTeam(attacker) then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You may not attack teammates.") and false elseif getTeam(cid) == 0 then return true end if type ~= STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then return true end if value >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, config.base[getTeam(cid)]) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) addFrag(getTeam(attacker)) doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You killed ".. getPlayerName(cid) .." and earned a frag for your team. Your team now has ".. getFragsTB(getTeam(attacker)) .. " frags.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You were owned by ".. getPlayerName(attacker) ..".") return false end return true end function onOutfit(cid, old, current) if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot change your outfit here.") and false end return true end globalevents
tbevent.lualocal config = { tpPos = {x=92,y=118,z=7}, -- where tp happends tpToPos = {x=130,y=130,z=7}, -- tp p onde minutes = 1, -- minute area = {{x=121,y=126,z=7},{x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- top left and bottom right corner of fight area waiting = {{x=121,y=126,z=7},{x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- top left and bottom right corner of waiting arena needed = 2, -- minimum players timeToEnd = 30*1000, -- time to end base = {{x=121,y=126,z=7}, {x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- team1 base, team2 base names = {"Alliance", "Horde"}, -- team names outfit = {{132, 136, 40},{132, 136, 160}}, -- outfits teamStorage = 49595, fragStorage = {49596, 49597}, fragsToWin = 3, -- frags to win outfitStorage = 49598 } function getFragsTB(id) return getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) == -1 and 0 or getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) end function getTeam(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) == -1 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) end function setTeam(cid, team) local o = getCreatureOutfit(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.outfitStorage, "{lookType=" .. o.lookType .. ", lookHead=" .. o.lookHead .. ", lookAddons=" .. o.lookAddons .. ", lookLegs=" .. o.lookLegs .. ", lookBody="..o.lookBody .. ", lookFeet=".. o.lookFeet.."}") doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, {lookType = config.outfit[team][getPlayerSex(cid)+1], lookHead = config.outfit[team][3], lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = config.outfit[team][3], lookBody = config.outfit[team][3], lookFeet = config.outfit[team][3]}) return setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage, team) end function winner(id) if isInArray({1,2}, id) then doBroadcastMessage(config.names[id] .. " has won the Team Battle event.") for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getTeam(cid) == id then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Your team has won the Team Battle event.") local rand = math.random(1,3) if rand == 1 then doPlayerAddItem(cid, SOFTBOOTS_ID, 1) elseif rand == 2 then doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2160, 10) else doAddPoints(cid, 5) end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Your team has lost the Team Battle event.") end end else doBroadcastMessage("No one won the Team Battle event. DRAW") end for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 then doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage, -1) setGlobalStorageValue(5474578, -1) doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, loadstring("return " .. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.outfitStorage))()) end end end function areaPlayers(c) local t = {} for x = c[1].x, c[2].x do for y = c[1].y, c[2].y do for z = c[1].z, c[2].z do local tmp = getThingFromPos({x=x,y=y,z=z,stackpos=253}) if tmp.uid > 0 and (isPlayer(tmp.uid)) then table.insert(t, tmp.uid) end end end end return t end function endTB(z) if z >= config.timeToEnd then local w = getFragsTB(1) == getFragsTB(2) and 3 or getFragsTB(1) > getFragsTB(2) and 1 or 2 return winner(w) elseif getFragsTB(1) ~= getFragsTB(2) then if getFragsTB(1) >= config.fragsToWin then return winner(1) elseif getFragsTB(2) >= config.fragsToWin then return winner(2) end end addEvent(endTB, 25, z+25) end function setTeams(cid, team) local pos = config.base[team] if not(isPlayer(cid)) then return true end doTeleportThing(cid, pos) doSendMagicEffect(pos, 10) setTeam(cid, team) end function startTB() doRemoveItem(getTileItemById(config.tpPos, 1387).uid) local ppl = areaPlayers(config.waiting) for i = 1, #ppl do local level = getPlayerLevel(ppl[i]) if not(level >= 150) then -- LEVEL HERE doTeleportThing(ppl[i], getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(ppl[i]), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "To fight here must be level 150.") end end ppl = areaPlayers(config.waiting) if #ppl%2 == 1 then local r = ppl[math.random(#ppl)] doTeleportThing(r, getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(r), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(r, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Sorry, but you were kicked from the event for balancement.") end ppl = areaPlayers(config.waiting) if #ppl >= config.needed then for p = 1, #ppl/2 do addEvent(setTeams, 10*1000, ppl[p], 1) for i = 10, 1, -1 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, (10-i)*1000, ppl[p], MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Team Battle event will start in " .. i .. " seconds.") end end for p = #ppl/2+1, #ppl do addEvent(setTeams, 10*1000, ppl[p], 2) for i = 10, 1, -1 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, (10-i)*1000, ppl[p], MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Team Battle event will start in " .. i .. " seconds.") end end addEvent(endTB, 10*1000, 0) return doBroadcastMessage("Team Battle event started.") end for i = 1, #ppl do doTeleportThing(ppl[i], getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(1), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(ppl[i], MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "There were not enough players") end doBroadcastMessage("Team Battle failed to start, because there were not enough players.") setGlobalStorageValue(5474578, -1) end function onTime() setGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[1], -1) setGlobalStorageValue(5474578, 1) setGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[2], -1) doBroadcastMessage("Team Battle event will start in " .. config.minutes .. " minutes. The teleporter is open now. ") doCreateTeleport(1387, config.tpToPos, config.tpPos) for m = config.minutes-1, 0, -1 do if m == 0 then addEvent(startTB, config.minutes*60*1000) else addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, (config.minutes-m)*60*1000, "Team Battle event will start in " .. m .. " minutes.") end end return true end Créditos: Desconhecido.
Yours VANKK; -
Por jNo
Esse script do Vodkart, da um erro no distro, pedindo Event onTime not found.
Versão 8.60
TFS 4.0
function onTimer() local days = 15*24*60*60 doSaveServer() local query = db.getResult("SELECT `owner`,`id` FROM `houses`;") if (query:getID() ~= -1) then while true do local own,houseid = query:getDataInt("owner"),query:getDataInt("id") local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `lastlogin` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..own) if(qry:getID() ~= -1) then last = tonumber(qry:getDataInt("lastlogin")) if last < os.time() - days then setHouseOwner(houseid, NO_OWNER_PHRASE,true) end end if not(query:next()) then break end end query:free() end return true end
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