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  • 1 year later...

Olá, eu tenho esses 2 erros


Lua Script Error: [GlobalEvent Interface]
data/lib/fire_storm.lua:92: attempt to call global 'getStringTimeEnglish' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'getStringTimeEnglish'
        data/lib/fire_storm.lua:92: in function 'Init'
        data/globalevents/scripts/fire_storm.lua:2: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/fire_storm.lua:1>

Lua Script Error: [Main Interface]
in a timer event called from:
(Unknown scriptfile)
data/lib/fire_storm.lua:197: attempt to call method 'setName' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'setName'
        data/lib/fire_storm.lua:197: in function 'SendRewardToPlayers'
        data/lib/fire_storm.lua:156: in function <data/lib/fire_storm.lua:139>

Senhoras e senhores, se alguma resposta lhe ajudou, marque-a como a melhor resposta e de ponto positivo, assim você incentiva quem lhe ajudou a continuar ajudando!!.

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45 minutos atrás, tetheuscunha disse:

Olá, eu tenho esses 2 erros



Lua Script Error: [GlobalEvent Interface]
data/lib/fire_storm.lua:92: attempt to call global 'getStringTimeEnglish' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'getStringTimeEnglish'
        data/lib/fire_storm.lua:92: in function 'Init'
        data/globalevents/scripts/fire_storm.lua:2: in function <data/globalevents/scripts/fire_storm.lua:1>

Lua Script Error: [Main Interface]
in a timer event called from:
(Unknown scriptfile)
data/lib/fire_storm.lua:197: attempt to call method 'setName' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'setName'
        data/lib/fire_storm.lua:197: in function 'SendRewardToPlayers'
        data/lib/fire_storm.lua:156: in function <data/lib/fire_storm.lua:139>



No sábado eu posto a parte do script que tá faltando nesse código. 

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2 horas atrás, movie disse:

No sábado eu posto a parte do script que tá faltando nesse código. 


ok, vou aguarda. !!

Senhoras e senhores, se alguma resposta lhe ajudou, marque-a como a melhor resposta e de ponto positivo, assim você incentiva quem lhe ajudou a continuar ajudando!!.

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Na pasta lib, procure a pasta compat. Dentro dela abra o compat.lua e adicione essa função


function getStringTimeEnglish(tempo)
	local result = {}

	result.hours = math.floor(tempo / 3600)
	tempo = math.max(0, tempo - (result.hours * 3600))

	result.minutes = math.floor(tempo / 60)
	tempo = math.max(0, tempo - (result.minutes * 60))

	result.seconds = tempo
	return result


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    • Por Neutraz
      Advanced Roulette System (TFS 0.3.6)
      Hi everyone! This is my first contribution to the Tibia community, and I hope you find it very useful. It's a gacha-style roulette system with dynamic speed mechanics and multi-key functionality.
      What's it about?
      This script adds a roulette (Tested on: Tibia 8.6 -- TFS 0.3.6) where players can use keys to spin the roulette and win rewards. The system includes:
      Multi-key support: using 1 to 4 keys per spin, increasing the chances of winning. Dynamic speed: The roulette gradually accelerates during the spin to make it more exciting. Configurable rewards: You can define which items can be won and with what probability. You can even add "reroll" value to increase the difficulty! Visual effects: Includes simple effects and text animations to make the experience more engaging. Activity log: Keeps a record of which players won which items.  
      Demo Video (x1.5 Speed)
      Copy the `Roulette.lua` file to the `data/actions/scripts` folder of your TFS server. --[[ ================================================================================ = ROULETTE SYSTEM FOR TFS = = = = Author: Neutras = = Version: 2.1 = = Description: Gacha-style roulette system with dynamic speed mechanics = = and multi-key feature. = = = = Features: = = - Multi-key support (1-4 keys per spin). = = - Dynamic speed animation with configurable initial and final speeds. = = - Persistent "Winner Slot" effects and animated texts. = = - Configurable rewards with reroll chances. = = - Logging system to track player rewards. = = = = Compatible with TFS 0.3.7 (Tibia 8.6). = ================================================================================ --]] -- ================= LOGGING SYSTEM ================= -- local logPath = "data/logs/" local logFileName = "roulette.log" -- Logs player rewards to a file. -- @param cid: Player ID. -- @param keyName: Name of the key used. -- @param items: Table of items won. -- @param keyCount: Number of keys used. local function logEntry(cid, keyName, items, keyCount) local file = .. logFileName, "a") if file then local itemStrings = {} for _, item in ipairs(items) do table.insert(itemStrings, string.format("x%d %s", item.count, getItemNameById( end file:write(string.format("[%s] %s used %d '%s' and won: %s\n","%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), getPlayerName(cid), keyCount, keyName, table.concat(itemStrings, ", "))) file:close() end end -- ================= BASE CONFIGURATION ================= -- -- Levers Action IDs to key item IDs. local keyByAid = { [1354] = 9971, -- Key for reward level 1 (Copper) [1355] = 9972, -- Key for reward level 2 (Silver) [1356] = 9973 -- Key for reward level 3 (Golden) } -- Levers Action IDs to reward levels. local rewardByAid = { [1354] = 1, -- Reward level 1 (Copper) [1355] = 2, -- Reward level 2 (Silver) [1356] = 3 -- Reward level 3 (Golden) } -- Relative positions of the slots in the roulette. local rouletteSpinOffset = { {1, -4}, {2, -4}, {3, -4}, {3, -3}, {4, -3}, {4, -2}, {4, -1}, {5, -1}, {5, 0}, {5, 1}, {4, 1}, {4, 2}, {4, 3}, {3, 3}, {3, 4}, {2, 4}, {1, 4}, {0, 4}, {-1, 4}, {-2, 4}, {-3, 4}, {-3, 3}, {-4, 3}, {-4, 2}, {-4, 1}, {-5, 1}, {-5, 0}, {-5, -1},{-4, -1},{-4, -2}, {-4, -3},{-3, -3},{-3, -4},{-2, -4},{-1, -4}, {0, -4} } -- ================= MAIN CONFIGURATION ================= -- local config = { rouletteCD = 30, -- Global cooldown in seconds. globalStoCd = 22600, -- Storage ID for cooldown. globalStoKeyCount = 22601, -- Storage ID for key count. maxLoops = 100, -- Maximum iterations per spin. initialSpeed = 50, -- Initial speed in milliseconds. finalSpeed = 400, -- Final speed in milliseconds. effectLever = 35, -- Effect when activating the lever. effectRewardPlayer = 28, -- Effect on the player when winning. effectReward = 28, -- Effect on the winning slot. -- Reward table by level. -- Formula: Real Probability = (Item Chance / Total Chances) * (1 - (Reroll % / 100)) items = { [1] = { {id = 1, chance = 80, count = 5}, }, [2] = { {id = 2, chance = 70, count = 1, porc_cambio = 30}, }, [3] = { {id = 3, chance = 25, count = 1, porc_cambio = 70} } } } -- ================= PROBABILITY CACHING ================= -- -- Precalculates cumulative probabilities for each reward level. local cumulativeChanceCache = {} for rewardId, items in pairs(config.items) do local total = 0 local cumulative = {} for _, item in ipairs(items) do total = total + item.chance table.insert(cumulative, {item = item, threshold = total}) end cumulativeChanceCache[rewardId] = {total = total, items = cumulative} end -- ================= UTILITY FUNCTIONS ================= -- -- Calculates the speed of the roulette animation based on progress. -- @param progress: Current progress (0 to 1). -- @return: Speed in milliseconds. local function calculateSpeed(progress) return config.initialSpeed + (config.finalSpeed - config.initialSpeed) * progress^3 end -- Selects a random item from the reward table, considering reroll chances. -- @param rewardId: Reward level ID. -- @return: Selected item. local function chooseRouletteItem(rewardId) local cache = cumulativeChanceCache[rewardId] local roll = math.random( for _, entry in ipairs(cache.items) do if roll <= entry.threshold then if entry.item.porc_cambio and math.random(100) <= entry.item.porc_cambio then return chooseRouletteItem(rewardId) end return entry.item end end return cache.items[#cache.items].item end -- Rotates the slots in the roulette. -- @param slots: Table of slots. local function rotateSlots(slots) local last = slots[36] for i = 36, 2, -1 do slots[i] = slots[i-1] end slots[1] = last end -- Updates the visual display of the roulette. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. -- @param slots: Table of slots. -- @param isFillingPhase: Whether the slots are being filled for the first time. local function updateRouletteDisplay(cpos, slots, isFillingPhase) for i = 1, 36 do local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[i][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[i][2], z = cpos.z } doCleanTile(pos) if slots[i] then doCreateItem(slots[i].id, slots[i].count, pos) -- Show puff effect only during the initial filling phase. if isFillingPhase then doSendMagicEffect(pos, 14) end end end end -- ================= WINNER SLOTS AND EFFECTS ================= -- -- Shows "Winner Slot" animated text on winning slots. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. -- @param keyCount: Number of keys used. local function showWinnerSlots(cpos, keyCount) local winningSlots = {} if keyCount == 1 then winningSlots = {36} elseif keyCount == 2 then winningSlots = {36, 18} elseif keyCount == 3 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9} elseif keyCount == 4 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9, 27} else winningSlots = {36} -- Default to one winning slot if keyCount is invalid. end for _, slot in ipairs(winningSlots) do local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][2], z = cpos.z } doSendAnimatedText(pos, "Winner Slot", TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW) end end -- Shows the number of keys in use. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. local function showKeyCount(cpos) local keyCount = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) keyCount = (keyCount < 1 or keyCount > 4) and 1 or keyCount local pos = {x = 1013, y = 995, z = 7} doSendAnimatedText(pos, string.format("Keys: %d", keyCount), TEXTCOLOR_LIGHTBLUE) end -- ================= MAIN ROULETTE LOGIC ================= -- -- Main animation function, recursively called to simulate the roulette spin. -- @param cid: Player ID. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. -- @param rewardId: ID of the reward level. -- @param nloop: Current iteration number. -- @param slots: Table of slots (items). -- @param keyName: Name of the key used. -- @param keyCount: Number of keys used. local function shuffle(cid, cpos, rewardId, nloop, slots, keyName, keyCount) if nloop > config.maxLoops then if isPlayer(cid) then -- Determine winning slots based on the number of keys used. local winningSlots = {} if keyCount == 1 then winningSlots = {36} elseif keyCount == 2 then winningSlots = {36, 18} elseif keyCount == 3 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9} elseif keyCount == 4 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9, 27} else winningSlots = {36} -- Default to one winning slot if keyCount is invalid. end -- Get the winning items and their positions. local wonItems = {} local winPositions = {} for _, slot in ipairs(winningSlots) do if slots[slot] then table.insert(wonItems, slots[slot]) local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][2], z = cpos.z } table.insert(winPositions, pos) end end -- Award the items and display visual effects. if #wonItems > 0 then for _, pos in ipairs(winPositions) do doSendAnimatedText(pos, "Winner Slot", TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW) doSendMagicEffect(pos, config.effectReward) end for _, item in ipairs(wonItems) do doPlayerAddItem(cid,, item.count) end doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), config.effectRewardPlayer) -- Display a message to the player with all the rewards. local itemList = {} for _, item in ipairs(wonItems) do table.insert(itemList, string.format("x%d %s", item.count, getItemNameById( end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "[ROULETTE] You won: " .. table.concat(itemList, ", ")) -- Log the player's rewards. logEntry(cid, keyName, wonItems, keyCount) else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "[ROULETTE] No items won.") end setGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd, 0) end return end -- Initial filling phase of the roulette slots. if nloop <= 36 then slots[nloop] = chooseRouletteItem(rewardId) updateRouletteDisplay(cpos, slots, true) else -- Rotate the slots and update the display. rotateSlots(slots) updateRouletteDisplay(cpos, slots, false) -- Show effects on the winning slots every 5 iterations. if nloop % 5 == 0 then local winningSlots = {} if keyCount == 1 then winningSlots = {36} elseif keyCount == 2 then winningSlots = {36, 18} elseif keyCount == 3 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9} elseif keyCount == 4 then winningSlots = {36, 18, 9, 27} else winningSlots = {36} -- Default to one winning slot if keyCount is invalid. end for _, slot in ipairs(winningSlots) do local pos = { x = cpos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][1], y = cpos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[slot][2], z = cpos.z } doSendMagicEffect(pos, config.effectReward) end end end -- Schedule the next iteration with dynamic speed. local progress = nloop / config.maxLoops addEvent(shuffle, calculateSpeed(progress), cid, cpos, rewardId, nloop + 1, slots, keyName, keyCount) end -- ================= PERIODIC EFFECTS AND TEXTS ================= -- -- Shows effects and texts periodically. -- @param cpos: Center position of the roulette. local function showEffectsAndTexts(cpos) local keyCount = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) keyCount = (keyCount < 1 or keyCount > 4) and 1 or keyCount -- Ensure keyCount is within range. -- Show "Winner Slot" on the winning slots. showWinnerSlots(cpos, keyCount) -- Show the number of keys in use. showKeyCount(cpos) -- Schedule the next execution. addEvent(showEffectsAndTexts, 1500, cpos) end -- ================= EFFECT SCRIPT INITIALIZATION ================= -- -- Start the periodic effects and texts when the script is loaded. local cpos = {x = 1012, y = 994, z = 7} -- Center position of the roulette. addEvent(function() showEffectsAndTexts(cpos) end, 5000) -- 5 seconds delay since server start. -- ================= MAIN OBJECT USE FUNCTION ================= -- -- Called when the roulette object is used. function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) -- Handle the key change lever. if item.aid == 1360 then local current = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) current = (current < 1 or current > 4) and 1 or (current % 4) + 1 setGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount, current) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, string.format("Now using %d keys per spin.", current)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(item.uid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_GREEN) return true end -- Handle the roulette levers. if not keyByAid[item.aid] then return false end local key = keyByAid[item.aid] local keyName = getItemNameById(key) local requiredKeys = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoKeyCount) requiredKeys = (requiredKeys < 1 or requiredKeys > 4) and 1 or requiredKeys if getPlayerAccess(cid) < 5 and getPlayerItemCount(cid, key) < requiredKeys then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, string.format("You need %d %s to play!", requiredKeys, keyName)) doSendMagicEffect(topos, 14) return true end local rewardId = rewardByAid[item.aid] or 1 -- Get the reward level based on the lever. Default to 1 if not found. local pos = {x = 1012, y = 994, z = 7} -- Center position of the roulette. if getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd) > os.time() and getPlayerAccess(cid) < 5 then local remaining = getGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd) - os.time() doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Wait " .. remaining .. " seconds to play again.") return true end setGlobalStorageValue(config.globalStoCd, os.time() + config.rouletteCD) -- Set the cooldown. doTransformItem(item.uid, item.itemid == 9825 and 9826 or 9825) -- Change the lever's appearance. -- Clear the tiles around the roulette and add magic effects. for i = 1, 36 do local rpos = { x = pos.x + rouletteSpinOffset[i][1], y = pos.y + rouletteSpinOffset[i][2], z = pos.z } doCleanTile(rpos) doSendMagicEffect(rpos, config.effectReward) end if key > 0 then doPlayerRemoveItem(cid, key, requiredKeys) end -- Remove the keys from the player's inventory. doSendMagicEffect(pos, config.effectLever) -- Play the lever activation effect. math.randomseed(os.time() + getPlayerGUID(cid)) -- Seed the random number generator. addEvent(shuffle, config.initialSpeed, cid, pos, rewardId, 1, {}, keyName, requiredKeys) -- Start the roulette animation. return true end  
      Add the following lines within the `<actions>` tag in your `data/actions/actions.xml` file: <action actionid="XXX;YYYY;ZZZZ;AAAA" event="script" value="Roulette.lua"/> Replace `XXXX`, `YYYY`, and `ZZZZ` with the unique IDs of the levers that will activate the roulette (make sure they are not in use!).
      The ID `AAAA` is for the lever that changes the number of keys to use.
      Open the `Roulette.lua` file and adjust the `config.items` table with the items you want players to be able to win. Remember to balance the probabilities.  
      Code Explanation
      The script is divided into several sections to facilitate understanding:
      LOGGING SYSTEM: Handles logging the rewards obtained by players. BASE CONFIGURATION: Defines object IDs and reward levels. MAIN CONFIGURATION: Contains the main options of the system, such as the wait time between spins, the speed of the roulette, and the rewards. PROBABILITY CACHING: Optimizes the calculation of probabilities so that the system runs smoothly. UTILITY FUNCTIONS: Helper functions to calculate speed, choose items randomly, and update the roulette display. WINNER SLOTS AND EFFECTS: Displays the "Winner Slot" text and other visual effects in the winning spaces. MAIN ROULETTE LOGIC: The main function that controls the roulette animation and the delivery of rewards. PERIODIC EFFECTS AND TEXTS: Displays effects and texts periodically. SCRIPT INITIALIZATION: Initializes the effect system when the script is loaded. MAIN OBJECT USE FUNCTION: The function that is executed when a player interacts with a lever.

      I hope this roulette system is a great addition to your server! If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for your support!  
    • Por Sekk
      Bom, procurei esse Castle por MUITO TEMPO, mas não achei em NENHUM LUGAR DA INTERNET. Ontem, eu estava vendo alguns mapas do @Deathrocks, e vi nos prints, que o mapa possuia o evento que eu queria!
      Então baixei o mapa e extrai o evento, então venho lhes trazer!
      Nome: Castle 24H
      Cliente: 8.6
      Versão TFS: 0.4
      Tipo: Evento
      Bom, para começar, vamos em actions/scripts e crie 2 arquivos:
        Agora em actions.xml adicione as tags:
      Agora em monster/traps crie 3 arquivos:
      Agora em monsters.xml adicione as tags:    
      Vamos para movements/scripts e crie 2 arquivos:
      Agora em movements.xml adicione as tags:  
      Pronto. Agora você só precisa baixar o mapa, inserir o mesmo ao seu servidor, configurar os teleports, e as hunts dentro do castle etc.
      1ª parte
      2ª parte:
      Obs.: Todos os ActionID e monsters já estão no mapa! Você só precisa configurar as coordenadas dos teleports, e o que possui no castle!
      Obs².: Tudo o que você pode configurar, já está escrito em cada script!
    • Por vankk
      Eu tinha esse evento muito tempo aqui no meu Pen Drive (para ser mais específico 4 anos), eu vou mudar ele para 1.2 amanha, entao nao me interessa a versao 0.4 mais. Nao sei se esta funcionando, nao tenho mapa. E nao vou explicar configuracoes, se voce nao souber configurar esse evento, voce nao merece te-lo em seu servidor!! Entao esta ai o code:

      login.luaregisterCreatureEvent(cid, "TBEventC") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TBEventS") registerCreatureEvent(cid, "TBEventO") tb.lualocal config = { base = {{x=121,y=126,z=7}, {x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- team1 base, team2 base teamStorage = 49595, fragStorage = {49596, 49597} } function addFrag(id) return setGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id], math.max(1, (getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id])+1))) end function getFragsTB(id) return getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) == -1 and 0 or getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) end function getTeam(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) == -1 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) end function onCombat(cid, target, lastHit, flags) if not(isPlayer(cid)) or not(isPlayer(target)) then return true end if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 and getTeam(cid) == getTeam(target) then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack teammates.") and false end return true end function onStatsChange(cid, attacker, type, combat, value) if combat == COMBAT_HEALING then return true end if not(isPlayer(cid)) or not(isPlayer(attacker)) then return true end if isMonster(attacker) and getTeam(cid) ~= 0 then return false end if isMonster(attacker) then return true end if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 and getTeam(cid) == getTeam(attacker) then return doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You may not attack teammates.") and false elseif getTeam(cid) == 0 then return true end if type ~= STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then return true end if value >= getCreatureHealth(cid) then doTeleportThing(cid, config.base[getTeam(cid)]) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)) addFrag(getTeam(attacker)) doPlayerSendTextMessage(attacker, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You killed ".. getPlayerName(cid) .." and earned a frag for your team. Your team now has ".. getFragsTB(getTeam(attacker)) .. " frags.") doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "You were owned by ".. getPlayerName(attacker) ..".") return false end return true end function onOutfit(cid, old, current) if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 then return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You cannot change your outfit here.") and false end return true end globalevents
      tbevent.lualocal config = { tpPos = {x=92,y=118,z=7}, -- where tp happends tpToPos = {x=130,y=130,z=7}, -- tp p onde minutes = 1, -- minute area = {{x=121,y=126,z=7},{x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- top left and bottom right corner of fight area waiting = {{x=121,y=126,z=7},{x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- top left and bottom right corner of waiting arena needed = 2, -- minimum players timeToEnd = 30*1000, -- time to end base = {{x=121,y=126,z=7}, {x=142,y=149,z=7}}, -- team1 base, team2 base names = {"Alliance", "Horde"}, -- team names outfit = {{132, 136, 40},{132, 136, 160}}, -- outfits teamStorage = 49595, fragStorage = {49596, 49597}, fragsToWin = 3, -- frags to win outfitStorage = 49598 } function getFragsTB(id) return getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) == -1 and 0 or getGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[id]) end function getTeam(cid) return getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) == -1 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage) end function setTeam(cid, team) local o = getCreatureOutfit(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.outfitStorage, "{lookType=" .. o.lookType .. ", lookHead=" .. o.lookHead .. ", lookAddons=" .. o.lookAddons .. ", lookLegs=" .. o.lookLegs .. ", lookBody="..o.lookBody .. ", lookFeet=".. o.lookFeet.."}") doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, {lookType = config.outfit[team][getPlayerSex(cid)+1], lookHead = config.outfit[team][3], lookAddons = 3, lookLegs = config.outfit[team][3], lookBody = config.outfit[team][3], lookFeet = config.outfit[team][3]}) return setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage, team) end function winner(id) if isInArray({1,2}, id) then doBroadcastMessage(config.names[id] .. " has won the Team Battle event.") for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getTeam(cid) == id then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Your team has won the Team Battle event.") local rand = math.random(1,3) if rand == 1 then doPlayerAddItem(cid, SOFTBOOTS_ID, 1) elseif rand == 2 then doPlayerAddItem(cid, 2160, 10) else doAddPoints(cid, 5) end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Your team has lost the Team Battle event.") end end else doBroadcastMessage("No one won the Team Battle event. DRAW") end for _, cid in pairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getTeam(cid) ~= 0 then doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), 10) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.teamStorage, -1) setGlobalStorageValue(5474578, -1) doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, loadstring("return " .. getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.outfitStorage))()) end end end function areaPlayers(c) local t = {} for x = c[1].x, c[2].x do for y = c[1].y, c[2].y do for z = c[1].z, c[2].z do local tmp = getThingFromPos({x=x,y=y,z=z,stackpos=253}) if tmp.uid > 0 and (isPlayer(tmp.uid)) then table.insert(t, tmp.uid) end end end end return t end function endTB(z) if z >= config.timeToEnd then local w = getFragsTB(1) == getFragsTB(2) and 3 or getFragsTB(1) > getFragsTB(2) and 1 or 2 return winner(w) elseif getFragsTB(1) ~= getFragsTB(2) then if getFragsTB(1) >= config.fragsToWin then return winner(1) elseif getFragsTB(2) >= config.fragsToWin then return winner(2) end end addEvent(endTB, 25, z+25) end function setTeams(cid, team) local pos = config.base[team] if not(isPlayer(cid)) then return true end doTeleportThing(cid, pos) doSendMagicEffect(pos, 10) setTeam(cid, team) end function startTB() doRemoveItem(getTileItemById(config.tpPos, 1387).uid) local ppl = areaPlayers(config.waiting) for i = 1, #ppl do local level = getPlayerLevel(ppl[i]) if not(level >= 150) then -- LEVEL HERE doTeleportThing(ppl[i], getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(ppl[i]), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "To fight here must be level 150.") end end ppl = areaPlayers(config.waiting) if #ppl%2 == 1 then local r = ppl[math.random(#ppl)] doTeleportThing(r, getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(r), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(r, MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Sorry, but you were kicked from the event for balancement.") end ppl = areaPlayers(config.waiting) if #ppl >= config.needed then for p = 1, #ppl/2 do addEvent(setTeams, 10*1000, ppl[p], 1) for i = 10, 1, -1 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, (10-i)*1000, ppl[p], MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Team Battle event will start in " .. i .. " seconds.") end end for p = #ppl/2+1, #ppl do addEvent(setTeams, 10*1000, ppl[p], 2) for i = 10, 1, -1 do addEvent(doPlayerSendTextMessage, (10-i)*1000, ppl[p], MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "Team Battle event will start in " .. i .. " seconds.") end end addEvent(endTB, 10*1000, 0) return doBroadcastMessage("Team Battle event started.") end for i = 1, #ppl do doTeleportThing(ppl[i], getTownTemplePosition(1)) doSendMagicEffect(getTownTemplePosition(1), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(ppl[i], MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, "There were not enough players") end doBroadcastMessage("Team Battle failed to start, because there were not enough players.") setGlobalStorageValue(5474578, -1) end function onTime() setGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[1], -1) setGlobalStorageValue(5474578, 1) setGlobalStorageValue(config.fragStorage[2], -1) doBroadcastMessage("Team Battle event will start in " .. config.minutes .. " minutes. The teleporter is open now. ") doCreateTeleport(1387, config.tpToPos, config.tpPos) for m = config.minutes-1, 0, -1 do if m == 0 then addEvent(startTB, config.minutes*60*1000) else addEvent(doBroadcastMessage, (config.minutes-m)*60*1000, "Team Battle event will start in " .. m .. " minutes.") end end return true end Créditos: Desconhecido.

      Yours VANKK;
    • Por jNo
      Esse script do Vodkart, da um erro no distro, pedindo Event onTime not found.

      Versão 8.60
      TFS 4.0

      function onTimer() local days = 15*24*60*60 doSaveServer() local query = db.getResult("SELECT `owner`,`id` FROM `houses`;") if (query:getID() ~= -1) then while true do local own,houseid = query:getDataInt("owner"),query:getDataInt("id") local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `lastlogin` FROM `players` WHERE `id` = "..own) if(qry:getID() ~= -1) then last = tonumber(qry:getDataInt("lastlogin")) if last < os.time() - days then setHouseOwner(houseid, NO_OWNER_PHRASE,true) end end if not(query:next()) then break end end query:free() end return true end
    • Por lolksky
      Bom galera, o sisteminha é um pouquim complexo, mas vamos lá...
      Gostaria que todo dia 1°, às 12:00, abram 6 TPs no mapa.
      Esses tps devem ficar abertos por 12 horas, após esse horários eles desapareçam.
      Porém, há dois problemas:
      1° Um dos TPs só poderá ser acessado contendo 5 diferentes storages (o player tem que ter os 5).
      2° O player após entrar 1 vez em qualquer um dos TPs, ele só poderá entrar novamente em qualquer um dos tps na próxima vez que o evento iniciar, ou seja, no próximo dia 1.
      PS.: incluir mensagens informando que o evento inciou e os Tps abriram, quando os tps fecharem, que o player não pode entrar novamente no tp (caso já tenha entrado)
      Desde já agreço!
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